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DayZ 1.7.1 Discussion - Others will be locked/deleted!

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1.7.1 is the best thing to happen to DayZ yet.

The last two hours was definitely the most intense so far, love it! Getting in and out of a barn with 3 zombies inside it without a gun was amazing.

It involved some empty can throwing and I actually had to think about it instead of crawling past everything.

Getting around in a city getting chased by zombies, trying to lose them and hearing desperate gunshots far away really put a smile on my face.

Thank you Rocket!

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You do know you have to sneak past the zombies, right?

Possibly ... crawling ... in the prone position.

You do know that, right? RIGHT?

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Alright' date=' I would just like to throw this out there, the new changes in 1.7.1 are glorious. The game is what it should have been. It forces people to cooperate and play together and the real threat now is the zombies (that actually kill things now). I actually made a friend in-game today and traveled with them for a very long time. I was pleasantly surprised when he didn't shoot me on the coast and actually gave me ammo for the makarov I found later while he was protecting my ass from the zombies.

However, I notice people complaining that it's too hard, that they can't stealth and the game sucks because they can't adapt to the new zombie behaviours. I would like to say, Rocket please do not listen to cries of the few. I think most of us really enjoy the raised difficulty and love the mod even more! (I could be wrong, but from what I see that seems to be the consensus.)

Though, I would like to point out an issue that has been amplified with this update, (you said not to mention this because its a known issue already but I'm going to say it anyways :P) the wall attacking. It's even more brutal now because of the zombies increased attack range. Now even in larger buildings like the apartments in Berezino and some of the larger homes the zombies are hitting you from everywhere. Once this gets panned out the update will be flawless.

All of you haters crying that it's too hard; I hate to say it, but learn to play.


The general on the consensus on both the forums and on the servers is that the patch is just straight dumb, from alot of standpoints.

The Zombies/Infected are not logical at all with the lore that they come from. Their inability to see at night well while having eagle eye vision is logically inconsistent. Not to mention that their ability to pinpoint sound from a mile away inside a huge city is pretty ridiculous, considering the city buildings should severely distort sound, especially the quieter weapons like silenced MP5s, M4s, etc.

Spawn rate has been covered in alot of threads, it's bugged.

Spawning with no defensive mechanism at all apart from bugging Zeds with walls, extra levels, etc. is pretty stupid. Coupled with the non-lore friendly Zed, it makes for a really dumb early game. Being forced to prone nearly everywhere is not challenging; it's tedious.

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Hate to be "that guy" but it's an alpha release of a mod. As we're "testers" testing an alpha patch, and as has been stated, it can have varied amounts of success. Clearly if a lot of people don't like this patch, and rocket will see the amount of negativity towards this patch and change things up if enough people speak up.

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I merged some 1.7.1 discussion threads into this one. Please don't create new threads about it, use this instead. Whether you like or dislike something in 1.7.1, discuss it here.

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It's hilarious to see all these people think Zombies alone can hold this game up.

Good job completely missing what Day Z was about.

And then you guys call us casuals. All you want to do is shoot some zombies. That's all Day Z is to you apparently.


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Calling bullshit. Half of the spawns you get insta attacked due to the increased sensitivity of Zombie sight range' date=' and the rest of the areas are impossible to get to due to lack of cover. There's maybe 2-3 barns you could hit that would be relatively easy.


No you don't, And if you do spawn by zombies RUN you can lose zombies in a forest or round a hill if you are clever about it. Also not every spawn has some jack-ass sitting their with a gun you don't need cover. 2-3 Barns? So that's probably a CZ or a Shotty and maybe some food and drink. Everything you need to go on the hunt for more.

Spawning on a coastal town like Kamaneka where the Zeds spawn relatively close to the beach line = insta aggro. This is extremely aggravating when you don't even start off with a defensive mechanism. Don't tell me I'm lying, I've experienced it first hand.

