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You are listening to the wrong people Rocket.

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and revert the starting equipment.

And that would add? Oh right' date=' it would bring back all the cod kiddies who think that because you spawn with a gun in your hand its your typical FPS.

I literally see no cons regarding the absence of a starting weapon, none, nada. Meanwhile I see a tons of pros.

Stop fucking acting like all weapons were suddenly removed. It took me 5-10 minutes to find my first gun after every time i died since the new patch. You are defenseless for maximum 20 minutes and in those early moments, usually nothing happens. And when something does happen, like finding another survivor, you can safely team up now and don't tell me you can't because I grouped up with more survivors since the new patch than ever before. Removing starting weapons was the best thing rocket could've done. It truly feels like a survival-simulator now as opposed to just a little mod for arma2.


No, it just means a free pass for Bandits to use their handgun ammunition instead of their Sniper Rifle.

"To answer your question' date=' yes. I have. I've used everything from flares, flash lights, etc. etc. to distract Zombies, and it's gimmicky at best due to the glitchy behavior of said Zombies. Under the current patch, the best way to distract Zombies is really to really open up a fucking camp fire or throw a smoke grenade. And neither can be done without having the tools in the first place so...."

okay, that sounds like a bug - now, did you report it?


It's pretty well documented that Zeds don't exactly always go to Flares due to the way their behavior is handled on the server. They will however always go to Smokes/lit fireplaces for whatever reason.

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hey, i'm new here and to the game. it is in fact pretty hard to find a weapon without beeing spotted. if you are spotted you are most likely dead.

i would appreciate at least a knife that can save your life.

the hotfix revert for view angle based on body sounds great i must say.

keep the difficulty but give starters a basic weapon to survive one or two zombies.

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Once the hotfix is out you wont need to spawn with a weapon, just stealth your way into a town or a deerstand or two and you'll get something.

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It's an alpha and your job here is TO FIND FUCKING BUGS AND REPORT THEM.

The whole patch is a "FUCKING BUG". Too much in one patch again. Should be one patch for fixes' date=' then next for features, then fixes, then features, etc. THAT is proper Project Management. Rocket would get less hassle if he followed this protocol.


I'm not sure if you're aware or not, but this is an ALPHA. An Alpha is where features are implemented, beta is where bugs are fixed. Tl;dr, fuck off.

No, an Alpha's primary objective is to get a stable framework to facilitate testing of features.

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can someone put a lock on this thread, its starting to become a yell fest of "I know best" and "hardcore/softcore/casual/expert is the way to go" but its not verry progressive.

Thank you

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listen to no one!

i wish this forum didnt exist, make the game as you please and ignore all "community" opinions

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I love the new patch. No starting weapons so there isn't any more shootouts on the coast or COD players running straight into Cherno/Eleck and camping.

Sure, I'm defenceless, got a horde of Zeds of your arse? No worries, run straight into a building and out the other end and your set. Kinda makes it feel like the zombies are really after your bea-- brains!

And takes out the safety factor of the makarov and forces you to find weapons and scavange ASAP!

Gamma and brightness fixed up so now we NEED an NVG at night.

Bandits attempting to kill you when you have no weapons? Well then, RUN FOREST RUN!

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I love the new patch. No starting weapons so there isn't any more shootouts on the coast or COD players running straight into Cherno/Eleck and camping.

Sure' date=' I'm defenceless, got a horde of Zeds of your arse? No worries, run straight into a building and out the other end and your set. Kinda makes it feel like the zombies are really after your bea-- brains!

And takes out the safety factor of the makarov and forces you to find weapons and scavange ASAP!

Gamma and brightness fixed up so now we NEED an NVG at night.

Bandits attempting to kill you when you have no weapons? Well then, RUN FOREST RUN!


You can run faster than bullets?

When I find a gun, from now on i'm going to patrol the coast and look for defenseless survivors and murder them until I die/run out of ammo.

Rinse and repeat.

I don't like the change, but there's still a way to have fun here.

