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Field Dressing from Far Cry 2 & 3?

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Remember when your health gets dangerously low in the recent two Far Cry game, and you have to preform a quick field dressing on yourself to heal? What if this was put into DayZ Standalone? When you get shot, you cant just bandage it up, you need to get the bullet out and stop the bleeding. Burns need ointment and bandages, cuts could be the same thing.

If it was at all possible: a gun shot dressing could be location specific (except for the head obviously) you have an animation to tear out the bullet and then seal the wound with burning matches. Cuts, burns, bites, etc require cleaning and bandaging.

Would you like to see something like this?

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A wider range of medical operations for each type of wound would make doctors/medics even more needed, so yes I'd like to see this.

But why can't we have a Fallout-type healing system where we just spam Stimpacks and everything is a-okay?

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  On 12/29/2012 at 4:24 PM, Welch said:

A wider range of medical operations for each type of wound would make doctors/medics even more needed, so yes I'd like to see this.

But why can't we have a Fallout-type healing system where we just spam Stimpacks and everything is a-okay?

Quick fixes would hinder the feeling of danger.

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Field dressing? I beg to differ. Bring the 'stabilizing' animations to DayZ instead! I'd like to see my dislocated fingers become relocated by my own hands.

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I like this! I always liked that about Far Cry (Ubisoft era), it gave some sense of a body in an FPS like no other game had done before. Although it was a bit far-fetched at times, like you had an iron bar go through your stomach and you just pulled it out doing nothing afterwards (Far Cry 2 only, they fixed most of than in Far Cry 3). Also, if it includes such a system, it should utilise the medical supplies of DayZ instead of the infinibandage Far Cry has and use longer animations, where your character is more careful treating to his wounds than in Far Cry (Bullet in my arm, no problem, I'll just push it out the other side in 2 seconds and be just fine!)

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By "fixed" you mean they removed pretty much all the "flavor" from the wound stabilizing (FC3: bandaging over and over and over....).

Tho... the truth is that it take months to recover from any serious wound...

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  On 12/29/2012 at 4:27 PM, AngryBrute said:

Quick fixes would hinder the feeling of danger.

Oh I know, I was just messing. The Stimpack spam on Fallout is just crazy, as long as you've got the caps to buy Stimpacks, you're invincible.

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  On 12/29/2012 at 5:45 PM, Lady Kyrah said:

By "fixed" you mean they removed pretty much all the "flavor" from the wound stabilizing (FC3: bandaging over and over and over....).

Tho... the truth is that it take months to recover from any serious wound...

Well, by removing the exaggerated stuff, it now has less animations, but I still prefer that over pulling entire iron bars out of my stomach, without bandaging or doing anything else for that matter and start running like nothing happened.

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  On 12/29/2012 at 5:58 PM, Armaggedon97 said:

Well, by removing the exaggerated stuff, it now has less animations, but I still prefer that over pulling entire iron bars out of my stomach, without bandaging or doing anything else for that matter and start running like nothing happened.

How about: bandaging and all other types of medical actions initiate a first person animation like in the Far Cry games?

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I think this whole ideas about adding new massively stuff in the game will be implemented after the release,when the game will be updated alot :D

But yeah,this sounds awsome.It will be hard for the devs with animations i think though :D

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I loved how in Farcry 2 you could run out of breath, take damage and climb out of the water to rip a pipe out of your knee or poke a bullet out of you. That was some hardcore swimming.

Ridiculousness aside, that sort of thing does fit this game well, but the sheer amount of animation work that would have to be done for the types of wounds you can incur in this game would be quite an undertaking.

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I liked how contextual it was:

Fall damage:

Dislocated fingers, elbow, branch pierced your leg.

Bullet damage:

All kinds of (silly) bullet extraction, powder cauterizing, bandaging

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It's a shame that in FC3 there's only about 3 animations for healing, I loved all of the variation of the animations in FC2 (hated the game though).

I'm not sure the "Hollywood" Style fits well with DayZ at all but I think they could take inspiration from many of the actions that are animated in FC, it really adds to the immersion.

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Well, generally speaking, they give this impression you're supposed to remove anything that sticks in you. If you get shot and the bullet isn't actively posing a threat to your life, its often left in and you just bandage the resulting wound.

So, wrapping the crap out of the wound in bandages is more realistic, if boring. Still, holding your hands over a gushing wound or using a knife to cut open a garment and apply a pressure dressing would add to the immersion.

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