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Actual bottled watter in plastic bottles (not canteen) should be more common than soft drinks.

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Hello there,

This might be a bit nitpicky, but I think it's odd that in the supermarkets and residentials we find more canned sodas like Coke and Pepsi, compared to the should-be more common "bottled water" (not canteens, but the plastic bottled water that is very often sold in supermarkets) you know, the one that looks like this:


This should have been a more common item compared to coke and pepsi, and on the plus side, you can also refill this (they have a chance to get destroyed after a few uses/refills, just like real plastic bottles)

It's a small thing, but adds a bit more civilian atmosphere to the modern times urban theme.

Edited by GeneticFreak

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But then we need the multiple brands, so Rocket can secretly study our brains as to which bottled water brand we like the most.

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That would depend on the country where the game takes place, in this case Tcheque Republic / Chernarus.

Bottled water is a lot more common in France for example than in England.

Coke tins / Whisky bottles and plastic water bottles have infested the world and will be here long after man has dissapeared !

Just trek up to Everest or Annapurna and see for yourself.

Just nit-picking a little myself but yes, plastic water bottles should be in, and it might help with the copyright question.

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Hello there

Bottled water is incredibly common in the UK. 15-20 years ago perhaps not. I got 2 bottles by my bed at the moment.


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Regarding The copyright issue .. Rocket should get Money (or get The right to use their Name for Free )from Heinz, Coca Cola, Pepsi etc. Because in fact he does advertise their product in his Game.

I went to The store and found a can of Heinz beans and reminded of dayz immediately and bought it as a joke Christmas present for a friend.

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When the zombie apocalypse hit the soft drinks giants had successfully purchased all of the canteen manufacturing companies and the only canteens available are brought in from what the army has left which only spawn in with helicopter crashes as those solders have them.

Besides I wouldn't trust filling my canteen up with out some purification method, the soda cans are the safest drinking sources in game, packaged pre apocalypse and keep my caffeine levels high.

Edited by zimsabre

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Whenever i go by the drinks section in my store i see mostly soft drinks and not so much bottled water. But then again, our tap water quality is top notch!

Either way, does it matter? Ok, some more variety may not hurt but it's just hydration. I don't care if it's a coke, pepsi or water bottle (though a water bottle is much more practical)

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