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About shadey477

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. just started playing today, love your server! and if anyones looking to partner up, i'm there
  2. I support you man this is some serious bullshit
  3. shadey477

    a few namalsk question

    just a couple tip, I just killed one and how you find it is if you hear foot steps that are slower than your footsteps when your slow walking, also they kinda look like squid people
  4. shadey477

    So I found a mutant heart...

    I'm really confused here, so what does the apsi do?
  5. Ok so its my first time playing on namalsk and I was playing on a server that was called something like coKe private hive server and I found a gun called aks-74u un Kobra with ak sd mags in the nijita military base and first off I was wondering if this was a real gun, second, what the un stands for and third if this gun only uses sd mags. any feedback would be appreciated also sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes because im using an ipad to type this that i suck with typing and i have bad grammar heres some pictures if anyones interested:
  6. and let me know if you find a list for unofficial dayz guns
  7. the ones that i can think of off the top of my head would be the lapua magnum sniper rifle if thats how its spelt, a silenced PDW, aks-74u un kobra, which i just found, and ak-74 PSO