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I played briefly and I'm not loving it. I snuck up to a few buildings fairly far from a town and agroed a zed on the far side of a building out of line of sight, then backed away shooting zombies and still had them agroing when i was over 300 meters from the buildings. When one managed to get close enough to land a hit, I'd suddenly be spurting blood. I eventually got far enough away while killing the unending stream to stop agroing the new spawns. 6000 blood, 2 bandages, 1 painkillers, 3 m1911 clips, and 2 akm clips to approach a cluster of a few industrial buildings.

The new monkey animation is sweet though!

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Carebear detection meter is going off the scale! Someone get a bucket to catch the tears!

Rocket listened to everyones suggestions, and based on what HIS ORIGINAL PLAN was, made adjustments.

You have to realize that Rocket didnt start making DayZ without a long term plan. Hes making DayZ based on his plan, adding/changing/removing things based on feedback from the players.

We all knew this mod was going to become harder, its already become an Anti-Game. YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO WIN!

Cry more, make suggestions, and play. Nothing else you can do.

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Carebear detection meter is going off the scale!

Rocket listened to everyones suggestions' date=' and based on what HIS ORIGINAL PLAN was, made adjustments.

You have to realize that Rocket didnt start making DayZ without a long term plan. Hes making DayZ based on his plan, adding/changing/removing things based on feedback from the players.

We all knew this mod was going to become harder, its already become an Anti-Game. YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO WIN!

Cry more, make suggestions, and play. Nothing else you can do.


Rocket is going to find himself with a mismanaged game on his resume.

"Oh yeah people really loved my mod, in fact, it made Arma 2 sell more than it had it's entire life previously! Then I made it into the game I wanted and now nobody plays at all anymore. But it's okay! I WANTED to piss off every player!"

I sincerely doubt, regardless of what he says, that this is anywhere near his intention.

However ramping up the difficulty when death can occur randomly on geometry and night is as dark as the dark side of the moon with zombies who react(completely randomly) to light sources(and also makes servers completely barren at night because NOBODY wants to play in that level of darkness)?

Far be it for me to tell somebody how to run their project but I just don't see the logic here.

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The game is not meant to repel players, DayZ is meant to be a Zombie Apoc Simulator.

If you cant handle not spawning with weapons, you can go back to playing CoD.. Seriously grow some fucking balls.

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... the small few who would like the game to shock balls on death.

My friend, I like the way you think! Rocket, make it so. Also, inb4 carebears start whining that vaginas are unbalanced.

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The game is not meant to repel players' date=' DayZ is meant to be a Zombie Apoc Simulator.

If you cant handle not spawning with weapons, you can go back to playing CoD.. Seriously grow some fucking balls.


Didn't say anything about spawning without weapons.

I'm guessing you've got a pair of NVGs, a backpack full of ammo, and plenty of food.

So this doesn't apply to you.

Shut your fucking mouth forever.

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Actually no, Ive got a Makarov, 3 clips, 2 bandages and a can of pepsi. my patrol pack is empty.

Ive been playing DayZ for a while, and ive not seen a pair of NVGs or anything..

The rarest thing ive seen was a crashed heli, but that was back when the loot was broken. I also found a M16 but got killed 5 mins later.

Im not the top-dog DayZ player, im an average player who enjoys only the hardcore survival aspect of the game.

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As I said before' date=' I love this update. just fix the bugs and it'll be perfect


Like I've said before, it doesn't go nearly far enough. I won't rest until all fresh respawns start with broken legs and no morphine. It'll be like clubbing a bunch of cute, baby seals on the beach. Delicious. Won't somebody think of the tears?

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Actually no' date=' Ive got a Makarov, 3 clips, 2 bandages and a can of pepsi. my patrol pack is empty.

Ive been playing DayZ for a while, and ive not seen a pair of NVGs or anything..

The rarest thing ive seen was a crashed heli, but that was back when the loot was broken. I also found a M16 but got killed 5 mins later.

Im not the top-dog DayZ player, im an average player who enjoys only the hardcore survival aspect of the game.


I've got no problem with the hardcore survival aspect of the game. That's the entire point of the game. However there are still far too many issues with the games current state to go on making it MORE difficult.

