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Friend banned by hacker???

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My friend got banned/kicked on a server we know the owner of he was banned by some random hacker we were fighting previously being monitors/admins of the server now since the hackers are gone my friend keeps getting the message:

Kick by battle eye admin ban [gamehack #20]

Or something of that nature he has not cheated nor had reason to also this is making him not able to log back into ANY arma 2 game mode!

He was getting this problem after he got the message from the server we play on:

Peanut butter X

It is quite annoying since we basically help run the server and now he's banned by battle eye for something he didn't do... Any or all information on this would be much thankful.

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Is he banned or kicked? If he is kicked, he can rejoin so there is no real problem

If he is banned, he is lying cause he cheated. Hackers can't get you banned

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/\ It sounds like an admin ban so it might be that the admin thought he was hacking.

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The exact ban message is the key to giving you info on this.

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It looks like an admin ban. He will be kicked from that server, but he can still join any of the other thousands of servers

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Agreed but he says he's not able to play anywhere else, although I'm not quite sure I understand it properly :/

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1.battle eye admin ban [gamehack #20]

2.he has not cheated nor had reason to also this is making him not able to log back into ANY arma 2 game mode!

Lets take a shot at this:

1. Server Admin Ban Message

2. BE ban I suggest finding new friends who are honest with you.

Nice top hat Fraggle it is very becoming of you B)

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Why thank you kind sir. It's a bowler hat but let's not fall out over it.

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I'm one of the Admins on that server. [gamehack #20] <---Battleye Ban not an ADMIN ban.

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Lets take a shot at this:

1. Server Admin Ban Message

2. BE ban I suggest finding new friends who are honest with you.

Nice top hat Fraggle it is very becoming of you B)

Lets take a shot at this:

1. Server Admin Ban Message

2. BE ban I suggest finding new friends who are honest with you.

Nice top hat Fraggle it is very becoming of you B)

I can understand what your saying was about that but im not a hacker, we were playing and i was doing some overwatch for a friend in the server. Then a few people teleported infront of me and shot me with an as50. after that i respawned to see what was going on and he teleported again and shot me again. So i used control alt = delete to exit out, see if the admin was online on skype, then when i came back it said i had been kicked by admin. So i DCed and tried to come back and the second time it said You were kicked from the server: (Admin Ban: (BEC Game Hack #20)) Exact quote. I really wish i could figure this out but it seems like there is no options. I love the game and wouldnt hack because it would take the fun out of it. Nothing better then being in the middle of a gun battle with your friends, nothing worse then being accused by someone who doesnt know the situation...

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I can understand what your saying was about that but im not a hacker, we were playing and i was doing some overwatch for a friend in the server. Then a few people teleported infront of me and shot me with an as50. after that i respawned to see what was going on and he teleported again and shot me again. So i used control alt = delete to exit out, see if the admin was online on skype, then when i came back it said i had been kicked by admin. So i DCed and tried to come back and the second time it said You were kicked from the server: (Admin Ban: (BEC Game Hack #20)) Exact quote. I really wish i could figure this out but it seems like there is no options. I love the game and wouldnt hack because it would take the fun out of it. Nothing better then being in the middle of a gun battle with your friends, nothing worse then being accused by someone who doesnt know the situation...

So are you able to join any other servers? That is the real question I am interested in.

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So are you able to join any other servers? That is the real question I am interested in.

So are you able to join any other servers? That is the real question I am interested in.

Yeah, I cant join anything. I know its a Battleye ban, doesnt say global (not sure what that means) BUT i am unable to join anything.

Edited by Zymotic

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haha i did, im still waiting on a reply. But i think i might have to rebuy the game. looks like the only answer as arma 3 is on its way out the door and day z is about to be a stand alone. im fine buying a new one just kinda upset i have to pay 30 dollars to play a 15 dollar game lol. everything should be alright though

thanks for the advise

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This is a ban issued by Battleye Extended Controls. This is not a Battleye ban, just an admin ban. However, maybe BEC shares bans with all other BEC clients (I have however no evidence for this). So, once again, it is an admin ban, and the admin should (be able to) unban you. This is not a global ban, so no need to buy a new key.

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No he contacted BE and they couldn't do anything the owner of the server tried to unban him at least 6 times today with no progress and he bought a new key now anyway because it appeared unreverseable. No hacks were done by him considering I know exactly what he was doing in game before the hack,ban

Edited by RSB_Numberz

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GameHack # bans are not admin ban's or a battleye ban the server is running BEC Reporter

meaning if a player is reported many times to BEC via the reporter that admins sign up for,

then a ban is put in place.

BEC Reporter is indeed connected to all other servers that run this service.

You can sign up to it at the email address below and copy the info in your

server BEC config file. it runs when BEC is running and send info to ibattle.org .

So i guess this player has been caught by a few reporters to receive this ban

you need to email Bec at http://ibattle.org/contact-us/

Its another line of defence for admins to help catch hackers.

I know this as i also run it.

Most of these GameHack # numbers that are give are depending on what hack was used.

They mainly ban for running cheat programs on your systems.

You will however be able to join any server Not running BEC but there might not be any.

A server admin can't remove this ban you need to contact BEC

Edited by UXFaz

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If he is banned, he is lying cause he cheated...

i was banned and im not a cheater, but how i can to prove it, i dont know....its a crap

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i was banned and im not a cheater, but how i can to prove it, i dont know....its a crap

what do you mean banned? From arma 2 or the server?

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Hello there

Lets keep it to one report per thread, shall we?



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i was banned and im not a cheater, but how i can to prove it, i dont know....its a crap

If you are globally banned, and you are sure you didn't cheat or someone didn't steal your key (very likely), contact BE: http://www.battleye.com/support.html

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As said previously Dan bought a new CD key already because he contacted BE and they couldn't do anything. So he just got another.

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