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HELP! Setting up a private server.

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Hi guys.

I have through the past few days, decided to put up my own server. I bought a ATX tower and the stats for the server can be seen below:


CPU Box Intel Pentium Dual-Core G860, 2x 3000MHz, So-1155, 3MB Cache, 65W


1 T/B


16 GB DDR3

Internet connection:

Download 20 mb/s

Upload 1-2 mb/s

Operating System

Windows XP x64 Bit

DayZ Control Center Operating System

My question to you guys is, will this server be too laggy, or will it work just fine with the player cap of 30-50 people?

Best regards


Edited by nexuzkid

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Did you read this thread? http://dayzmod.com/f...administration/

I may be wrong but I don't think your connection speed will be sufficient.

Yeah I did read that post, even several other rules. Though I'm not sure if the server can handle it or the internet connection due to the combination of components and the internet connection. I appreciate your response.

Edited by nexuzkid

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Why wouldn't you just rent a server? it's 30 dollars for the month...

I would guess your server won't handle the game and your connection will suck.

Most servers are running top notch equipment with SSD drives and gobs of ram with crazy good connections and THEY get laggy when they're full...

Arma2 in generally beats up servers. From what little I understand without regular restarts even the best server will get laggy if it's high population all the time... that (and loot respawning) is why lots of the high pop servers restart ever 3 hrs.

Only way to answer your question is to put it up and run it, although getting a lot of players on it also isn't easy, I've been running a gameservers.com server for 3 months and this holiday week is the first time I've seen over 20 players EVER. Usually it's like 3-10 at most.

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