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Damn this is hard!

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So i got the game installed, but damn it's hard to survive.. i almost all the time get a zombie or 5 after me, and they deffently don't run away fast again, like in WarZ, it's kinda frustrating having 3 zombies running after you for 10 mins, and you don't have a gun or anything to smash those zombies :P

*not a whine thread* :)

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Run into a building and out the other side, into a pine tree or zig zag up a hill.

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Run into a building and out the other side, into a pine tree or zig zag up a hill.

Thx for the tips!

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You can loose the sucka's pretty easliy in cities, just run through bulidings/door ways

in the wilderness try going through bushes/fern trees

in warz they just dont stop and they eat you way too fast and dont die when hit.... lmao

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Crouch in a pine tree. They can't hit you and lose interest after a minute or two.

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And remember, you don't have to run faster than the zombies, you just have to shoot Fred so the zombies eat him instead.

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thats why until you get good at the game just crawl into every building good ones would be

schoolhouse sized building with a red roof

orange brick houses mostly in big cities

really wide werehouses


gas staations (if you're desperate, there's occasionally good loot there)


dont go to

big solid reb brick houses (the only room has 1 enterance)


small log houses (same reason but its good once you find a wep to funnel enemies and hide/ambush players)


control towers (tall camoflauged towers with a glass dome)

dont go until you get a weapon:

fire stations


NW airfield in general

hope this helped :)

Edited by RougeBronyNarwhal

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You can loose the sucka's pretty easliy in cities, just run through bulidings/door ways

in the wilderness try going through bushes/fern trees

in warz they just dont stop and they eat you way too fast and dont die when hit.... lmao

dem pony haterz ^_^

Edited by RougeBronyNarwhal

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