Those 2-3 barns are known by everyone by now, and are likely camped way harder than even the cities which are just straight death traps due to glitchy numerous and super mutant Zeds now. Not to mention the hospitals are must hits before heading North since Morphine/Blood Bags/etc. are practically required now.

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Got to agree, if your clever about it the zeds are fairly easy to get past.

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I am at the latest Arma II beta patches, latest Nvidia drivers and the performance on his mod is shit. I am talking about puking unplayable fucking shit! I never had this issues wiht the 1.6 update and now with 1.71 it is fucking unplayable. I have 30-40 FPS when the game laods at the server screen. However, once I load into the server it's self then it crawls below 10 now. I am picking a server with a lower ping then 50 and close to my area. In the game my ping is around 26-35 at most. I am getting zero dsync. I know it's an alpha but come fucking on, the game should be at least playable. Not only that it's hanging at the loading screen for the servers. I wish we could just roll back to 1.6 update, at least the game worked properly. I might try it again later but already wasted an hour with this bull shit!

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Got to agree' date=' if your clever about it the zeds are fairly easy to get past.


Yeah throwing empty cans actually helps a lot now. Love it.

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I don't like 1.7.1 much, for the hyper sensitive zombies and super black night.

But on the other hand, it is great to part of the game developing experience. It's fun to see the thing evolve, experiment. It's ridiculous to think everything will always run smooth, that'll it be ever upwards to perfection. It's not, it's going to be two steps forwards, one step back.

Normally all this stuff is hidden from the player, we don't get to see the trials, the experiments, the playtesting of new brilliant ideas, and of ideas that sounded good but didn't work.

Sure, on a final game we get to see a few bugs here and there, but in DayZ we are so much closer to the bone. So while it's good to give constructive criticism of the changes we don't like, or praise for the ones we do, it's also fun to jump in and get your hands dirty even when things have gone haywire.

I think 1.7.1 is a nightmare world, DayZ on PCP that gives you no chance at all, and I hope it gets changed soon. But on the other hand, I'm going to keep playing, and savouring this current experimental world, because it's a part of the game evolution we're lucky to see. And it's kind of fun to try to survive in an experiment gone mad.

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biggest issue is people thought that more people would team up in elektro/ cherno with no weapons. well. ive been killed UN ARMED about 5 times in cherno/ elektro now. whal saluting. on a different server each time. i love the new zombies, and not having a weapon, just dont want people thinking there's more friendlies now.

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i guess it'll take a few days at least before the servers update properly but i filtered for 1.7.1 and still i join the server with 'your running blah blah blah 1.7.1 and the server is 1.7.0' oh really why did some dumbass label it 1.7.1 then. also it cant be just me that joins a random server and the frame rate drops to 1 or so.

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I seriously doubt the spawnrates for all those items you found has gone up.

That was just the most sheer amount of luck ever. Should have gone all the way to the airfield and gotten a GPS' date=' rangefinder, NVG, M107, and Mk48 while you were on it.


I actually did find a gps in Starry Sobor before i died some dead guy had it

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Is wayy better then before. Dont listen to all these little kids crying. It's much more fair now with no one starting with a weapon. And way more of a challange.

Good job!

The problem isn't "is it fair", it's "does it work?"

Allow me to explain:

Firstly I'd like to say I know this game is in alpha. I know what alpha means, I am actually in alpha at work at the moment in the games industry. However, this alpha game has made Bohemia a lot of money. Probably millions because ARMA 2 is still top of steam and it's all down to this mod. Rocket has gone full-time on to DayZ. This is why the "it's only alpha" argument doesn't hold up. There is too much money and people's time invested in it to release horrible broken patches instead of waiting for proper testing.

Being on top of Steam brings me on to my second point: why is the current game version of DAYZ and the Steam version of the game not the same? Why do we have to patch from slightly dodgy looking websites and change executables to get the game to work in steam. It is laborious, tedious and unprofessional. With all the money Bohemia is making from this, there should be a dedicated couple of people making sure stuff like this just works.

