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Sooooooooooooooooooo Lost

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Okay, so I just played my first game, let me detail what happened:

So I start playing and I spawn on a beach... And immediatey zombies are trying to kill me. While running for my life, I discover I have no weapons, ammo, nothing. Not even a map.


Eventually I loose the people trying to turn me into a human happy meal long enough to look at the controls. I cant see a chat button (I dont have a mic, can I just type text?).

Ohshit, more zombies! *Exits out of everything and starts booking it*

After a few minutes of huffing and puffing, the screen goes all white and starts to... pulsate... or something...

Anyways, I made it a few more minutes hearing the screams of the recently departed fast behind me, and I just died. Like that. Did I run myself to death or something?

So, a few questions:

1) If I play for a few hours and log out, is that character saved? Will I log in again and still have all my loot?

2) Are there any "safe" areas? A place where I can go afk, or look up controls, and not have to worry bout the undead?

3) Is there a way to avoid making my character.... Pulsate.... himself to death?

Thanks guys.

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1) You don't need to manually save anything, when you log out your character will automatically be saved on the server.

2) There are no 'safe areas' but there are plenty of places they wouldn't chase you. Buildings, roofs and away from cities you normally won't get bothered by zombies, it's normally not a problem.

3) If you instantly died you were probably shot. People are dicks, you will most definitely learn this.

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I didn't hear any gunfire though. The screen just went all crazy white and stuff and I died. Can I change servers and still have my loot?

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you probaly starved to death as food and drinks are important to your characters survival, or you bleed to death.

Edited by dexoze

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It sounds like you were bleeding and died of blood loss.

The blood-drop indicator has a flashing '+' symbol which indicates you are bleeding.


I'll have to explain the 2 types of server.

There are Public Hive servers and there are Private Hive servers.

Public Hive servers are the 'official' group of servers that all have to follow a certain set of rules, these servers are all linked together.

For example, if you log out with an AK47 on one Public Hive server and log into another Public Hive server you will be in the same location with your AK47.

Private Hive servers are an unofficial group of servers ran by private administrators. These are normally individual servers and are not linked with the main hive.

For example, if you log out with an AK47 on one Public Hive server and log into a Private Hive server, you would start again fresh, nothing is linked.

I recommend that you use DayZ Commander: http://www.dayzcommander.com/

DayZ Commander is a briliant launcher/updater that allows you to tell which servers are private, which are public as well as the settings they are currently using.

Hope that helps.

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If your playing on a public server then you can change to another public server and keep your gear. Not if you died though, you start again. If you died and didn't here the gunshot it was probably a sniper, learn to move carefully.

With regards to being lost, that's kind of the point of the game. You're supposed to be lost and paranoid. Anything you need, maps, gps, compass, matches, hunting knife, axe ect. are all there just waiting for you to go and find them, the key is not dieing first. It's a very hard game at forst but it get's easier, in a few weeks time you'll be wishing the zeds are more of a challenge ;)

Edited by Fraggle
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So, a few questions:

1) If I play for a few hours and log out, is that character saved? Will I log in again and still have all my loot?

2) Are there any "safe" areas? A place where I can go afk, or look up controls, and not have to worry bout the undead?

3) Is there a way to avoid making my character.... Pulsate.... himself to death?

Thanks guys.

1. Your character is saved. Keeping your inventory depends on which hive you played on. Its best to log into the same server. If its a private hive your gear will only stay available on that server.

2. No area is 100% safe while in the game. You are generally safe from zombies while deep in the woods but other players may find you.

3. If you were pulsating there were several possibilites but it sounds like you needed painkillers to stop shaking and you bled to death. If you see the droplet blinking with a cross on it you need to bandage yourself or you will bleed to death.

Hope that helps. Good luck and keep at it.

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Good news! I managed to not pulsate myself to death this time! Based on the info you guys are giving me, I think I was bleeding. Whats wierd was that I must've started that way somehow.

This time I immediatly got chased into a lovely hovel that I think I'll call..... Murdertown. Yeah thats a good name. Well, the entire popluation of Murdertown elected me as their newest chewtoy! I declined the office and quickly departed the area, but not alone! No, alot of the population of Murdertown loved me SO much, they decided to chase me halfway across the map! I ran into two other survivors as I ran down the train tracks, they were on the roof of a train station watching me and my fanclub of a dozen or so do our daily marathon. As they solemly watched me, one of them offered these words of encouragement: KEEP RUNNING OR YOU'LL DIE.


I'm starting to love this game.

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Good news! I managed to not pulsate myself to death this time! Based on the info you guys are giving me, I think I was bleeding. Whats wierd was that I must've started that way somehow.

This time I immediatly got chased into a lovely hovel that I think I'll call..... Murdertown. Yeah thats a good name. Well, the entire popluation of Murdertown elected me as their newest chewtoy! I declined the office and quickly departed the area, but not alone! No, alot of the population of Murdertown loved me SO much, they decided to chase me halfway across the map! I ran into two other survivors as I ran down the train tracks, they were on the roof of a train station watching me and my fanclub of a dozen or so do our daily marathon. As they solemly watched me, one of them offered these words of encouragement: KEEP RUNNING OR YOU'LL DIE.


I'm starting to love this game.

A little 'bug' you might want to know about (I call it a bug because it was unintentional and will be removed in standalone).

If you run into a building the zombies will follow you but immediately start walking inside the building.

Let them follow you into the building then run out the back door, they will have to shuffle through the building before continuing to chase you which can get you far away and they will just lose interest.

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Thanks, that actually helps. What are we supposed to do in SA when we first start though?

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Thanks, that actually helps. What are we supposed to do in SA when we first start though?

For the standalone they are going to be implementing a lot more low-end 'home-made' type weapons like planks of wood or metal bars that are common in buildings - that will allow us to more effectively fight off zombies at the start.

I'm pretty sure they said they were implementing a hand-to-hand combat system too although I'm not sure if that will be in from the very start.

Edit: Should probably go a bit more in depth with the 'home-made weapons'.

They are also talking about implementing a 'crafting' type system where you can perhaps add a few things together to make a slightly better weapon, these will obviosuly need materials but some of the more intricate items will require you to get help from another survival to put together too.

There will be a lot more melee weapons, more sort of make-shift weapons like the ones I mentioned, just stuff you've been like 'Oh fuck! Zombie! Then picked up to hit the xombie.'

Edited by Rossums

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You can also lose the zeds in the trees by breaking the line of sight and moving away quietly.

The SA will be the same as in it will have no "quests". It'll have a shed load more content to keep you amused though.

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If lots of zombies are running after you, get into a bush. They'll stand next to you 'lost' and eventually they'll walk away. When they walk away crawl away/crouch

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Or run up a slope. If the slope is steep enough they'll just start walking instead of running (like inside buildings) and you can get away by running up the slope diagonally. Zombies are bad climbers.

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So, I found out how to chat finally, not that anyones responded to me in game yet. I assume group chat is what I want, right? Also, took your advice, headed for the woods to adventure while I got the hang of the game there. Another question, does the dayz music only pop up when zack is nearby? Or is it always there to F with you?

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So, I found out how to chat finally, not that anyones responded to me in game yet. I assume group chat is what I want, right? Also, took your advice, headed for the woods to adventure while I got the hang of the game there. Another question, does the dayz music only pop up when zack is nearby? Or is it always there to F with you?

Group chat is useless. There is no global chat (only on some private hives). Use white, direct comm chat. People can hear/read it within 60m from you.

Music is always with you, but you can just turn it off.

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How do I switch to direct comm? And anyone in 60M will hear me?

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