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You are listening to the wrong people Rocket.

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How about Rocket ignores this post and fixes things that actually matter like zombies coming through walls and items dissapearing when you move them etc?

I dont think Rocket really cares about balance right now, and good on him.

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What I am gathering from this is "dont listen to them, listen to me."

Rocket should listen to Rocket.

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The only problem I have right now is that you cant see your humanity. IRL you know if you are good or bad, so why remove the ability to know IG. There is no logic behind the removal. The only reason was because of all the people that worship everything he does said, and I quote, "do it." He didn't listen to anyone with valid points, only those that say a maximum of 5 words praising him.

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I don't understand why we aren't spawned with nothing at all.

No backpack, no nothing.

That would be far better imo.

Survival of the fittest I say.

I like the glitched stupid mega zombie overlords. They suck so bad it makes the game insanely difficult and epic at the same time.

This game was made for gamers looking for a truly hardcore experience, so I'm all for anything that achieves that.

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Haha, I am actually very curious on how the community would react to spawning with absolutely nothing.

Making us find our very first backpack would make us cherish it even more, let alone anything else we find. Personally, I like it and I die consistently enough as it is :P

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The best part of this thread is all the "not working as intended" coming from the "feedbackers".

The only people who should be making that statement is the developers.

Give feedback, if you think it's too hard, say it. OWN IT! Don't say it's not supposed to be this way. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. This is an alpha, they're going to try things out.

(I fully expect a "Rocket even said it's not working as intended!! So everything I think is right!" because god knows we can't talk specifically about anything in these threads, if you like ANY changes your a fanboy and if ANYTHING isn't perfect in the patch, the whole patch is bugged.)

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Oh all this excitement, and I've been stuck overseas for 2 weeks unable to play! Can't wait to try out the new patch when I get home.

It would also be nice if people stop telling everyone to 'hush up it's an alpha', as that would suggest that all major features are implemented without anymore overhauls required. Dayz seems to be 'in development' while allowing people to test the incremental builds. It will be an alpha in the future once the only things left are bug fixing and stability.

When treating dayz as 'in development' rather than an alpha things begin to make more sense, any programmer will tell you not to pre-optimize or over-engineer the performance of components before they are feature complete. For example, the zombies ai obviously doesn't satisfy this, as their abilities and behaviors are changing with new patches. I'm sure once the developers reach a point where they are happy with their behaviors and all other mod features they will come back and fix the performance related to them.

Oh and to re-add my opinion on the changes, if we don't have a weapon, why not just spawn with nothing, make it completely non-beneficial to kill a new player, because there's nothing to loot at all.

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The best part of this thread is all the "not working as intended" coming from the "feedbackers".

The *best* part is people defending shit that obviously is not working as intended.

Oh you can't aim/turn right while in a doorway? REALISM GUY GET USED TO IT.

Oh you jumped down 3 steps and broke your legs? ARMA IS ABOUT REALISM, TRY JUMPING DOWN 3 STEPS WITH 100LBS IRL.

Oh you crawled through a doorway and it made you stand up and get zombie aggro? YOU SHOULD'VE KNOWN, THIS GAME IS HARD SUCK IT UP LOL.

Oh you have to stand still for 3 seconds to change your weapons, stand up from prone, throw a grenade longer than 10ft, etc? DUDE IT'S MILSIM YOU CAN'T CHANGE YOUR WEAPON AND KEEP MOVING OBVIOUSLY GO PLAY COD.

The UI for using doors, ladders, etc, is the most abhorrent thing to ever hit the gaming industry? JUST GET USED TO IT IT'S ARMA.

Arma has some of the most RETARDED people I've seen on the internet. Ever.

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The only problem I have right now is that you cant see your humanity. IRL you know if you are good or bad' date=' so why remove the ability to know IG. There is no logic behind the removal. The only reason was because of all the people that worship everything he does said, and I quote, "do it." He didn't listen to anyone with valid points, only those that say a maximum of 5 words praising him.


Huh? If you act like an ass in game then you are an ass in game. Not sure why a meter is needed for that lol.

Unless you wanted the meter to work out just how much you can get away with..which would be going against the whole concept of consequence.

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Too many fucking 'heroes' on this forum that like to think its cool to run around naked w/o a weapon amongst a gazillion zombies. Next they will be suggesting we spawn in the middle of the ocean with broken legs and no kit. Dont get me wrong, I like some of the things implemented since I started playing the game a couple mths ago like better interface & gear management but overall the games not as good as it used to be. Making the game harder is just retarded. It was easy enough to die as it was before the changes.

The dev's need to stop listening to the fucking 'community' & do what they think is best like they used to.

