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Killed by Doors and Fences

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So yeah its a good thing I carry Morphine etc etc. I've officially been killed by a door and last night I vaulted over a fence and it killed me. LOL

Hopefully this kind of stuff will be fixed for Day Z standalone.

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Lol, nice. Pointless, but nice, lol.

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Reassign left mouse button for "Use selected option." So you don't close the door, when you're shooting in a doorway.

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First thing I did when I loaded Day Z was rebind most of the keys etc. I use middle mouse to use objects. F is my inventory key for fast action related to the movement keys. Hitting G and or I is just too slow. However when I was killed by the door I was actually standing back from it and it swung open and just as it made contact it killed me.

The fence was brutal I hit V as I normally do being right up next to it. I'm starving with no food and thirsty. All my camps have been raided. I'm forced to make a move to the nearest town and hope to get some supplies only to be killed by a fence.

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