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You are listening to the wrong people Rocket.

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My personal reasons are in the first post.

Yeah it says the mod is no fun and it is too hard for you basically.

Is that the reason? That you are too lazy to get better in the game?

/facepalm... So he thinks that a bug which is effecting the playability of the game should be fixed so that it will allow a fun and enjoyable experience, while also be difficult to an extent, but you a hupty derp hardcore fantard make the assumption that he therefore is bad at the game? God you must be really please with making an ass of yourself *claps*

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Game was getting boring, that's a fact that many people were getting fed up with it and it was no longer challenging for them.

Any sort of added features were welcome.

If I log in today and get eaten by zeds I'll deal with it, I'll adapt and learn to do something else. I'd rather be challenged than just walk around looking for gear and being able to get all I need and more without fear.

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Game was getting boring' date=' that's a fact that many people were getting fed up with it and it was no longer challenging for them.

Any sort of added features were welcome.

If I log in today and get eaten by zeds I'll deal with it, I'll adapt and learn to do something else. I'd rather be challenged than just walk around looking for gear and being able to get all I need and more without fear.


but i dont wantz to learnz. i wantz all bestest gearz and swordz and to fly up high in the air on my dragon!!!

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No OP, you are the wrong sort of person to listen to.

The exact reason this game suceeds is because of how different it is to 99.9% of games released in the last 10 years and how difficult it is.

I have seen the player count increase considerably again since the release of 1.7.1 and the majority of people I have spoken to (Almost everyone) absolutely loves the difficulty increase.

Bad players will get better if Rocket increases the difficulty.

Good players will just quit if Rocket decreases the difficulty.

Game was getting boring' date=' that's a fact that many people were getting fed up with it and it was no longer challenging for them.

Any sort of added features were welcome.

If I log in today and get eaten by zeds I'll deal with it, I'll adapt and learn to do something else. I'd rather be challenged than just walk around looking for gear and being able to get all I need and more without fear.


Seriously, this a thousand times over.

You know what I was doing before 1.7.1?

Hoarding a fleet of vehicles and loot piling the barracks every day to get the best gear in the game and hunting people with that gear.

Know what I've done since 1.7.1 came out?

Respawned, had an incredible difficulty journey all across the map, almost died multiple times, found a working motorcycle and ended up riding it across the map, killing the engine on every hill to just barely have enough fuel to get it to my hiding spot, had my leg broken by a single zombie on the way because I had run out of ammunition and now I'm stuck in the wilderness with no morphine and no bandages, no supplies whatsoever. I'm completely screwed. I'm crawling around praying that I will survive.

And it's fucking amazing.

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Oh my god, can't you just follow one simple rule:

1. Don't add anything new until you're not done with bugs of the core elements of the game.

Fixed zig-zagging zombies and attacking/walking through walls? Cool, now add something new or focus on other bugs.

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The patch isn't even bad. Run in a building and you can lose zombies. Adapt and stop crying lol. The only problem I have is that someone was exploiting the feature to hide from zombies to shoot me in a town without giving away his location. He would step out to shoot and go back in so he didnt pull a single zombie and was basically impossible to locate. Such a sucky way to die.

Starting with the flashlight and stuff is good though. Especially if you find another person in your same situation. Almost guaranteed to team up.

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I don't really think he (rocket) cares too much if the game tanks, which I doubt it will mind you. I like the fact he can do what he thinks would make the game interesting, risky as it might be. At least he does not cave to whiny threads like this one. If you've seen a good deal of his posts, you can clearly tell he's all about making the game hell on earth. He harvests tears for a living, and we've been on short supply recently.

And no my good sir, the game was rarely fun or challenging unless you had just begun playing.Now it's a more brutal world with a lot more challenges and In my view, "Fun". Maybe you just don't like change? How about giving it a few more days to see if you can figure shit out. Otherwise, as so many before me have said : Perhaps said form of entertainment is not for thee, might I suggest a round of miniature golf simulator 3?

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Oh my god' date=' can't you just follow one simple rule:

1. Don't add anything new until you're not done with bugs of the core elements of the game.

Fixed zig-zagging zombies and attacking/walking through walls? Cool, now add something new or focus on other bugs.


I don't think you understand what an alpha is.

