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You were kick off the server battle eye (Admin Ban) Its my server im the admin

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This happens everytime i try to log on even if i unban myself from the ban files, im the only admin of the server but i keep getting ban and the reason it says is "Admin Ban"

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umm, were you using hacks to test something? some guy did that a few months ago and he had this exact problem,

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umm, were you using hacks to test something? some guy did that a few months ago and he had this exact problem,

no im not, also my friend gets ban as soon as he joins

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I don't know any details but there is a hack that allows a hacker to ban the admin. I have no clue how it works but I saw it happen the other night.

it's terrible, if you are using an rcon tool try to remove your GUID from the ban list, or if you have FTP access same deal.

Could be something else but I've seen that happen. Good luck.

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I don't know any details but there is a hack that allows a hacker to ban the admin. I have no clue how it works but I saw it happen the other night.

it's terrible, if you are using an rcon tool try to remove your GUID from the ban list, or if you have FTP access same deal.

Could be something else but I've seen that happen. Good luck.

Almost certain there is no script that allows that. There's one that allows the SCRIPTER to kick people to the lobby, but not ban them. That would take actual hacks, which 99.9% of these script kiddies don't have. All these "hacks" are, are some scripts injected into the server using a battleye bypass. There is no way to script it so you can ban JUST the admin or any one at all, I'm almost certain.

Get your Rcon up and find your IP/GUID and remove it from the ban list. If its a private hive, you might have it set up do it auto bans you for something you have. If so, you will need to reset your character one way or another.

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Almost certain there is no script that allows that. There's one that allows the SCRIPTER to kick people to the lobby, but not ban them. That would take actual hacks, which 99.9% of these script kiddies don't have. All these "hacks" are, are some scripts injected into the server using a battleye bypass. There is no way to script it so you can ban JUST the admin or any one at all, I'm almost certain.

Get your Rcon up and find your IP/GUID and remove it from the ban list. If its a private hive, you might have it set up do it auto bans you for something you have. If so, you will need to reset your character one way or another.

scripters can get vilayer servers rcon passwords. I really dont think you know the full potential of scripting in this game. (not saying that script is possible, it might be or it might not be)

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scripters can get vilayer servers rcon passwords. I really dont think you know the full potential of scripting in this game. (not saying that script is possible, it might be or it might not be)

Well that's not valid information - you can't get Vilayer server rcon password by any script that tries to leech .cfg file

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Almost certain there is no script that allows that. There's one that allows the SCRIPTER to kick people to the lobby, but not ban them. That would take actual hacks, which 99.9% of these script kiddies don't have. All these "hacks" are, are some scripts injected into the server using a battleye bypass. There is no way to script it so you can ban JUST the admin or any one at all, I'm almost certain.

Get your Rcon up and find your IP/GUID and remove it from the ban list. If its a private hive, you might have it set up do it auto bans you for something you have. If so, you will need to reset your character one way or another.

I said Hack. You are the one going on about scripts etc. I said hack, I was on a server it happened on the other night and it was dayz.st hosted not vilayer... so whatever you're thinking is wrong.

Hacker banned both admins (how he identified them or banned them I have no idea nor would I discuss details if I did) they got stuck out and he even was a dick enough to put the username attached to their GUID as "NOOB ADMIN" lol.

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Hi all.

This just happened to us.

