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Special Response Team [Open Recruitment]

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Age: 16

How long have you played DayZ: 7 months

Why do you Want to join SRT: More fun playing in groups. Kill Bandits

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Pilot/Recon

Have you read the rules?:Yes

Do you accept these rules?:Yes

Do you have a working mic?:Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Yes i have teamspeak username is Haze

What timezone do you live in:GMT

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker):USA

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?:4~5 and 8~11weekdayz sunday and saturday im on almost till midnight

Sounds good. You are now on trial.

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How long: Played about a month

Why: Tired of trusting people then getting shot in head

Read rules: yep

Accept: yes

Mic: yes

Teamspeak: yes

Timezone: Don't know but live in washington state

Where: Washington State

Time schedule: I play 4 or 5 hours most days

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How long: Played about a month

Why: Tired of trusting people then getting shot in head

Read rules: yep

Accept: yes

Mic: yes

Teamspeak: yes

Timezone: Don't know but live in washington state

Where: Washington State

Time schedule: I play 4 or 5 hours most days

Looks good, now on trial.

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Edited by Guest

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Age: 15

How long have you played DayZ: From when it release.

Why do you Want to join SRT: I want to join this group because the member of this clan is nice to me and I want to know more about and from this clan and want to play as a team

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Recon,Marksman,driver and Assault Rifle but I am Pilot too.

Have you read the rules?:Yes

Do you accept these rules?:Yes

Do you have a working mic?:Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: I got teamspeak, my teamspeak name is Hankaws

What timezone do you live in:GTM +1

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker):Norway

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available? I will be available from like 15.00-21.00 on the week and friday and saturday till 23.00.

Edited by Hankaws

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Age: 18

How long have you played Dayz:About 5 months.

Why do you Want to join SRT: I've been looking around for a clan like this for a while and i'd really like to just be part of a bigger team when playing Dayz. I hate bandits but am otherwise a friendly guy and team player.

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.):I really enjoy support roles, so I guess a cross between medic and mechanic. Also I can handle a chopper and shoot well. I'm pretty flexible.

Have you read the rules?: Yes

Do you accept these rules?: Yes, I do.

Do you have a working mic?: Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Yes, name's Roz.

What timezone do you live in: GMT

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): UK

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?:Most afternoons, weekends. Some weeknights till late.

Please consider:

P.S: I've spent the past few weeks scanning for similar groups and all other clans I've looked into have let me down, I'm really hoping to find a solid base here with you guys. Share the beans ;) :beans:

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Age: 18

How long have you played Dayz:About 5 months.

Why do you Want to join SRT: I've been looking around for a clan like this for a while and i'd really like to just be part of a bigger team when playing Dayz. I hate bandits but am otherwise a friendly guy and team player.

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.):I really enjoy support roles, so I guess a cross between medic and mechanic. Also I can handle a chopper and shoot well. I'm pretty flexible.

Have you read the rules?: Yes

Do you accept these rules?: Yes, I do.

Do you have a working mic?: Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Yes, name's Roz.

What timezone do you live in: GMT

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): UK

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?:Most afternoons, weekends. Some weeknights till late.

Please consider:

P.S: I've spent the past few weeks scanning for similar groups and all other clans I've looked into have let me down, I'm really hoping to find a solid base here with you guys. Share the beans ;) :beans:

Looks Good, you are now on trial.

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How long have you played DayZ: 1 month

Why do you Want to join SRT: I have been playing alone alot or with a friend it seems it's alot more fun when you run around 2 or more guys together and also the chat ingame is really annoying even if you meet someone to play with. I like to use skype or teamspeak and people ingame usually insist on using ingame chat!

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Assault rifle, map reader

Have you read the rules?: yes

Do you accept these rules?: yes

Do you have a working mic?: yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: AmerStark

What timezone do you live in: Sweden, UTC/GMT +1

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): Bosna Hercegovina

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: I'm online all the time xD

Age: 15

How long have you played DayZ: From when it release.

Why do you Want to join SRT: I want to join this group because the member of this clan is nice to me and I want to know more about and from this clan and want to play as a team

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Recon,Marksman,driver and Assault Rifle but I am Pilot too.

Have you read the rules?:Yes

Do you accept these rules?:Yes

Do you have a working mic?:Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: I got teamspeak, my teamspeak name is Hankaws

What timezone do you live in:GTM +1

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker):Norway

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available? I will be available from like 15.00-21.00 on the week and friday and saturday till 23.00.

You are now on trial.

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How long have you played DayZ: 6months

Why do you Want to join SRT: I'm sick of these bandits killing me.. its time to take a stand PAYBAK.. plus its more fun with a skilled team :)

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Assault Scout

Have you read the rules?: yes

Do you accept these rules?: yes

Do you have a working mic?: yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Surgent

What timezone do you live in: UK GMT

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): UK

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: I play almost every evening in weekdays, then i play more untill early hours weekends :)... My steam account is surg3nt.. email:[email protected].... will also help support server donations...:)

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How long have you played DayZ: 7 months

Why do you Want to join SRT: Why you'd fit the role: I grow tired of seeing bandits get away after looting shit from players who had a tough time scavenging their stuff. I am also a Marksman Specialist at 700m with an ACOG scope for the SAF(Singapore Armed Forces). Holding an actual military rank, I'm first sergeant of my squad.

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Pilot, driver, sniper/spotter, scout, marksman.

Have you read the rules?: yes

Do you accept these rules?: yes

Do you have a working mic?: yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: WhoringStates

What timezone do you live in: GMT + 8.00

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): Singapore (not in china)

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

Edited by WhoringStates, Yesterday, 01:37 AM.


