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Dr Wasteland MD

A Call to Arms! Well, Styluses Anyway...

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Get ready for an odd post, haha. I've been thinking for a while about how to do a webcomic inspired by DayZ that takes place in Chernarus and is at least mostly plausible in game. I thought up some characters and a basic plot and wrote a script, and now I find myself in need of artists who can draw. I started searching for people within the community, but then I had an idea.

Here's how I'd like to try this: I'll post the script and storyboards here, and if you are an artsy person and want to draw your version of the episodes, then go ahead. I just ask that my name and your name go on there somewhere. I'll be collecting art that I receive from the community and sharing it all together somewhere, so send me your stuff if you make something. I'll even take unfinished or unpolished stuff, no reason we can't throw it all together and see what we get.

Send me your work at drwastelandmd@gmail.com.

The storyboards are ONLY there to give you an idea of where I thought the characters were at any given time. The characters should not look anything like the DayZ character models - their physical descriptions are in the script. Please feel free to express yourself however you like, just please don't change any plot or dialogue details - I do not want you to copy the storyboards, I want you to imagine it for yourself. The script will be kept to exactly one page per episode, so there shouldn't be a lot of time investment from anyone. I'll continue to release scripts if you continue to draw them out!

WARDEN Draft 1.pdf

















EDIT: I've added some images from various Google searches that might help you figure out how these characters look in my head. Hopefully that helps.

[TMW] Se7eN assisted me with making those storyboards. He is pictured in most of the frames.

Edited by Dr Wasteland MD

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I guess if anything that I was trying to be brief and to the point, perhaps that's why it is hard to understand. I tend to type the way I think, unless it's dialogue.

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Seriously, I didn't understand anything from what you said, and I studied English for around 10 years...

It makes perfect sense.

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Seriously, I didn't understand anything from what you said, and I studied English for around 10 years...

Yup, nothing wrong with the description, it's concise. I'm sketching already.

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Yup, nothing wrong with the description, it's concise. I'm sketching already.

Can't wait to see something. I'd love to hear from anyone who's thinking about working on it.

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Doing some panels right now. :D

I'm seriously giddy. Please send me your work.

Also, I'm going to make some changes to the script. I'll update it as well as some character concepts.

EDIT: Nevermind, it's not this script that I want to change, but the next episode's script. I'll release the next episodes once we get these ones sketched out. However, the bit about Character Concepts was true - I'll update with those soon.

Edited by Dr Wasteland MD

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I'm just starting to concept Warden with pencil and ink since my tablet is going haywire and will be buying a new one in a day or two. Anyway, I'll just send you my drawings regarding to this comic. :)

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I'm just starting to concept Warden with pencil and ink since my tablet is going haywire and will be buying a new one in a day or two. Anyway, I'll just send you my drawings regarding to this comic. :)

I might have a new hero.

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Hey Dr.Wasteland! Sent you some stuff.

Community, you shall be impressed. I'll start releasing stuff soon.

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