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Do you ever feel bad, or regret a kill?

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It's a huge part of the mod. This is like asking if you feel guilty for getting a full row in tetris.

Edited by Satan

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DayZ killed any sense of altruism I had for fellow internet-goers, so no. Also, I shoot Bambis for fun and I'm not going to apologize for it.

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I never kill on sight me and my teammates are REALLY friendly but one day, this dude says in the chat :

Who wants a pickup with a helo?

so my mate said. ye me. He didnt believe he would do it, but he picked him up. he told him to pick me up.

As soon as he landed I shot him and we stole his heli lol. I kinda felt sorry lol 2 minutes before it, my teammates were like naaw should we or shouldnt we do it? ye no yes no yes no xD..

we crashed it aprox 10 mins after due server restart.

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I only feel bad if they try to be friendly toward me before I kill them. I was in Cherno looking for people to kill when I hear an Ural pulling in honking its horn. I make my way to them right as they were about to leave. They saw me and the passenger told his buddy to back up. I run towards them while they're telling me to get in (I was in camo clothing so they didn't see my baclava). I run up to the driver's side, blow out the window with my Remington and then perforate the driver's face with pellets. The passanger gets out and starts running for his life, so I shoot out his legs.

He's bleeding on the ground, going "Whoa whoa whoa, come on, don't be like that, man!" I then shoot him in the head. I felt a little bad because I'm just perpetuating the cycle of "be friendly, get killed, stop being friendly, kill people being friendly". An admin then teleported to me, took the Ural, and set off a satchel charge. Thankfully I ran when he appeared so I got to keep the loot.

But if I'm just sniping people on the coast (both bambis and armed survivors), I don't feel an ounce of regret.

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I only feel bad if they try to be friendly toward me before I kill them. I was in Cherno looking for people to kill when I hear an Ural pulling in honking its horn. I make my way to them right as they were about to leave. They saw me and the passenger told his buddy to back up. I run towards them while they're telling me to get in (I was in camo clothing so they didn't see my baclava). I run up to the driver's side, blow out the window with my Remington and then perforate the driver's face with pellets. The passanger gets out and starts running for his life, so I shoot out his legs.

He's bleeding on the ground, going "Whoa whoa whoa, come on, don't be like that, man!" I then shoot him in the head. I felt a little bad because I'm just perpetuating the cycle of "be friendly, get killed, stop being friendly, kill people being friendly". An admin then teleported to me, took the Ural, and set off a satchel charge. Thankfully I ran when he appeared so I got to keep the loot.

But if I'm just sniping people on the coast (both bambis and armed survivors), I don't feel an ounce of regret.

If this was a public (non-private hive) server then you should report the admin.

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Nope, its the law of the jungle. Kill or be killed. Plus why let them live? So they can kill you first or loot something before you do?

I take that back slightly, there was one kill and it happened today. Im at the big industrial building in cherno, the concrete one with multiple levels. My friend in the heli spots an unarmed guy running in, me and my friend go in and tell him to stop moving. We corner him into a wall, and i tell him to calm down. I ask if he has a mic, he types "No mic." I say, "No mic huh... well..." then i just shot him in the head with my M9 silenced. I genuinely felt sorry, and i swore if i bumped into him again i'd give him some stuff.

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i lost my shit in laughter at the sight and continued to shoot him as he rolled around on the cold soil until he finally died.

thats a man after my own heart, right there.

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I ran into a guy in a shitty barn I'd already looted. I had a hatchet, he didn't have anything.He said it was only his second time playing and that he was friendly in a French accent. I killed the Z's trailing him, and we ran together for like 5 min to a town, me getting all the loot piles before he could along the way. Finally when we got to a train station and I killed the Z's, we both started looting the 2 pilles there. He said "I have a Pepsi" which made my friend watching me play over my shoulder immediately recommend I kill him. I chopped the back of his head and killed him just to be ruthless and funny but afterward felt like I'd turned this guy off Day Z. I felt like sh*t.