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The best part of this thread is all the "not working as intended" coming from the "feedbackers".

The *best* part is people defending shit that obviously is not working as intended.

Oh you can't aim/turn right while in a doorway? REALISM GUY GET USED TO IT.

Oh you jumped down 3 steps and broke your legs? ARMA IS ABOUT REALISM' date=' TRY JUMPING DOWN 3 STEPS WITH 100LBS IRL.

Oh you crawled through a doorway and it made you stand up and get zombie aggro? YOU SHOULD'VE KNOWN, THIS GAME IS HARD SUCK IT UP LOL.

Oh you have to stand still for 3 seconds to change your weapons, stand up from prone, throw a grenade longer than 10ft, etc? DUDE IT'S MILSIM YOU CAN'T CHANGE YOUR WEAPON AND KEEP MOVING OBVIOUSLY GO PLAY COD.

The UI for using doors, ladders, etc, is the most abhorrent thing to ever hit the gaming industry? JUST GET USED TO IT IT'S ARMA.

Arma has some of the most RETARDED people I've seen on the internet. Ever.


ALL of the things you listed are limitations of the Arma2 game engine and have absolutely nothing to do with DayZ.

Why the fuck would you play a mod on a mil sim if you obviously can't stand the clunkyness of the engine?

People tell you to get used to it because Arma is what it is, your bitching and complaining isn't going to make them overhaul the entire engine and make it like COD/BF3. You might want to post on their forums about your concerns tho, they are making an Arma3.

But, the BEST part of your post was when you said things were obviously not working as intended, right after I said the people saying that are fucking retards who have their heads up their asses, well... not in those words, but you know, something like that.

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I love the new patch. No starting weapons so there isn't any more shootouts on the coast or COD players running straight into Cherno/Eleck and camping.

Sure' date=' I'm defenceless, got a horde of Zeds of your arse? No worries, run straight into a building and out the other end and your set. Kinda makes it feel like the zombies are really after your bea-- brains!

And takes out the safety factor of the makarov and forces you to find weapons and scavange ASAP!

Gamma and brightness fixed up so now we NEED an NVG at night.

Bandits attempting to kill you when you have no weapons? Well then, RUN FOREST RUN!


You can run faster than bullets?

When I find a gun, from now on i'm going to patrol the coast and look for defenseless survivors and murder them until I die/run out of ammo.

Rinse and repeat.

I don't like the change, but there's still a way to have fun here.

You were complaining about not starting with a mak and having zeds chase you. Zombies have guns! OH NOES!

No, seriously, your main concern is not having a pea shooter to kill zeds. SAY IT!

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I don't understand why we aren't spawned with nothing at all.

No backpack' date=' no nothing.

That would be far better imo.

Survival of the fittest I say.

I like the glitched stupid mega zombie overlords. They suck so bad it makes the game insanely difficult and epic at the same time.

This game was made for gamers looking for a truly hardcore experience, so I'm all for anything that achieves that.


Oh that's nothing.

I'm sure if Rocket implemented so that your character stayed around permanently after dcing a ton of the supposedly "hardcore" players on these forums telling everyone that they are "scrubs, CoD players, WoW players, carebears, etc." would probably be the ones complaining the most. Want to know why? Because then it would be too hardcore for them. Why? Because I'm 99.9% sure half of the people saying "get over it, cry baby, WoW player, CoD player, carebear, etc." are the same people who are spawn camping all over the beach just because they can do it without any sort of threat now.

There comes a point where you try to be too realistic and the game just simply becomes unrealistic and unfun at the same time. The previous patch before the hotfix was pretty much like this, except all the "hardcore" players (who are not hardcore, they are simply fan boys) were telling everyone game is working as intended. Except, it wasn't working as intended. People gave their feedback, Rocket looked at it, likely tested it out, and looked through his code and found that the Zombies were in fact NOT working as he intended them to.

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Either you're not realizing that this is not a game yet, it's just a alpha version and balance should not even be an issue at this point, or you're just stupid.

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ALL of the things you listed are limitations of the Arma2 game engine and have absolutely nothing to do with DayZ.

(a) no they're not' date=' check out some other mods/addons

(b) Arma devs are clearly working overtime for the sake of DayZ, fixing bugs, etc.

© still doesn't make fanboys DEFENDING it any less fucking stupid.

Why the fuck would you play a mod on a mil sim if you obviously can't stand the clunkyness of the engine?

This might come as a shock to you, but most people I know play DayZ *despite* the fact that it's on ArmA2. Because sandbox PvP is so fucking rare on the market, that people will eat it any way they can get it. And some of the features that accidentally made it into DayZ, like anti-zerg measures, make for great gameplay -- compared with many other sandbox PvP games that are dominated by zergs.

