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Dayz arma 2 not working

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The 24 i was promised to buy arma 2 combined ops and i bought it the 25.12.2012. and i installed the game and ran it and didi eavrything for it to work and i downloaded dayz i downloaded it trough dayz commander from the official site but when i joined a game it says, Global ban #838222, i asked my friend wich also have dayz and he said that steam had given me a already banned cd key, i dont know what to do and i am realy out of any thing to do for it, any response would be great and any help i would apriciate. sorry if i speled any thing wrong only 14 and i am not english

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Your english is good, whereabouts are you from friend?

Edited by Fraggle

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The 24 i was promised to buy arma 2 combined ops and i bought it the 25.12.2012. and i installed the game and ran it and didi eavrything for it to work and i downloaded dayz i downloaded it trough dayz commander from the official site but when i joined a game it says, Global ban #838222, i asked my friend wich also have dayz and he said that steam had given me a already banned cd key, i dont know what to do and i am realy out of any thing to do for it, any response would be great and any help i would apriciate. sorry if i speled any thing wrong only 14 and i am not english

If Store X sold me a stolen Brand Y bicycle, would I call Brand Y? No, you wold call Store X for selling you a stolen bike. Let me spell it out for you, contact Steam. :blink: :wacko: :unsure:

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If Store X sold me a stolen Brand Y bicycle, would I call Brand Y? No, you wold call Store X for selling you a stolen bike. Let me spell it out for you, contact Steam. :blink: :wacko: :unsure:

no i would report it :)

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Apparently you should contact BattlEye for this. The CD Key you're using has been propably bruteforced. That means they have tried all of the possible combinations to find working CD Keys. If you have proof that you have just bought the game, send it to BattlEye in addition with your CD Key.

Here's the link for BattlEye support:


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thx for the help going to try to send it to battleye btw fraggle i am from norway

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Cool, just so you know, it's rare for BE to reverse a ban now day's since there are VERY rarely any false positives. They usually ban for scripting. People have also been know to get their game keys stolen by downloading dodgy software so if you've downloaded anything recently and you're not 100% sure it's a trusted source that could be the culprit.

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I am not a huge fan of hackers i got my bf3 fucked by hackers. And i was on the BE forum and they said that it was a huge ban thing that had happend becuse of a glitch and that people got global banned on arma 2 operation arrowhead

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this is the post from the BE site v

Global Bans in ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead [ 10.08.2012 • 13:45 ] line.gifWe're aware of the global banning issue and are investigating since yesterday. Appropriate action will be taken if a false-positive scenario is found. If that is indeed the case we're terribly sorry for it and will take measures to prevent this from happening in the future.

An update will be posted once more is known.

Update: The issue has been investigated with the help of Ondrej Spanel (BIS lead programmer) and we found that there is a possibility of a race condition on BE's side during the game's disconnect process. It can essentially destroy the integrity of the environment that BE expects and trigger a certain detection. The problem has been fixed and all of bans of the past two days that could have been triggered by such a condition have been removed. There might still be cheaters among those, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that the innocent players should be unbanned now.

We're honestly deeply sorry for this and will do everything to ensure that something like this won't happen again.

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Hello there

The False positive was quickly identified and solved. The issues raised are old indeed.

Also, the BE forums? I know of no forums. What's the link? I'd be interested to read 'em

Battleye are the only people who can assist with a Global Ban. All we can do is possibly assist you on where you went wrong.



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I just found this on a hack site

About natamana

What are you here for?: hack

Gender: male

Flag: Norway

Quite a coincidence.


is there any goood bf heroes hacks?

on a bfheroes hack site also from norway.

Edited by orlok

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Apparently you should contact BattlEye for this. The CD Key you're using has been propably bruteforced. That means they have tried all of the possible combinations to find working CD Keys. If you have proof that you have just bought the game, send it to BattlEye in addition with your CD Key.

Here's the link for BattlEye support:

http://www.battleye.com/support.html it was posted bye alternatepannari

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i dont know if it is a forum but he sent me the link and said that i should report the ban. i serched to try to find the report button but stil cant find it

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orlok i dont go under the name natamana all the time that is my mc name and my friend wich is named william steinbrenner has started to use my "Name" on forums and different games

He/others have signed my "name" under different porn sites to wich have pissed me off alot, Ps he had my password for my hotmail a long time ago

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we also have IP tools FYI.

I find the coincidences a little too coincidental.

Regardless, only BE can help you.



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I only played bf hero 1-2 times i think it was but i dident like it and i got gmod and css and dod source that was/is the main games that i played for the most of the times

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and i nead some help again :o i cant find out how to contact battleye and dont know what to do still

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