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DayZ Stand Alone Requirements

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On the DayZ stand alone game what are the PC requirements? Will it be if you can run ARMA 2 then you're fine or will it be different? I don't know if we know this information or should know it yet. I just wanted to know so if I have to upgrade my PC at all.

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Its running (as far as I know) on the Take on Helicopters engine. Find the specs on that and you couldvuse that as a baseline.

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Currently no system requirements available You can expect better performance from the game then you got with the mod though.

Edited by smasht_AU

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DayZ, and pretty much every PC game, should have a free benchmark tool you can download

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DayZ, and pretty much every PC game, should have a free benchmark tool you can download

Unless it was made by a third party for free and endorsed "globally" it would a. most likely push prices up and b. be open to exploitation.


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Unless it was made by a third party for free and endorsed "globally" it would a. most likely push prices up and b. be open to exploitation.


well it would be "open to exploitation" just as much as any 'demo'. but I imagine they could limit things to make it so there's not much you could do with it. ultimately I would prefer a playable demo for every game, but thought a benchmark tool was a good compromise (because like you point out, these things do cost money/time)

I was thinking something like the benchmark tool that comes with Metro 2033. Arma 2 also has 2 benchmarks in the 'scenarios'

I think in general it could help reduce piracy, as many people do pirate games to test performance (at least that's what I told the judge)

edit: I think many people have had experiences with games where they met the 'requirements', but got very poor performance from the game. you could argue that the industry likes that situation. but in the long run it can lead to refund demands, bad press, etc. that game "Miasmata" is going through that right now. many people are holding off on buying because of reported performance issues

Edited by daze23

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Hello there

Ahh I see what you mean, you mean a kind of mini demo.

This unfortunately would still take time as a separate "fork" which in turn would have to be factored into cost.

The original arma demo also ran far better than the full release due to it's scale, so whilst I do actually agree with your thoughts, I can see "possible" flaws.

But It is a nice idea.



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Hello there

Ahh I see what you mean, you mean a kind of mini demo.

This unfortunately would still take time as a separate "fork" which in turn would have to be factored into cost.

The original arma demo also ran far better than the full release due to it's scale, so whilst I do actually agree with your thoughts, I can see "possible" flaws.

But It is a nice idea.



you have to make sure the benchmark throws everything the game has at your computer. Arma 2 has two benchmarks: one seems too 'easy' and the other seems too 'harsh'

that leads me to another pet peeve I have with PC games: make sure the first 'levels' push the engine as far as it's gonna go. it sucks when you think you got your settings all right, and then there's some part late in the game where your performance suffers. the first Portal did that to me on the crappy PC I was playing it on. my performance was fine, then in the Glados end-game battle I was at like 3fps

but yeah, I guess I'm proving your point that these things aren't that easy and will cost money

Edited by daze23

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