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Direct Chat Range increase!!!

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Please oh please increase this direct chat distance!!!

My friend and I were playing, saw somebody clearly within 40-50 meters. We asked him to respond, he started running an didn't respond so we shot him once. He ran and combat logged within like 15 secs (which by the way obviously doesn't work well!!!!)

Anyway, we later tested the distance between us in direct chat and realized how shitty it is! Barely any range, he couldn't even hear us! I could yell 3 times as far!

So please increase the range a bit so people don't die when they don't deserve to.

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he combat logged so that guy deserved it :P I guess the range should be increased though. it is pretty short.

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Can it even be increased?

I'd imagine it'd be integrated to the engine, since I've never seen or head of custom chat channels.

Well if they would at least increase it in the standalone that would be nice. But I can't see why they couldn't increase it or change it. I feel like it would just be some quick coding. They have the ability to take certain types of chat out like "global" and "side," why not change it? But man, it is not far at all.

And I mean sure it i hard to yell extremely far BUT, with nothing but nature (and a few zeds) around you would be able to hear much more. Especially with your adrenaline flowing.

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There should be *whisper* channel (<5m), *talk* channel (<25m) *shout* channel (<80m) and *radio* channel for people who find radios, should be as rare as Cobra (<7500m)... Those would make the most sence in my opinion...

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While i agree that a shout can get quite far i doubt that you will understand anything at all due to the other sounds surrounding you ( wind, grass, bushes, trees, wildlife ).

I suggest you take a look at your settings, i had no problems playing with other players while running around each side of the town using direct com. To my surprise we heard eachother cleary...so did the enemy.

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I really like WaltheriH's idea and I think that would work well. It would be cool if you could choose your own radio channels! Then you could also try and find others people's channels.

And Enforcer, I wasn't using the microphone, I used text so I don't think there's anyway I can change range. If I was using the mic then I KNOW he wouldn't be able to hear me because of how much it dissipates, where as text doesn't.

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They have the ability to take certain types of chat out like "global" and "side," why not change it? But man, it is not far at all.

The difference is that these chat channels(which can be found in DayZ) are also in ARMA 2, the vanilla game. So Rocket didn't make these.

- Direct Communications

- Vehicle Channel

- Group Channel

- Global Channel

- Side-Chat

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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The difference is that these chat channels(which can be found in DayZ) are also in ARMA 2, the vanilla game. So Rocket didn't make these.

- Direct Communications

- Vehicle Channel

- Group Channel

- Global Channel

- Side-Chat

Yeah I think I see what you mean. Hopefully for the Standalone...

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