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Where all the guns at?

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Me and My brother have been playing religiously over the last few days after picking it up in a steam sale.

1st attempt, He found a car and on the way to pick me up ran someone down who had a remington and a makrov on him. We where both killed in a northen town shortly later that day.

2nd Attempt, we are still alive - I Have already earned a bandit skin, from killing 2 players BOTH in self defence. 1st encounter somebody knocked my brother unconscience, and i battered him to death with a hatchet (Which at the time, was our only weapon - ). Now between us, i still have a trusty axe and he has the AK that the first guy dropped. We are now stuck, it's raining, cold and we really need to get into a town to earn supplies. But we don't have the firepower to get past zombies or players :/

Although, we have looted many towns and not found any weapons between us. Yet the wiki states things like the makarov are "Common"? Are we looking in the wrong places? We have searched The power station, the fire station, supermarket, hospital and schools in elektro, but still nothing.

Are we just unlucky?

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The fire stations pretty much always have at least one military grade weapon unless it's already been looted. You'll find winchesters, Enfields, makarovs, M1911s and revolvers in the cafes and apartments. Then when you head north you can find the really high tier loot in barracks and heli crash sites.

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Sounds like someone/s already been on a looting spree..

Try checking out deer stands as you have less chance of bumping into other players.

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  On 12/30/2012 at 3:09 PM, Terminal Boy said:

Sounds like someone/s already been on a looting spree..

Try checking out deer stands as you have less chance of bumping into other players.

We did find one of these on our first venture up north, but apon seeing a "namegoeshere - Bandit" standing and looking the other way, we ran like buggery.

And thanks for the responses, i guess we will just camp in and around electro untill we get some decentish gear!

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I recommend you play on veteran or expert servers. They are not particularly more harder, it's just they are more fair and make the game more fun. For instance, if someone with a sniper is on a hill 500 meters away and he moves his mouse around and see's a name tag of you or your friend, he will kill you, whereas in veteran and expert there is not name-tag so he would have to actually see you in order to try and shoot you. Although, this means you can't see other's nametags, but name-tags are much more important for bandits than people like you.

Good luck, have fun.

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  On 12/30/2012 at 3:38 PM, Noface said:

I recommend you play on veteran or expert servers. They are not particularly more harder, it's just they are more fair and make the game more fun. For instance, if someone with a sniper is on a hill 500 meters away and he moves his mouse around and see's a name tag of you or your friend, he will kill you, whereas in veteran and expert there is not name-tag so he would have to actually see you in order to try and shoot you. Although, this means you can't see other's nametags, but name-tags are much more important for bandits than people like you.

Good luck, have fun.

Good advice, but we kinda rely on the nametags to spot other players (We are uber paranoid, the 2nd player i mentioned killing wasn't probably neccicary). But just through random mousing over we have been able to spot hidden zombies, UAZ's and on one instance a Pickup full of players...

Are loot tables better on harder servers?

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  On 12/30/2012 at 4:16 PM, Latiasracer said:

A hatchet and an AK are really all you need. I was playing for about 13 hours with a friend yesterday and we managed to go from new spawns, to the NWAF ( North-west-airfield ) with just that. We picked up some decent kit on the way there too. We looted a few of the big cities, cleared a few supermarkets and hid ourselves away before logging out. All without me firing a shot from an weapon and my friends hatchet. Sneaky > Gun-ho

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  On 12/31/2012 at 5:09 PM, vDarkStar said:

A hatchet and an AK are really all you need. I was playing for about 13 hours with a friend yesterday and we managed to go from new spawns, to the NWAF ( North-west-airfield ) with just that. We picked up some decent kit on the way there too. We looted a few of the big cities, cleared a few supermarkets and hid ourselves away before logging out. All without me firing a shot from an weapon and my friends hatchet. Sneaky > Gun-ho

That's pretty impressive! I Take it you where on a quiet server, because from what i've heard that place is a sniper haven. We can't even get our jeep past Novy-stobard (Or something like that) Without being shot at. Last attempt to pass through the town resulted in having to drag one of our teammates about 200m into a forest to heal him.

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  On 1/1/2013 at 10:03 AM, Latiasracer said:

That's pretty impressive! I Take it you where on a quiet server, because from what i've heard that place is a sniper haven. We can't even get our jeep past Novy-stobard (Or something like that) Without being shot at. Last attempt to pass through the town resulted in having to drag one of our teammates about 200m into a forest to heal him.

Yeah, I think the server tends to max at about 20 people? Though honestly, we're so careful we could still probably manage to clear the important parts of the airfield just using those.

We done Stary again last night using just the hatchet, in a low pop server there's really no point carrying anything other than perhaps a Glock and if anyone does see you, you, might get off without being shot for only having a hatchet! :')

(We have an M4 CCO and M16 at our camp with roughly 30 mags and enough Glock ammo to keep us going for a fair old time if we keep ourselves going at this pace. )

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