We all know the game is intended to become more difficult, and to be honest, when everything is working right, it's not much challenge when you play smart(of course, this is a proper representation of zombie survival. Less so in 28 days later, which is the mods inspiration.)

I'd just rather see the current game working correctly before increases to difficulty. I'll keep playing, but i'm sure a lot of people won't.

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Half of you idiots have no idea what an alpha build is. Wait for all the features to be implemented and when he is happy, it will swing into beta, where hardly any features get added and the bugs get ironed out.

You guys are acting like you have paid for this.

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The game is not meant to repel players' date=' DayZ is meant to be a Zombie Apoc Simulator.

If you cant handle not spawning with weapons, you can go back to playing CoD.. Seriously grow some fucking balls.


Bump +1

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Carebear detection meter is going off the scale! Someone get a bucket to catch the tears!

Rocket listened to everyones suggestions' date=' and based on what HIS ORIGINAL PLAN was, made adjustments.

You have to realize that Rocket didnt start making DayZ without a long term plan. Hes making DayZ based on his plan, adding/changing/removing things based on feedback from the players.


"Carebear" should warrant an instant ban or suspension from the forums. It's hideously overused and in the wrong context here.

Funny, you're advocating rocket changing things based on feedback while shouting down someone else's feed back. Is irony a lost term on you?

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Sweet Tears...

Rocket, no starting weapon is definitely the right direction to go with this mod. However, the only reason people are bitching is because we're having a harder time sneaking around the zeds. Here was my idea from when no weapons was proposed:

Give the player a stack of rocks that can be refilled at any time via the context menu. The rocks do no damage, but do make a sound like a tin can or bottle. The player can now distract zombies without pulling aggro.

Also, from what I hear, the crazy zombie aggro was because of the eye/body LoS problems. That's now fixed, so the aggro shouldn't be a huge issue anymore anyway.

I still love you to death for keeping with this mod through the rage and tears. Know that you have die-hard fans out here who are still loving the crap out of this mod and can't wait to see it as a stand-alone product some day.

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Sweet Tears...

Rocket' date=' no starting weapon is definitely the right direction to go with this mod. However, the only reason people are bitching is because we're having a harder time sneaking around the zeds. Here was my idea from when no weapons was proposed:

Give the player a stack of rocks that can be refilled at any time via the context menu. The rocks do no damage, but do make a sound like a tin can or bottle. The player can now distract zombies without pulling aggro.

Also, from what I hear, the crazy zombie aggro was because of the eye/body LoS problems. That's now fixed, so the aggro shouldn't be a huge issue anymore anyway.

I still love you to death for keeping with this mod through the rage and tears. Know that you have die-hard fans out here who are still loving the crap out of this mod and can't wait to see it as a stand-alone product some day.


+1 for the rocks idea....make the player use strategy. Or just spawn us with 3 smoke nades. Use them wisely and you wont have aggro issues.

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The forums are a fraction of your player base. Mostly' date=' those that are invested in it.

Basing a game change like this on a hand full of Hardcore merit badge seekers was your first mistake.

Your second mistake was listening to those complain about being killed on the beach.

The third mistake was listening to who ever told you it was OK to patch on a Saturday.

You have taken a game that was fun, challenging, and rewarding, and made it for the small few who would like the game to shock balls on death.

Seriously, game was quite enjoyable before, now, its just an exercise in frustration with no fun to be had. I was really looking forward to this patch too, so was my group. Now we have no will to log in.

Its the wrong direction.

My suggestion to you, fix the zombie arggo range, and the loot spawns, and revert the starting equipment. Then we can all have fun again getting eaten and shot. Then you can get back work on features and systems that actually add value to the experience.


You have it all wrong. He isn't listening to any group in particular.

What he is doing, and has said so MANY times, is trying something completely different from what any games studio has attempted before.

He isn't taking it in the 'wrong direction' he is taking it in a totally unknown direction because he has the balls and the support to do so.

It's an Anti-Game Experiment thats in Alpha. I think he is pretty much nailing it at the moment!

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