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You are listening to the wrong people Rocket.

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Hay flyingmonkey! :p

Rocket does not actively seek advice from forumers in regards to game changes.

Except' date=' he did.

People were upset that they got killed on the beach ( A more rare occurrence than as reported on the forums.)

Someone made a post about spawning with nothing, and how it would magically stop the PvP.

Rocket then made a post/poll on the forums, where mostly the "believers" are.

It was in game about 48-72 hours later.

Its all great and all to say "its alpha", but once you start doing interviews, make the base game the top seller on steam, and have prominent news outlets all have you on the front page. You may want to take some time before making NGE like changes.

Especially those that only punish new users ( The ones that made you ), and that does not address the high end problems. You can't common denominator the whole game to fix higher tier play. It just makes the whole experience non-fun, and you piss away all the good growth.



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People were upset that they got killed on the beach...It was in game about 48-72 hours later.

And you arbitrarily connected these events in your head despite 0 evidence of them actually being related in any way. If you read rocket's thread' date=' it says little about the starting equipment change having anything at all to do with trying to "fix" PvP, which he never even agreed was broken in the first place and a lot to do about how it's an interesting new dynamic that makes people think and act in different ways at the start of the game - which is true.

Its all great and all to say "its alpha", but once you start doing interviews, make the base game the top seller on steam, and have prominent news outlets all have you on the front page. You may want to take some time before making NGE like changes.

Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's not Alpha. Alpha is Alpha, talking about it in public or having a lot of people who want to play isn't some kind of magical pixie dust that turns an Alpha into a late Beta. These are real terms with real meanings and implications for the state of the software and the priorities of the team. They don't just change overnight because you kind of feel like maybe it should because you're impatient.

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You have told the truth, My group and I totally agree with you 100%. I logged out and do not plan to log in. The hard part is finding something else for my boyfriend and I's group.

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AlphaThe alpha phase of the release life cycle is the first phase to begin software testing (alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, used as the number 1). In this phase, developers generally test the software using white box techniques. Additional validation is then performed using black box or gray box techniques, by another testing team. Moving to black box testing inside the organization is known as alpha release.[1]

Alpha software can be unstable and could cause crashes or data loss. The exception to this is when the alpha is available publicly (such as a pre-order bonus), in which developers normally push for stability so that their testers can test properly. External availability of alpha software is uncommon in proprietary software. However, open source software, in particular, often have publicly available alpha versions, often distributed as the raw source code of the software. The alpha phase usually ends with a feature freeze, indicating that no more features will be added to the software. At this time, the software is said to be a feature complete.

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This is a survival mod , it is supposed to replicate a infected scenario where the "zombies" are infected with a kind of 28 days style rage.

As it stands the zombies movements are perfect

The starting gear creates the kind of desperation you would expect. Perfect.

Lack of food/resources to emulate looting after "event". Perfect.

The difficulty is exactly how i would expet survival to be , you people are too used to games handing you everything on a plate you have forgotten what a challenge was.

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This is a survival mod ' date=' it is supposed to replicate a infected scenario where the "zombies" are infected with a kind of 28 days style rage.

As it stands the zombies movements are perfect

The starting gear creates the kind of desperation you would expect. Perfect.

Lack of food/resources to emulate looting after "event". Perfect.

The difficulty is exactly how i would expet survival to be , you people are too used to games handing you everything on a plate you have forgotten what a challenge was.


Yes, challenges in gaming are rare. It's a curse of the PEEGEE

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It does help if you read posts.

1.7 had a good balance. If High tier was becoming easy, then address high tier. Don't common denominator the entire experience. All this does is make the gap between haves and haves not wider, and punishes the start game.

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It does help if you read posts.

1.7 had a good balance. If High tier was becoming easy' date=' then address high tier. Don't common denominator the entire experience. All this does is make the gap between haves and haves not wider, and punishes the start game.


Erm... 1.7.1 is easy? Even starting without anything it's so easy.

Dont blame broken mechanics if yooo surrrk

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the reason this mod even blew up was because of its hardcore nature. nothing else. hardcore. zombie. simulator.

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It does help if you read posts.

