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Global Ban Question (Yes I obviously know something I (me) downloaded caused this)

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So, I play dayz for like 3 weeks blah blah blah. Get BF3 for myself as an early Christmas present, play it for 2 days then I'm like wellll let me get back on DayZ for a little while. Only to come back to be Globally banned. I have a feeling, This happened somewhere down the line of me trying to get Rmod, or what the fuck ever the thing for the unique vehicles is. Now My question really is does anyone Know WHY I was banned. CD key stolen? "Pseudo Hacks" some shit my failed attempt at getting Rmod has caused.

Flame shield: Already contacted Battleeye, I'm sure they will never get back to me and I'll have to totally reinstall windows, and wipe my HDD so that there is no fucking way that whatever I downloaded can do this to another copy that I'll have to buy. I have also searched Google and every dayz/arma/battleye forum I can find for an error code like mine, and there is not a single one ANYWHERE.

Anyway, that's the details of my ban as well as the code that I get, which if anyone knows what exactly that means, please tell me! :)

Battleeye: Global Ban #ad7734

I have no idea what this shit means, and I'm glad they can take 30 hard earned dollars away from me, without good reason. Capitalism at its finest right?

Edited by DurtyWerx

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The ban code is the first six digits of your GUID

You don't get banned for no reason, either you downloaded malware which stole your CD key, which has then been used to cheat or you cheated yourself. Either way it's banned. All you can do is contact BattlEye in the unlikely event it's a false positive.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Hello there

Read all the appropriate stickies and check the info at the BE site.

There's 2 main reasons for a GB.

1. you or someone using your PC scripted

2. you or someone using your PC downloaded a key stealer disguised as another program (a DAYZ optimiser for example)

If it's a non legit ban BE will overturn it. But those are rare.



Ps I wouldn't get BF3 it;s full of cheats......oh......

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