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is this gun legit (aks-74u UN Kobra) on namalsk

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Ok so its my first time playing on namalsk and I was playing on a server that was called something like coKe private hive server and I found a gun called aks-74u un Kobra with ak sd mags in the nijita military base and first off I was wondering if this was a real gun, second, what the un stands for and third if this gun only uses sd mags.

any feedback would be appreciated

also sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes because im using an ipad to type this that i suck with typing and i have bad grammar

heres some pictures if anyones interested:



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If it was a private hive, they could have always added it in customly. The Aks-74u Kobra is a common DayZ gun, although the UN version is not on the regular DayZ weapons drop list along with the ak sd mags. Then again, I don't really play Namalsk (I think thats the one with the nijita military base).

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