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TeamZ Clan Recruiting | The Official TeamZ Clan

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Typing isn't very effective when in the middle of combat. :|

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I would like to join your clan. I have all of the requirements. and am not one for narrating my own game.

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Everyone is welcome to join, just jump on to the TeamSpeak3 Server.

Yes, a good number of the clan is from the U.S. but we still have quite a few people from UK, AUS, Netherlands, SWE, ect.

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hello im interested in the dayz clan. i might get warz sometime but not sure yet i have a working mic as well teamspeak and skype. im 20 years old and i live in the us eastern time zone. interested in joining up with you guys.

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I AM from The netherlands as well 28 years old like to join steam name Xbgmegatron And i have dayz for 5 months so i AM experienced

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