Which brings my on to my third point, making sure stuff works. Yep we're in alpha thanks I know that. I know it's going to be buggy. What isn't good though is releasing a known broken patch that makes the game frustrating and nigh-on unplayable. Why not just do a very limited release and then wait? Small alphas make sense, but this is a huge game and the sole reason tens of thousands of people bought Arma 2. Test your patches more thoroughly! It would have taken two seconds to notice zombies can see you from inside buildings. I know you're aware of it, so don't release the patch!

I actually think the gun changes are quite fresh and could work well. I get the feeling they are way closer to Rocket's vision and they bring back a lot of drama in to a game that can get a bit stale once you have good equipment. The trouble is that the enemy vision and damage changes make this extremely difficult for new players, combined with the horrific bugs in this patch just makes people angry.

What I'm saying is have a little more consideration before you act. Bohemia should be pumping money in to this. It's no longer a bedroom-dev when it makes them so many sales.

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This seems like a reasonable thread, so...

Why do you think that it gives you no chance?

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What? People actually want the current game changed? Seriously?

It's amazing. 1.7.1 is what the zombie apocalypse should all be about. It's tough as fuck, and not in a bad way. Only thing I'd change is the pitch black nights. They're unplayable at the moment.

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A very sane thread, even when you don't like some things you don't cry out and rage all over the place. A welcome sight to the general forums for sure.

And yeah I agree with you, some features ain't working that well at the moment, but hey thats what alphas are made for, to test things out.

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Being forced to prone nearly everywhere is not challenging; it's tedious.

I don't know about the rest of you guys but I was crawling (prone) everywhere in or near towns before the patch.

Are you seriously telling me you had a good success rate without crawling? if you did then that just goes to show that the zombies needed this buff' date=' if the zombies aren't a serious threat then the survival aspect of the game isn't very challenging (and survival is the primary focus of the game, not pvp).

And yeah I agree with you, some features ain't working that well at the moment, but hey thats what alphas are made for, to test things out.

yup, somethings are broken for sure but as you say thats the nature of alpha. I got severely mauled by the deer stand spawn bug myself almost straight after installing the patch but i'm not whining about it.

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There will be a change with 1.7.1 soon...

The loot and zombie spawn timer isn't working, hence the FPS issues for some people and the billions of zombies. I tried a new mechanism for this update, it works with small numbers of players but stops with large numbers.

Likely be a hotfix, not within 24 hours, but definitely within 48 hours.

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first off this patch did make the game atleast 2.9x harder because of buffs to zombies and the fact that you dont start with anything and i kinda get that and why,

this is a game/mod meant to appeal to a hardcore survivalist audience by achieving high levels of realism and tense-ness that being said it is far too punishing currently for newer players.

points i like are, 1: no gun at start, it makes sense not everyone has a gun in their home so why should everyone start with one it also makes stealth much more neccesary

2: no morphine, pretty much the same as 1

points i do not like, 1: why dont we start with beans, the gun thing yeah i dont have one and no one i know in aus has a gun but we sure as hell have plenty of f""kin beans so why cant we have some on spawn.

2:if we are going for realism pretty much eveyone has access to a sharp knife so why not spawn with that also Matches i've got plenty just household supplies.

3: if you really want realism think of the zombies they are rotting corpses of human beings who have been brought back to life by some ungodly virus, they arent going to be able to run like usain bolt make them slower, they cant swim because they dont have air in their lungs for buoyancy and they really shouldnt have good eyesight so please nerf zombies a little.

TL;DR spawn with no gun-good no morphine-good no knife-bad no beans-bad zombies that are more agile and perceptive than humans-bad.

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Merged another thread about personal opinions of 1.7.1. Guys please stop creating new threads about it. If you just want to share your opinion about 1.7.1, use the existing thread instead of creating a new one.

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