1.7 had a good balance. If High tier was becoming easy' date=' then address high tier. Don't common denominator the entire experience. All this does is make the gap between haves and haves not wider, and punishes the start game.


Erm... 1.7.1 is easy? Even starting without anything it's so easy.

Dont blame broken mechanics if yooo surrrk

Reading comprehension. lost art.

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You people bitch and moan far to much.

From what i understand its meant to be a hard and unforgiving game' date=' not a walk in the fucking park...

So man up!


Let me know when I ask for a "walk in the park". If you read the OP, you may notice "words" that explain I like challenge.

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It does help if you read posts.

1.7 had a good balance. If High tier was becoming easy' date=' then address high tier. Don't common denominator the entire experience. All this does is make the gap between haves and haves not wider, and punishes the start game.


Erm... 1.7.1 is easy? Even starting without anything it's so easy.

Dont blame broken mechanics if yooo surrrk

Reading comprehension. lost art.

Skill in games. Lost art.

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It does help if you read posts.

1.7 had a good balance. If High tier was becoming easy' date=' then address high tier. Don't common denominator the entire experience. All this does is make the gap between haves and haves not wider, and punishes the start game.


Erm... 1.7.1 is easy? Even starting without anything it's so easy.

Dont blame broken mechanics if yooo surrrk

Reading comprehension. lost art.

Skill in games. Lost art.

Obviously, if you do not understand what someone is saying. THEY are bad at the game. As those two things are directly related.

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Obviously' date=' if you do not understand what someone is saying. THEY are bad at the game. As those two things are directly related.


When someone makes a whine thread it's an automatic approval of being bad.

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The problem is' date=' that's a very objective word.

What I am trying to do, is find the recipe for a fix that [b']I am happy with. That means a considerable amount of experimentation and things will probably get worse before they get better.

Very early in this project, I read something on 4chan that has stuck with me the whole way through development:

> How is it possible that this game is better than any professionally developed game to be released in 2012?


By gamers for gamers? Its not a product of bazillion board meetings and marketing studies.

The forums has been a great source of engagement and feedback, BUT, it's starting to remind me of marketing meetings where people can't handle experimental change. Usually, that change gets WORSE before it gets better.

Every update, there is doom and gloom 1.5.0 was the end of the world, so was 1.6.0. People refused to move to them. Now, we have people asking for revert. Such short memories.

The build is not as intended because it is bugged. I've stated that. A hotfix will be produced and will continue to be produced until the build is where it is intended to be. Then it will be assessed on it's merits and a decision made then. I don't give a fuck if, during that process, only five people play it. I don't care if you're not having fun now, cause I certainly aren't, and the build isn't as intended. What I care about is the end result, we just need to bare through this until the hotfix gets the build stable.

Then we assess it.

Until then, constructive feedback is good but people need to stop repeating, and focus on responding only if they have something to add to the discussion.

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The problem is' date=' that's a very objective word.

What I am trying to do, is find the recipe for a fix that [b']I am happy with. That means a considerable amount of experimentation and things will probably get worse before they get better.

Very early in this project, I read something on 4chan that has stuck with me the whole way through development:

> How is it possible that this game is better than any professionally developed game to be released in 2012?


By gamers for gamers? Its not a product of bazillion board meetings and marketing studies.

The forums has been a great source of engagement and feedback, BUT, it's starting to remind me of marketing meetings where people can't handle experimental change. Usually, that change gets WORSE before it gets better.

Every update, there is doom and gloom 1.5.0 was the end of the world, so was 1.6.0. People refused to move to them. Now, we have people asking for revert. Such short memories.

The build is not as intended because it is bugged. I've stated that. A hotfix will be produced and will continue to be produced until the build is where it is intended to be. Then it will be assessed on it's merits and a decision made then. I don't give a fuck if, during that process, only five people play it. I don't care if you're having fun now, cause I certainly aren't. What I care about is the end result, we just need to bare through this until the hotfix gets the build stable.

Then we assess it.

Until then, constructive feedback is good but people need to stop repeating, and focus on responding only if they have something to add to the discussion.

The only thing that bugs me in the is that zombies are too easy to lose, i could have a horde of a 100 chasing me from kamenka to cherno & its just too easy to drop aggro.

