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Dayz Commander: Dayz +

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I my be a noob for asking this question but whats the "Dayz + (1.12)" under the maps to install?

In the Dayz Commander of course.......

Edited by KC Pr3lLoX

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It's a mod of the DayZMod, aimed at implementing features the community has requested, the guy making it is also on the community dev team so you might see some of the popular changes made here added to the official mod at some point. I haven't played it yet but a few of the features/differences include:

- Construction system (ladders, gates, barriers, camo netting, watch towers etc)

- New types of clothing (soldier clothing, different camo, woodland, ghillies etc)

- New weapons

- New tent models

- Less high-end military loot (I think AS50's, NVG's, Rangefinders, M107's have been removed entirely)

- Backpack sizes/slots adjusted

- Some weapons changed (crowbar is a toolbelt item now and damage increased, crossbow fire rate increased etc)

- Loot spawn rates/tables completely redone.

- New types of crash sites.

- Zombie damage increased

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Looks great, but ew, don't remove as50's and m107's unless you remove helicopters as well..

Remove one superpower that is the only counter to another superpower and next thing we know it's gonna be a gongshow of heli rape :( as if they weren't powerful enough?

I'm not suggesting removal of helicopters per say, but seriously don't remove the ONLY counter to them.


Edited by bonesnap

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I my be a noob for asking this question but whats the "Dayz + (1.12)" under the maps to install?

In the Dayz Commander of course.......


It's an older version of a modded Dayz mod that mods Arma II.

Simpler form:

The Dayz map requires a previous version of Dayz.

Edited by deejay2900

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It's an older version of a modded Dayz mod that mods Arma II.

Yo dawg, Heard you liked mods so I put a mod on a mod.

Edited by MeowMeow

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yeah i tried it out.... you can build bases like watch towers fences and stuff and also theres new different camoes and much more awesome stuff...

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