How long have you played DayZ: 6months

Why do you Want to join SRT: I'm sick of these bandits killing me.. its time to take a stand PAYBAK.. plus its more fun with a skilled team :)

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Assault Scout

Have you read the rules?: yes

Do you accept these rules?: yes

Do you have a working mic?: yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Surgent

What timezone do you live in: UK GMT

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): UK

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: I play almost every evening in weekdays, then i play more untill early hours weekends :)... My steam account is surg3nt.. email:[email protected].... will also help support server donations... :)

Welcome to SRT.

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I know this looks like alot of people have joined but over 50% of these people who have signed up are not active, Please apply, Don't be intimidated by numbers!!

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Age: 16 (17 in april ;D)

How long have you played DayZ: around like 4 months

Why do you Want to join SRT: Heard this is a very nice clan that know how to use teamwork to overcome different situations and that's excatly what i'm looking for.

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Pilot(Heli's), Recon/Marksman

Have you read the rules?:Yes

Do you accept these rules?:Yes

Do you have a working mic?:Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Yes i have teamspeak username is [Reaper]Charlie (can change if needed Reaper is just my tag )

What timezone do you live in: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): USA

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: Week days normally after school from 4-11pm unless I am doing something else and weekend normally free anytime.

Edited by CharliexD
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Age: 19

How long have you played DayZ:6 months

Why do you Want to join SRT:looking for a better way to play dayZ

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.):Assault rifle,recon

Have you read the rules?:Yes

Do you accept these rules?:Yes

Do you have a working mic?:Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here:Miles

What timezone do you live in:us Central

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker):US

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?:Usually everyday

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Age: 15 ( in a week )

How long have you played DayZ: Roughly for half a year now.

Why do you Want to join SRT: Because I feel like doing some tactical based gaming, to support players.

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): I'm a good rifleman, anything from a m14 to a m16.

Have you read the rules?: Indeed!

Do you accept these rules?: Indeed!

Do you have a working mic?: Indeed!

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Yes I do and my name's Remoz on there.

What timezone do you live in: GMT + 1 ( Sweden )

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): Sweden

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?:As much as I can, during week-days I'd mostly be available after eight PM.

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Every one of you get on ts3 and an higher rank officer should be with you very fast :)

Edited by joe87

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Age: 16 (17 in april ;D)

How long have you played DayZ: around like 4 months

Why do you Want to join SRT: Heard this is a very nice clan that know how to use teamwork to overcome different situations and that's excatly what i'm looking for.

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Pilot(Heli's), Recon/Marksman

Have you read the rules?:Yes

Do you accept these rules?:Yes

Do you have a working mic?:Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Yes i have teamspeak username is [Reaper]Charlie (can change if needed Reaper is just my tag )

What timezone do you live in: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): USA

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: Week days normally after school from 4-11pm unless I am doing something else and weekend normally free anytime.

Age: 19

How long have you played DayZ:6 months

Why do you Want to join SRT:looking for a better way to play dayZ

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.):Assault rifle,recon

Have you read the rules?:Yes

Do you accept these rules?:Yes

Do you have a working mic?:Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here:Miles

What timezone do you live in:us Central

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker):US

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?:Usually everyday

Age: 15 ( in a week )

How long have you played DayZ: Roughly for half a year now.

Why do you Want to join SRT: Because I feel like doing some tactical based gaming, to support players.

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): I'm a good rifleman, anything from a m14 to a m16.

Have you read the rules?: Indeed!

Do you accept these rules?: Indeed!

Do you have a working mic?: Indeed!

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Yes I do and my name's Remoz on there.

What timezone do you live in: GMT + 1 ( Sweden )

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): Sweden

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?:As much as I can, during week-days I'd mostly be available after eight PM.


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We are now staying on this post as it has more views, Do not be intimidated by numbers, we have a max of 5 people on every day that are active, a lot of them are not active, sadly, PLEASE KEEP THOSE APPS COMING I WILL BE MORE ACTIVE ON HERE.

Any questions, Come on Teamspeak, Policebear88320, Gnostic, Joe, Or Loxa will help you.

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Age: 17

How long have you played DayZ: Since august 2012.

Why do you Want to join SRT: I wan't to take my dayz gaming a step further.

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): My playstyle is pretty offensive and is therefore very assault rifle oriented.

Have you read the rules?: Yes I have.

Do you accept these rules?: Yes I do.

Do you have a working mic?:Yes.

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Bergaren

What timezone do you live in: GMT 1+

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): Sweden

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: I often tend to play around 16.00-18.00 on weekdays and between 18.00-21.00 on weekends.

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Age: 14, don't worry, i have been told i act like a 16 year old a couple of times, so it aint that bad.

How long have you played DayZ: Can't remmember exact, but 1 year +/-

Why do you Want to join SRT: I'm looking for this kind of clan/squad, i really like the idea of more "ranked" teams and such. Generally a more mature clan.

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Pilot, but i can shoot rifles aswell.

Have you read the rules?: Yes

Do you accept these rules?: Yes

Do you have a working mic?: Yes, blue snowball.

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Jonassm

What timezone do you live in: GMT +1

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): Denmark

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: Normal days (Monday-Friday) From 14:00 (sometimes before, depends on school) to 21:00

Edited by jonassm

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Age: 29

How long have you played DayZ: January 2013

Why do you Want to join SRT: Tired of solo play against bandits. Looking for more mature players with teamwork

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Marksman, Recon, Assault Rifle

Have you read the rules?: Yes

Do you accept these rules?: Yes

Do you have a working mic?:Yes.

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: gr8mahi

What timezone do you live in: EST

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): USA

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: Normal play times are 1800-0000 daily. On my days off, im on usually all day.

Edited by gr8mahi

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