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YEA put the spawns back so we can die and run back to cherno and shoot some more then die then respawn and kill the attackers and then respawn and shoot a guy who was passing by. end rant

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Patching in the middle of the week?


I'll be back later when Dean gets his shit sorted.

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I agree with OP 100%. Too bad "hardcore realism fanboys" will swarm this thread and call you an idiot.

Looks like you were right.

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This is just all very very very funny to me. It has happened after every patch. This is the second time we've had zombies worth a damn and people cried last time too, but we had a massive surge in pointless PVP after the Zeds got toned down, now we have to fear the environment again.

I can't wait for infections/colds/hopefully Ebola to make their way back into the game.

For some reason people think the point of the game is to grind for guns and gear like you're gonna get a fucking gold star at the end of the day. So stop crying about dying because it's the loss of gear that makes people sad........... just try again, it's not that hard.

The point of Day Z is survival and the experiences you have while trying to survive. Nothing says you are going to live. Your gear doesn't mean anything, they're just tools that should help you survive a little longer.

Give up the grind and make some friends and maybe start trying to have some fun with it instead of staying on the coast attracting a bajillion zeds while you look for beans.

People will keep crying about this patch but I don't think Rocket is going to remove the zombies, they're fine the way they are really. The only things that ever get changed are broken mechanics like temperature and infections and they were severely messed up. Zombies are still functioning so best learn to deal with it.

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This is just all very very very funny to me. It has happened after every patch. This is the second time we've had zombies worth a damn and people cried last time too' date=' but we had a massive surge in pointless PVP after the Zeds got toned down, now we have to fear the environment again.

I can't wait for infections/colds/hopefully Ebola to make their way back into the game.

For some reason people think the point of the game is to grind for guns and gear like you're gonna get a fucking gold star at the end of the day. So stop crying about dying because it's the loss of gear that makes people sad........... just try again, it's not that hard.

The point of Day Z is survival and the experiences you have while trying to survive. Nothing says you are going to live. Your gear doesn't mean anything, they're just tools that should help you survive a little longer.

Give up the grind and make some friends and maybe start trying to have some fun with it instead of staying on the coast attracting a bajillion zeds while you look for beans.

People will keep crying about this patch but I don't think Rocket is going to remove the zombies, they're fine the way they are really. The only things that ever get changed are broken mechanics like temperature and infections and they were severely messed up. Zombies are still functioning so best learn to deal with it.


This, people whined their poor little hearts out last time zombies became any sort of threat. People seem to want a zombie game with no zombies in it...

I hope rocket tones the numbers back up to the ~1.2k levels they were at before.

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It's an alpha and your job here is TO FIND FUCKING BUGS AND REPORT THEM.

If you have nothing to say, just get the fuck out.

5 stars for the OP. There is a difference between a fairly easy game (what it was), a fun challenge (what I thought it would be), and he frustration equivelant of having 5 exams on the same day. I haven't died this patch yet because I had a Revolver and 870 MCS before I logged out last, but I look at the chat. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.

The zeds were getting a buff, items were going to be rarer, problems were going to be patched. That would have been perfect. But all the "hardcore" gamers who want a badassery badge have made the game borderline inaccessible by making sure that we start with nothing on spawn. Their argument was "but people won't kill eachother on the beach anymore". That is a survival lesson people need to learn, and the lesson is to GO NORTH FIRST.

I'll say it for the tenth time and counting: Difficulty =/= Realism =/= Gameplay. They do not equal eachother and they do not scale.

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Really? 5 stars for the OP? who basically just got on here and cried and made 0 valid points? it was nothing but crying.

Thank god rockets not a pussy and has a real job besides working on his experiment/mod on his free time... I have no doubt he will continue to do as he pleases and not overly concern himself with the O.o...

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OP- please remember...not all gamers are whining faggots. Not all gamers want to play fucking WoW. You didnt pay for it, you dont have to play it, and its in alpha. If the patch comes down on fucking saturday at noon, tough shit. Its like a small team of dudes doing this so we are on their schedule. Not all gamers want it easy and handed to them.

Go back to wow, where you can tab target.

Or, stay here and try to suck 40% less, and cry 80% less.

I love the challenge, so does most people.