Also note that you're one of those idiots in © who defend the shitty parts of the game b/c "it's a mil sim it's supposed to be that way."

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Honestly This update fucks over new players, with the starting with next to no supplies, getting killed by the fucking bandits who now camp the coast even more since new players have no defence against them, and them dying due to the shitty LOS zombies it's a bad update imo.

Revert zombies back to a certian range ( I have never heard of zombies that are based off of sight, only sound and smell.), unnerf prone and make us spawn with some kind of gun now. Hell I would even settle if we spawned with a compass and one can of beans and a water bottle.

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I don't understand why we aren't spawned with nothing at all.

No backpack' date=' no nothing.

That would be far better imo.

Survival of the fittest I say.

I like the glitched stupid mega zombie overlords. They suck so bad it makes the game insanely difficult and epic at the same time.

This game was made for gamers looking for a truly hardcore experience, so I'm all for anything that achieves that.


Oh that's nothing.

I'm sure if Rocket implemented so that your character stayed around permanently after dcing a ton of the supposedly "hardcore" players on these forums telling everyone that they are "scrubs, CoD players, WoW players, carebears, etc." would probably be the ones complaining the most. Want to know why? Because then it would be too hardcore for them. Why? Because I'm 99.9% sure half of the people saying "get over it, cry baby, WoW player, CoD player, carebear, etc." are the same people who are spawn camping all over the beach just because they can do it without any sort of threat now.

There comes a point where you try to be too realistic and the game just simply becomes unrealistic and unfun at the same time. The previous patch before the hotfix was pretty much like this, except all the "hardcore" players (who are not hardcore, they are simply fan boys) were telling everyone game is working as intended. Except, it wasn't working as intended. People gave their feedback, Rocket looked at it, likely tested it out, and looked through his code and found that the Zombies were in fact NOT working as he intended them to.

So give feedback!

Why all this negativity towards the people who like the broken elements? That was the whole point of my post above, the only one who can determine weather or not something is working as intended, is the one who created it. All we can do is report our observations.

Some of you people need to stop with the "I'm right, you're wrong!" attitude. We all have opinions, throw them out there, fucking own them, & respect the right of others to disagree. That's life.

I'm sick of all this discrimination.. carebare, fanboy, hardcore, bandit, survivor, rocket, we're all just people with a million different thoughts and opinions, and feelings. Just because someone has an opinion on one issue...... bah fuckit. It's like an infection spreading through this forum. I think I've been bitten.

YOUR ALL WRONG IM RITE! My hardcore survivor carebare utopia is teh only wai!

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The forums are a fraction of your player base. Mostly' date=' those that are invested in it.

Basing a game change like this on a hand full of Hardcore merit badge seekers was your first mistake.

Your second mistake was listening to those complain about being killed on the beach.

The third mistake was listening to who ever told you it was OK to patch on a Saturday.


All valid points. Except you're using the forums, so clearly you are the exception that shouldn't be listened to.

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Man, what a thread...

All I can say is that I used to enjoy the tension and sneaking around. I had a pistol that snapped a Zombie in three shots if I was surprised by them and a head shot if I had the time to line it up. It ran out of ammo pretty fast too. It felt good as I could actually progress a little while still holding my nutsack very tightly. Now it feels like an exercise in frustration at best. Reminds me of the video that Michael did on Rooster teeth rage quit when he played Super Meat boy.

It really has got me fucked how you guys can call this fun but in my experience with games it seems that the vocal minority always seems to win out. Congratulations. Now to find something else to play.

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It really has got me fucked how you guys can call this fun but in my experience with games it seems that the vocal minority always seems to win out. Congratulations. Now to find something else to play.

What games have you been playing? I wouldn't mind checking them out. All I can seem to find is the same recycled garbage that is horribly watered down so it doesn't upset the vocal majority and possibly hurt the publishers profits.

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Rocket does not actively seek advice from forumers in regards to game changes. If he wants to implement something he will, despite how many people may agree or disagree. He and the dev team have a vision and a goal in mind.

I can quite confidently say that 90% of the suggestions on these forums have probably already been thought of and considered for future updates anyway.

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I don't understand why we aren't spawned with nothing at all.

No backpack' date=' no nothing.

That would be far better imo.

Survival of the fittest I say.

I like the glitched stupid mega zombie overlords. They suck so bad it makes the game insanely difficult and epic at the same time.

This game was made for gamers looking for a truly hardcore experience, so I'm all for anything that achieves that.


Oh that's nothing.