Apart from that the games coming along nicely :D

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You people bitch and moan far to much.

From what i understand its meant to be a hard and unforgiving game' date=' not a walk in the fucking park...

So man up!


Let me know when I ask for a "walk in the park". If you read the OP, you may notice "words" that explain I like challenge.

Then why the fuck are you moaning?? This update apart from the obvious bugs is a step in the right direction to make this game challenging.

Go and play L4D or something.

In my opinion it still could go up a notch or two on the hardness scale. Just with something in there that will help the newbs get to grips with it.

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Im looking forward to your continuation on working with feedback from the forum. :popcorn:

Locking the update thread when it gets shouty will def not speed things up. But maybe youre not in a rush.

Running things like a baws.

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The problem is' date=' that's a very objective word.

What I am trying to do, is find the recipe for a fix that [b']I am happy with. That means a considerable amount of experimentation and things will probably get worse before they get better.

Very early in this project, I read something on 4chan that has stuck with me the whole way through development:

> How is it possible that this game is better than any professionally developed game to be released in 2012?


By gamers for gamers? Its not a product of bazillion board meetings and marketing studies.

The forums has been a great source of engagement and feedback, BUT, it's starting to remind me of marketing meetings where people can't handle experimental change. Usually, that change gets WORSE before it gets better.

Every update, there is doom and gloom 1.5.0 was the end of the world, so was 1.6.0. People refused to move to them. Now, we have people asking for revert. Such short memories.

The build is not as intended because it is bugged. I've stated that. A hotfix will be produced and will continue to be produced until the build is where it is intended to be. Then it will be assessed on it's merits and a decision made then. I don't give a fuck if, during that process, only five people play it. I don't care if you're not having fun now, cause I certainly aren't, and the build isn't as intended. What I care about is the end result, we just need to bare through this until the hotfix gets the build stable.

Then we assess it.

Until then, constructive feedback is good but people need to stop repeating, and focus on responding only if they have something to add to the discussion.

I understand your process. I'm not new to this. I'm also aware of the bugs that are tainting peoples views.

My feedback is about a fundamental changes, that I believe are misdirected, ill timed, and based on the wrong respondents. Addressing an issues that wasn't.

The LOS system, and its changes are welcome, in fact, the whole ability to hide is intriguing. However, the need to widen the gap between sheep and wolves, across the board, is a mistake. Its what no starting gear has done in practice. Now, High tier is the same, but the start game is almost abusive.

I also feel, attempting to lesson the danger of other users, instead of simply trying to improve zombies, or other "main" threats is the wrong direction. There was nothing wrong with users killing each other, fit the setting quite well ( infact I was hopping to see more tribal game play form out of future additions, Ala The walking dead ), it also was highly exaggerated by your forum users. There are so many other, less evasive, was to address the issue, if you felt it was an issue, that were not explored.

The start game was already difficult to begin with. You just base-lined the entire experience because of high game perceptions. I believe you are chasing the wrong boogeyman, to the detriment of new users. I am not talking about RIGHT NOW. I'm talking about moving forward if you keep this.

1.7 was challenging, but you could overcome it with time, experience, and some thought. If the higher tier game play was getting stale, or moving outside your vision, then address THAT.

However, giving feedback like this is pointless, as the signal to noise here is so high, you likely only ever see the high noise topics. Its how you noticed this topic.

You had such a good starting balance, it brought a lot of people to the game. Its a shame its gone.

PS: You should also never, EVER patch on a high volume day. No one benefits. Weekdays allow servers to catchup to changes, as well as users. Smoother transition for all.

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Its what no starting gear has done in practice. Now' date=' High tier is the same, but the start game is almost abusive.


Abusive, eh? I like it. We should somehow work that term into a DayZ motto or something.

PS: You should also never, EVER patch on a high volume day. No one benefits. Weekdays allow servers to catchup to changes, as well as users. Smoother transition for all.

Here you go again. Lecturing rocket on how to do his job, are we?

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Was a good decision to patch on weekend. A lot of people online to test the first build and first hotfix came very close.

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Was a good decision to patch on weekend. A lot of people online to test the first build and first hotfix came very close.

None of the fixes needed mass players to notice.

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