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DayZ Celle rMod USA [VETERAN][CH:ON][GMT+10] Private Hive 400.000+ Vehicles & 10.01+ Helis[EXTRA BARRACKS] All wheels on vehicles are repaired

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DayZ Celle rMod

400+ Vehicles and 8+ Helis



The server is day and night but, has tons of vehicles at the airfields and lots of barracks at the airfields.

The clan [PF] Manages and plays on this server

TS3: phanes.typefrag.com:5935

IP & Port:


How do you install rMod and celle with DayZ Commander? Open the spoiler below.

#1 Download rMod HERE and then Open dayz commander if you have it or if you dont go to www.dayzcommander.com

#2 Click Settings on the top, and then as you see additional parameters add in this:


#3 Put in addtional parameters -mod=@rmod

-nosplash -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=4 is optional.


#4 Now make sure you click install and updates and install DayZ Celle.

#5 Then go to favorites and put in the server IP and Connect!!

Edited by ArmAPilot

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Now every vehicle is orange but is drivable, some have half fuel and lots of fuel. All wheels are repaired, and I dont run the server just a clan member.

Its hosted in America and also if it has not alot of people on it then if you get on more people will join!

Edited by ArmAPilot

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After playing on this for a while, i started to love it! I highly recommend you guys at least give this server a shot, you wont regret it ;D

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My buddy and I run a Celle server, and we've been trying to run it with rmod for ages. Any friendly advice you can give us so we could run it?

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