I'm sure if Rocket implemented so that your character stayed around permanently after dcing a ton of the supposedly "hardcore" players on these forums telling everyone that they are "scrubs, CoD players, WoW players, carebears, etc." would probably be the ones complaining the most. Want to know why? Because then it would be too hardcore for them. Why? Because I'm 99.9% sure half of the people saying "get over it, cry baby, WoW player, CoD player, carebear, etc." are the same people who are spawn camping all over the beach just because they can do it without any sort of threat now.

There comes a point where you try to be too realistic and the game just simply becomes unrealistic and unfun at the same time. The previous patch before the hotfix was pretty much like this, except all the "hardcore" players (who are not hardcore, they are simply fan boys) were telling everyone game is working as intended. Except, it wasn't working as intended. People gave their feedback, Rocket looked at it, likely tested it out, and looked through his code and found that the Zombies were in fact NOT working as he intended them to.

So give feedback!

Why all this negativity towards the people who like the broken elements? That was the whole point of my post above, the only one who can determine weather or not something is working as intended, is the one who created it. All we can do is report our observations.

Some of you people need to stop with the "I'm right, you're wrong!" attitude. We all have opinions, throw them out there, fucking own them, & respect the right of others to disagree. That's life.

I'm sick of all this discrimination.. carebare, fanboy, hardcore, bandit, survivor, rocket, we're all just people with a million different thoughts and opinions, and feelings. Just because someone has an opinion on one issue...... bah fuckit. It's like an infection spreading through this forum. I think I've been bitten.

YOUR ALL WRONG IM RITE! My hardcore survivor carebare utopia is teh only wai!

That's the fucking point. Many of us were merely pointing out that it seemed like the Zombie vision was way off, and that their ability to detect you at all times was absolutely ridiculous. It got to the point that many of the players that "reached" end game who are actually skilled didn't even BOTHER to sneak. When a gameplay mechanic is that broken, you KNOW something is wrong.

And yet you have fanboys on here flaming everyone left and right that is merely pointing out that the "new" Zombie vision seemed to be way over the top, especially towards new players who have to deal with the fact that they spawn with no weapons now. They merely point out "LOL U SUCK FUCKING SCRUB GO TO HELL CAREBEAR LULULULULULULUL" when I know for a fact that these are the same people who camp the coastline and would likely rage if the reverse was being done to them.

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They'll get over it.

They'll get over it or leave.

Remember when we had revolvers as our starter weapons? People had a FIT over being forced to start with the "macaroni" guns. Most got over it.

Loss of the bandit skins? Remember that? Another whine fest there.Oh it would ruin the game and some such. Enough to make a few cheese vendors into millionaires over night. Most got over that too.

Point is, rocket and the devs have a plan and it looks like they'll stick to it. It also looks like they are leaning in the favor of harder, more challenging gameplay. They aren't really listening to us, it just happens to be where they are sorta headed, with a couple small stops in happycasualfunland where they felt it was necessary, and I trust them with that.

Threads like this are sorta pointless. Most of our suggestions are quite honestly, useless garbage or were already thought of. RARELY will one of us come up with something golden.

And arguing over who's right is also irrelevant in a way; truth be told its probably just going to get more Fun* regardless of which side is more vocal.


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The forums are a fraction of your player base. Mostly' date=' those that are invested in it.

Basing a game change like this on a hand full of Hardcore merit badge seekers was your first mistake.

Your second mistake was listening to those complain about being killed on the beach.

The third mistake was listening to who ever told you it was OK to patch on a Saturday.

"but listen to me" (I have 110 posts)


hypocritical much

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The forums are a fraction of your player base. Mostly' date=' those that are invested in it.

Basing a game change like this on a hand full of Hardcore merit badge seekers was your first mistake.

Your second mistake was listening to those complain about being killed on the beach.

The third mistake was listening to who ever told you it was OK to patch on a Saturday.

"but listen to me" (I have 110 posts)


hypocritical much

FYI: MrB has a very, very good idea about what he's talking about, it's not the first time we have met

He has background experience in the games industry, and those 3 tips are very good ones.

But then, anyone who actually reads the forums for any game could have told you that, because forums are chock full of people that generally fit into 3 categories:

-People with bugs

-People who complain about everything

-People who want things their way and nothing more

It would be like basing a new shopping mall on the opinions of thieves and rich people.

If this was the direction Rocket wanted it to go and just put out the thread to see what reaction it would get beforehand, then good on him.

Listening to forum users is a mistake though, if anything, make polls on log in - inside the game. That is the only way to get a good representation of your population, not just the forum users.

Sup MrB, is it refreshing that I'm not ripping into you this time? :P

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