05.01.2013 14:28:38: [X3UK] Random (IP REMOVED) GUID REMOVED - #1 "{if (getPlayerUID _x == 'REMOVED') then {call compile '(vehicle _x) hideObject true;';};} forEach (entities 'CAManBase');"
05.01.2013 14:28:38: [X3UK] Random (IP REMOVED) GUID REMOVED - #9 "{if (getPlayerUID _x == 'REMOVED') then {call compile '(vehicle _x) hideObject true;';};} forEach (entities 'CAManBase');"
05.01.2013 14:28:57: [X3UK] EnFuz3D (IP REMOVED) GUID REMOVED - #1 "{if (getPlayerUID _x == 'REMOVED') then {call compile '(vehicle _x) hideObject true;';};} forEach (entities 'CAManBase');"
05.01.2013 14:28:57: [X3UK] EnFuz3D (IP REMOVED) GUID REMOVED - #9 "{if (getPlayerUID _x == 'REMOVED') then {call compile '(vehicle _x) hideObject true;';};} forEach (entities 'CAManBase');"
05.01.2013 14:28:59: [X3UK] UnwrittenJewel (IP REMOVED) GUID REMOVED - #1 "{if (getPlayerUID _x == 'REMOVED') then {call compile '(vehicle _x) hideObject true;';};} forEach (entities 'CAManBase');"
05.01.2013 14:28:59: [X3UK] UnwrittenJewel (IP REMOVED) GUID REMOVED - #9 "{if (getPlayerUID _x == 'REMOVED') then {call compile '(vehicle _x) hideObject true;';};} forEach (entities 'CAManBase');"
05.01.2013 14:29:01: [X3UK] Drunkie Munkie (IP REMOVED) GUID REMOVED - #1 "{if (getPlayerUID _x == 'REMOVED') then {call compile '(vehicle _x) hideObject true;';};} forEach (entities 'CAManBase');"
05.01.2013 14:29:01: [X3UK] Drunkie Munkie (IP REMOVED) GUID REMOVED - #9 "{if (getPlayerUID _x == 'REMOVED') then {call compile '(vehicle _x) hideObject true;';};} forEach (entities 'CAManBase');"

We dont know who actually did this, but 1 by 1 we were kicked and banned.

A player had been kicked and banned by AntiHax and another player got shirty and started to inform us that it was his friend that was kicked and banned by AntiHax. All of a sudden...the above.


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I bet it is something simple, not a hacker attack or something like that.

Check the logs to find out why you were kicked/banned. Then, in the createvehicle.txt and others, adjust to avoid that kick/ban. Like a "5 SeaGull" thing.

I once installed DAH and it kicked and banned every single player that entered my server, including myself. That might happen when you have out-of-date scripts/BE/files.

Anyway I would like to suggest this thread title to the "Funniest Thread Title Ever", ;-P

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We were targeted.

All of the Admins [X3UK] were kicked. After hours of play without more than a fart, and none of us were near each other or doing anything we were kicked and banned 1 by 1.


Edited by Drunkie

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It's so funny to me how everytime someone gets killed it's definately a hacker but if an admin or server has a problem it's just poor adminning there is NO way that hackers are more powerful than the server operators right??? video uploaded of play on a Celle server where 2 hackers went RAMPANT... I antagonized them to get good footage it worked..

It seems like run of the mill oh you got killed and are complaining stuff... then it gets pretty clear, THEN admins get selectively banned... this was a FULL server, ONLY the people who identified them as admins with the ability to ban got banned... everyone else was fine including the hackers.

There is some discussion among our group about the hacks, one of the guys on TS has done "research" so he KNOWS what hacks are available or not and what they can or can not do. You CAN rcon ban the admins if they have FTP access it's not hard to fix or stop but if you don't you have to know your way around your Rcon tool to unban yourself.

Here's the link it's long. 4:50 is where the discussion about the hacks starts. It happened just prior to our discussing it w/o us noticing it, as the discussion takes place we realize it's already happened. The hacker spawns non-local attack helicopters, which is kind of a big deal from what little I understand. Most hackers can only spawn stuff that workd FOR THEM, these guys were dropping attack helicopters that I was able to get into and fly (8:40)...

I had just shot him in the head while he was out of game spawning the items he wanted, but he had god mode on so I ran off... as I came out of my menu and looked behind me to see if he was going to shoot me an attack helicopter spawns in behind me (I run 2 servers and I can't live spawn vehicles they require a restart)... I turn around and jump in. He doesn't even bother he just spawns another.

It's a LONG video (15 min) but the end is the good bit. I keep updating the admins friend about where they are and bagging on them so they start attacking me directly it's pretty F'ing funny... I end up tethered to a tractor flying through the air like a kite...

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That video was pretty good also whoever was recording sounded like seth green

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This is easy to fix, if its a private server only for known/trusted people then do the following.

open server config file, find and edit the following lines to read what I have put here.

BattlEye = 0;

onUnsignedData = ""; // unsigned data detected

onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)";

onDifferentData = "";

If you were hacked, try a stronger password and make sure admin login has password+numbers.

Edited by disorder

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