Rocket- please dont dumb the game for the inferior masses.

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My advice' date=' is to only play when you have the time to. Don't fuck up a game that fills a small gaming niche. You've got your casual games, can we at least have this one?


Thank you. About time that was said.

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OP- please remember...not all gamers are whining faggots. Not all gamers want to play fucking WoW. You didnt pay for it' date=' you dont have to play it, and its in alpha. If the patch comes down on fucking saturday at noon, tough shit. Its like a small team of dudes doing this so we are on the it schedule. Not all gamers want it easy and handed to them.

Go back to wow, where you can tab target.

Or, stay here and try to suck 40% less, and cry 80% less.

I love the challenge, so does most people.

Rocket- pelase dont dumb the game for the inferior masses.


It's not about dumbing the game down for the inferior masses. It's about making the game actually make logical consistency. Zeds being ridiculous super mutants during the day while being useless at night (if you got NVGs you can literally run around and do nothing) makes no sense.

There's nothing realistic about crawling slowly around in the middle of a town. If anything, you'd want to stay low and move as fast as possible in order to minimize the amount of time a Zed has to discover you.

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OP- please remember...not all gamers are whining faggots. Not all gamers want to play fucking WoW. You didnt pay for it' date=' you dont have to play it, and its in alpha. If the patch comes down on fucking saturday at noon, tough shit. Its like a small team of dudes doing this so we are on the it schedule. Not all gamers want it easy and handed to them.

Go back to wow, where you can tab target.

Or, stay here and try to suck 40% less, and cry 80% less.

I love the challenge, so does most people.

Rocket- pelase dont dumb the game for the inferior masses.


It's not about dumbing the game down for the inferior masses. It's about making the game actually make logical consistency. Zeds being ridiculous super mutants during the day while being useless at night (if you got NVGs you can literally run around and do nothing) makes no sense.

you must suck. I have been through cherno and stary sobor and nw airfield with very few zed problems. Perhaps you shoudl take my advice of sucking 40% less. Be patient noob.....or enjoy the coast.

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A lot of you people saying the zombies are just fine should read the hotfix notes. They aren't.

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OP- please remember...not all gamers are whining faggots. Not all gamers want to play fucking WoW. You didnt pay for it' date=' you dont have to play it, and its in alpha. If the patch comes down on fucking saturday at noon, tough shit. Its like a small team of dudes doing this so we are on the it schedule. Not all gamers want it easy and handed to them.

Go back to wow, where you can tab target.

Or, stay here and try to suck 40% less, and cry 80% less.

I love the challenge, so does most people.

Rocket- pelase dont dumb the game for the inferior masses.


It's not about dumbing the game down for the inferior masses. It's about making the game actually make logical consistency. Zeds being ridiculous super mutants during the day while being useless at night (if you got NVGs you can literally run around and do nothing) makes no sense.

you must suck. I have been through cherno and stary sobor and nw airfield with very few zed problems. Perhaps you shoudl take my advice of sucking 40% less. Be patient noob.....or enjoy the coast.

Yeah I must suck having to deal with those super zombies that can see you a mile away while still glitching through floors/walls/doors/etc. etc. and can pinpoint you in the middle of a town based on sound despite you're using a silenced weapon.

There's nothing challenging about the game right now; the recent Zed difficulty increase is an artificial increase in difficulty, and is not more realistic or logical in any way shape or form.

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It's not about dumbing the game down for the inferior masses. It's about making the game actually make logical consistency. Zeds being ridiculous super mutants during the day while being useless at night (if you got NVGs you can literally run around and do nothing) makes no sense.

There's nothing realistic about crawling slowly around in the middle of a town. If anything' date=' you'd want to stay low and move as fast as possible in order to minimize the amount of time a Zed has to discover you.


Thats just the point its a mod thats in early stages... you cant tweak shit till you try it out... christ its not a final product or close to it... every patch is going to fix and or break something or make something crazy...

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A lot of you people saying the zombies are just fine should read the hotfix notes. They aren't.

They really arent that bad. Sorry you cant sprint through town hitting every loot spot. Sorry you have to think and plan...and actually pass up shots on other players in fear of the zombie wave that will incur.

We dont want to be selfish....let just make the game so that YOU can enjoy it.

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