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Looking for a good uk private hive

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Hi ,I've posted here a few times over the past week.im a new dayZ player(been playing f

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Uk46 white listed private hive. Lots of new and old players alike. You can find friendlies or bandits to play with, whatever your persuasion!

Edited by bigdogsco

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If you're 18+ (or a mature 16+) and want a server that's quiet sometimes for scavenging, gearing-up, repairing vehicles, pitching tents and raiding camps, but busy at other times for some good PvP action, then Wireworld UK might suit you. The quiet times are also really good for new players - it gives you a bit of space to breathe.

I notice that you've also been looking for other players to team-up with. One great aspect about the Wireworld teamspeak is that most players actually use it, so after you establish yourself on the server, you can usually team-up with other players without having to formally join a clan.

The whitelisting process is easy:

· Search for 'Wireworld' in Dayz Commander or the in-game filter

· Join it and you'll get a kick message with an email address in the lobby. The teamspeak IP is also given in the server message.

· Before you disconnect, in the chat, type: #beclient guid

· Email the given address with your GUID, age, and info about why you want to be whitelisted.

· The admin will manually whitelist you after reading your email.

Full instructions are in the linked thread above.

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Hi wireworld sounds spot on.ill go through everything now.i don't have teamspeak tho and I'm a noob pc gamer and dayZ .

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