Edited by Johnnycake
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I ran into a guy in a shitty barn I'd already looted. I had a hatchet, he didn't have anything.He said it was only his second time playing and that he was friendly in a French accent. I killed the Z's trailing him, and we ran together for like 5 min to a town, me getting all the loot piles before he could along the way. Finally when we got to a train station and I killed the Z's, we both started looting the 2 pilles there. He said "I have a Pepsi" which made my friend watching me play over my shoulder immediately recommend I kill him. I chopped the back of his head and killed him just to be ruthless and funny but afterward felt like I'd turned this guy off Day Z. I felt like sh*t.

You shouldn't feel like shit. He should have known not to trust strangers. It's been said like 40 times all over the wiki and is taught in elementary schools all over the world. He lacked common sense and now he lacks Pepsi. Edited by Tigerbeetweenie

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I never used to when I started playing, I though I was awesome getting a kill at all. Since I've played for a while now, Im going to not kill unarmed players, because its not satisyfing and especially annoying for that player. It takes a while to load the game, and I know how much it annoys me. I will usually attempt to kill players of equal power or more, but avoid unarmed players. if they come up to me and ask for stuff, and dont leave, I'll ask them too, If they dont they get shot. I dont want anything being stolen from me.

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I was always a friendly player, helping out those in need, even if it was at the expense of my own life. I once helped a random player fight his way out of a zombie nightmare at the NWAF, he was trapped in the comms tower, very little ammo, no way out. I ran in like a boss, lee Enfield dropping Z's left and right. He escaped, I did not. That's dayz, I mused.

However, I have been stabbed in the back, murdered in cold blood, been left to die by those who have no remorse. In Namalsk last week, after helping an unarmed fellow with 2 bloodsuckers on his ass take them out, and then give him a transfusion and help him find a weapon, he promptly shot me in the head. On side chat I asked......"Why?"

The reply? "Survival"

Thing is, he was right. I had food, water, weapons.... He had nothing he needed to live. It was a just murder.

So nowadays, I do what I need to. I will kill for supplies if I really need to. I will hunt down anyone perceived to be a danger to my life. If you open fire, it's game on. If its a them or me situation.....it's not going to be me if I can help it. And I do it all without remorse.

Why? Like that guy said,


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there is a guy i regret killing, some guy runs up to me at a crash site screaming hes friendly, obviously at a crash site im on edge, so i tell him to stop moving, he stops and i break his legs with a hatchet when i walk over, i dropped some morphine and healing stuff in his bag and said "you use this when i get over that hill to the west" then i mute my mic (i didnt want to have second thoughts about leaving him) suddenly i see he died from blood loss and injury. he pops up in side chat saying he was new and didnt know how to use items to heal. though i reassure myself that i couldnt have known he was new with no skills, i felt bad about it.

there is also a guy i regret not killing.

i had agro'd ALOT of zeds near cherno and im running down a street, i hear shots so i panic but the guy speaks and says hes taking out the zeds, sure enough all the zeds are dying and i was bleeding from hits so extra help was very welcome. im almost bleeding out when i reach him and i see he has a bandit mask i instantly think "ahhh shit.." but he keeps shooting zeds and covering me, he then shouts "BANDAGE YOURSELF NOW!" so i bandage and he murders all the zeds. i take some painkillers and he runs over and bloodbags me so im sure ive met a friend. i say "thanks, theres a guy round here shooting bambis we should move" literally as i say that he shoots me and knocks me out, then puts two more shots in my head, asshole trolled me big time.

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I feel kind of guilty if I kill a poorly geared player who could have done nothing to save themself other than having a teammate overwatch. Not if they're a hero, though.

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Nope and after they will return from the death realy its just a game but if a player is unarmoured they have nothing to lose so just leave them alone

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I would If I ever shot anyone without reason, in all my 2 months playing Iv'e only died 3 times; 2 times of which were b/c of my squad accidentally shooting me or running me over.

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Sometimes I do.. but majority of the time I don't because I just pretend they're the English.

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