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Euphoria character animation in standalone

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Euphoria character animation in standalone! Realistic game must have realistic character animation)

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Oh, that. I'd love to see it, but I'm not sure we could do it without causing performance loss.

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Oh, that. I'd love to see it, but I'm not sure we could do it without causing performance loss.

Agreed has alot of great aspects but ultimately might not fit in with the SA's structure

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looks amazing, but unfortunately it probably isn't gonna happen.


Nice to see a progression on from Ragdoll. Will be very interesting to see ingame in a year or two.


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"What is Euphoria?"

Ever played GTA 4?

I like this idea, i want to see the zeds stumble over stuff and when i shoot them i want to see them face slide across the ground. I would give me an incentive to not just use the hatchet for all my zombie killing.

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this would be amazing for zombie physics. but i do not believe in magic, and this is unrealistic at the time.


Edit: by this is unrealistic i meant that it is unrealistic that they manage to implement it at this time.

Edited by radivmoe

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if they want to make a standalone they must put it..there isn't can't.there is want and don't want.

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if they want to make a standalone they must put it..there isn't can't.there is want and don't want.

but i wants!

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If DayZ gets euphoria style ragdoll, we also need full bottes of Jack Daniels.

Every time I see an "empty whiskey bottle", I seriously consider just laying down and letting the Zeds eat me.

It's mocking me, I swear it.

Back on-topic. it would be awesome to have more fluid animations, but I imagine it's a MAJOR task to implement.

If we do get animation upgrades, I don't think they take high priority.

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Hello there

I didnt realise GTA IV had euphoria.

I reinstalled and had a play, It looks really good having a more realistic character reaction. Plus my PC is now powerful enough to run it so I'm having a blast, especially with the First Person mod..

Heats up my GPU though.

Anyhoo. +1 for Euphoria.


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Why no to euphoria? Would need a lot of work to implement, animations can be redone and enhanced but its a lot of work, as I see now they have more important things to do.

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That looks totally awesome .

i must say that i agree with that opinion.

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rocket said at pax that they would love to use euphoria but its very expensive like a million or so.

i wonder if its an option if they get enough sells with the alpha or initial release.

it would add so much more lols and immersion (everyone loves that word) ;)

i recently played gta IV and max payne 3 which are using euphoria and it feels awesome.

but there should be a difference in the behaviour of humans and infected.

im also curious about how long it would take to implement an modify it to fit in dayz.

i hope someone can make an educated guess

i would estimate at least 6 months

check max payne 3 for awesome animations with ballistics ;)

i also like the car physics in gta IV.

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