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About armapilot

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. armapilot

    GameBind Clan Recruitment

    Great group of assholes. <3
  2. armapilot

    No Tag Gaming [ʇu]

    good guys. check em out.. dayz vets
  3. armapilot


    Application: (Wolf) Age: 16 Prefered Position: Aircraft Pilot or Support Previous Clans (if applicable): N/A Time spent playing DayZ: 1 Year and 4 months or (May 2012) Timezone: GMT -7 Time able to be dedicated to clan: 2-3 Hours a day Time spent playing ARMA II: 2 Years Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): N/A Acceptance of Clan rules: I fully accept the clan rules and will follow them Working microphone: Yes Country: US Steam account name: N/A Military Background (if applicable): N/A Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: Have a fun time and work with a group
  4. Yes I have messed with CFG. Here are my startup parameters: -nosplash -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -exThreads=7 -maxVRAM=256 -noCB
  5. Ok so this happens to all dayz servers. When I play with 30 people my fps is about 18-24 which is wonderful for my laptop. But when it gets over 40 my fps goes down to about 12 or 13. Im getting a new computer soon but just for the time being I would like to increase my FPS. Any tips or suggestions might help. Also My settings are all on low.
  6. armapilot

    Columbus Bay Gaming Island Life RPG

    Your retarded, This is DayZ not Emita Life.
  7. DAYZ TAVIANA 2.0 IP: 300+ Vehicles 15+ Helicopters 10+ Planesa NO ADMIN ABUSE ACTIVE ADMINS Why you should I Join? Well, we have tons of vehicles and helis. We have active admins and we dont walk around wih as50s and Ghillie suits with NVGs. We dont abuse and especially don't have apaches What kind of vehicles? We have littlebirds, urals, UAZs, PBXs, Hueys and tons of vehicles. At the moment we have helis on each island fully repaired and most of all vehicles are fully repaired and fulled.
  8. Terrible. I play on there server just to have fun and im driving through sabina looking for a car on a bike and then all the sudden i get shot and im the only random in the server. They just randomly shoot people because there trigger happy and lie. They told me on ts3 that if i only shoot at them they will kill me and not shoot me if im not being hostile. Then they shoot me for no reason, dont join its a joke.
  9. Awesome fun server, No camp raiding which is fun, tons of vehicles and helis!
  11. armapilot

    DayzHive - Nexus [AI's, Safezones, Chopper, 24/7, Taxi, etc]

    Skype username: jessica.wolf555 Age: 15 Play style: Bandit Timezone: GMT -7 Country: America
  12. Stop spam posting on everything