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Letter of gratitude to Dean "Rocket" Hall from a member of the Russian community

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I've found this post at DayZ Russia forums and decided it worths to be posted, especially these days.

Hi Dean.

You won't see any hate or facepalms in this message. In this message I want to say thank you.

You're one of the people, who have changed the world. I don't care whether it sounds too pompous, but it is true. A few years ago no one could think about a game that is so educational. Even the unreleased DayZ standalone is teaching us tons of things. This is incredible! After half a year of playing DayZ mod I've read so many materials about combat tactics, sniping skills, infantry and even aircraft stealth procedures, that any military training department will envy such educational program. On the Russian forums we suggest so many ideas and features, digging into tons of information to find the golden section for the gameplay, we sort out the most useful and suitable things. Health, weapons, vehicles, survival, hunting. And all that we learn we owe to you. Many people don't notice the social aspects of DayZ: the freedom of actions can be a model of how people act in the time of global disasters. Only few would cooperate, but others will dive into their true nature - robbery, violence, murder. Doing it for fun, fur a can of beans or a larger backpack. The game industry had an enormous technical progress recently, but among the developers no one except you was brave enough to create such an enormous self-regulating world, where every player chooses his own priorities.

It is very hard to continue without the community support when you're at the turning point. When you're in difficult situation you find only your family and your friends near you, and at these moments you will appreciate a smile from a stranger as never before.


Привет, Дин.

В этом сообщении ты не увидишь хейта и фейспалма.В этом сообщении я хочу сказать тебе спасибо.

Ты один из людей которые поменяли мир.Пусть звучит громко, но это так.Пару лет назад никто и задуматься не мог, что игра может так развивать, а если учесть как развивает ещё не вышедший SA, то это просто нечто.За пол года игры в мод я прочитал столько материала по тактике ведения боя, снайперскому делу, скрытному передвижению не только пешком, но и на вертолете, что ученый совет любой армии мира позавидовал такой обучающей программе. На российском форуме мы предлагаем столько идей, перелопачивая тонны информации для того чтобы найти ТУ ЗОЛОТУЮ ЖИЛУ, фильтруем и оставляем самое ценное.Здоровье, оружие, техника, выживание, охота. И это все благодаря тебе. Мало кто заметил социальную составляющую мода: именно из-за свободы действия можно провести параллель, как люди поведут себя в условиях глобальных катастроф. Единицы будут пытаться скооперироваться, остальные же откроют свою истинную сущность - грабеж, насилие, убийства.Ради фана, ради банки бобов или большого рюкзака.И все это даже не учитывая огромный прорыв в игровой индустрии как таковой.Ни одиному разработчику не хватило смелости создать огромный мир, который будет регулировать сам себя.Где каждый игрок выбирает цели для себя.

В переломные моменты крайне тяжело без поддержки общества.Когда в трудный момент рядом с тобой остаются только семья и друзья, как никогда хочется улыбки прохожего.

Edited by -=PA=-Mikhail
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good post, but:

The game industry had an enormous technical progress recently, but among the developers no one except you was brave enough to create such an enormous self-regulating world, where every player chooses his own priorities.

EVE Online

anyway at rocket it turned not worse

Edited by kasseta

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This is nice, I think alot of us feel this way. Me personally? I had lost faith in ever finding a game that challenged me in more ways then some buttons pressed. I am grateful to know at least one game designer isn't concerned with holding my hand.

So thanks Rocket! You are one of 2 game designers I will forever remember as the guys that made the best games I've played.

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Nice. There was a similar one posted recently on the English forums. It's nice to know how people feel, especially as it's usually the more negative peeps that are more vocal than the generally happy but silent majority.

Edited by Fraggle

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The WarZ community is shrinking and they want their money back because the game isn't held what it was promised.


Rocket announced that the Standalone could be delayed. And the reaction of the community? Have a nice holiday, keep it slow and nice, here is my money. Take whatever you want.

This reaction is a result of an amazing team with a great community. The way the devs deal with us is outstanding.

So keep on rockin because this game will be a milestone in game development in many ways.

!!! Thx to Rocket and the rest of the team !!!

PS: Sorry if my english suckz.

Edited by Utzelbrutz
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The Standalone release isn't delayed, there never was a release date.

Rocket and the team said December because they had to set themselves a goal and it was a VERY big goal, especially with two of the Bohemia Interactive staff still in jail (They were meant to be working on Chernarus Plus)

It is understandable that Rocket and the BI staff can't go in to too much detail but it's always good that they communicate and update the player-base which is very rare for any game.

It is much better that they are spending more time on development and ironing out any problems rather than throwing us a half-completed, bug-ridden game and telling us it's a standalone.

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Great post and aye, it's good to see some positivity expressed so concisely.

As far as I'm concerned, Rocket doesn't owe us anything, but he's going all out to give us everything.

It doesn't get better than that..!

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Дин Холл и ребята которые принимают участие в создании DayZ Standalone, а также те, кто не бросает мод dayz, спасибо вам большое за вашу работу и за то, что вы есть.

Edited by anhy

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So true :D

I have learnt a lot about the minds of people in an end of the world situation by playing this game - there will be some guys who will happily stab you in the back for that rifle you have, but you can meet some kind hearted people too. Also, lots of military tactics that i can't wait to use with my friends when they get the mod :D

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