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It's Impossible to See at Night! - Other threads will be locked/deleted!

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I love how people shed tears over some difficulty.

You spawn with a flashlight.

You can find road flares and chemlights, and even a military flashlight, which according to other forum posts, has a much brighter light (I've used it, I think they are somewhat the same. The only difference I've noted is the colour of the light - red.)

And for the extremely lucky ones, there are the NVG (Nightvision) Goggles.

Go to a different server with lighttime, grow some balls and use your flashlight or uninstall Arma II, really.

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It is really dark, I won't deny it that, it's pitch black. I want more people to play at night, as it was I was literally the only player running around on UK7 last night. But I'd found NVGs at a crashed heli earlier and wanted to get at least a few hours play with them. So I was alone, searching supermarkets for a ghille suit.

I understand why the night has been made darker, and I don't want to have to crank up gamma settings to see be on an even playing field because that's some cheesy shit.

I'd rather there was more artificial light when nearing places where zombies spawn. If we have street lights or lamp light at least you wouldn't be running into zeds and buildings and players who spawned at night would have more than just chem light sources to be attracted to.

I also wish more people just made an effort to play at night, when you do something that's hard for a while they eventually become easy. Playing at night isn't any different but people barely give it a chance.

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DVR settings to max' date=' Brightness and Gamma to max and you can see.


actually you need to turn off AA to, otherwise its pitch black.

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I like the darkness at night, makes lurking near zombies and bandits more exciting. Only downside is running away from zombies into a dead end because u couldn't see :) Brightness and gamma helped me too.

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With this being the most realistic zombie apoc game ever made....& the title of this thread is someone complaining about something being realistic, and everything in his post being more whine.....

WHY does this thread have 36 pages?...................

Ask yourselves that before debating anything with carebears. Let this thread die, which honestly doesn't even deserve to NOT be locked.

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I just recorded a video of the darkness in DayZ because I actually love it so much. Being in near total darkness with just a flashlight and a few chemlights I picked up from the nearby gas station is exhilirating. No gamma modification here, I'm loving it as is. Due to my weird schedule and the fact that some of the UK servers don't seem to be running on UK time, I wasn't able to witness just how dark nighttime was until just a couple hours ago, and it's fantastic.

I didn't hear anyone complaining about how dark nighttime in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. got.

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Am I the only one who thinks its odd that our avatars have next to no ability to adapt to low light?

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if you do not turn up gama and brightness it is dark really dark. In dont mind that, but to the point that me and my friend stood still because we thought we were still in the loading screen for how dark it is, is just ridiculos. I played at night for the first time yesterday and both my best and worse experiences with a friend

In my opinion increase the lighting just a little bit because in real life you adapt to low light

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I would like to stay out of this because i see both side a bit. Honestly, IMO it would be better to have as a server option but I'm ok with either.

I do want to address you saying that real life you can adapt. This is true depending on how much light. However, you may not realize something like this with no power how little light their actually would be. Even right now if you go out into middle of Rockies ( I live in Colorado) it is very hard to adjust and that is with Huge cities all over giving lots of light. If this happened their honestly might not be enough light other than like full moon nights to see any better than it currently is. You get effects of City light over 400 miles away.

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Here come the "But it's Alpha/Beta" posts and such, I agree with what OP said in his first post, in some way, I like my nights dark, but I don't like them pitchblack, it's not realistic to be so dark outside that you can't see your hand infront of your eyes, usually the moon provides enough light to at least see a few metres and make out some shapes, but right now it's just an entire black screen at night, flares seem "ok" but only provide around 2m of a light cone, flashlight's are... well, while being helpful to see you're literally shouting "Hey bandits, here I am!". Not every player gets to enjoy NVGoggles after his/her first raid on the Airfield or HELO Crash Site. I liked the original ArmA2 nights more. For now I just switch to different servers with different time zones to at least enjoy some light.

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Even with the gamma and brightness at 100% it's already near impossible to see anything in a storm or in heavy clouds. The only time the gamma and brightness "exploit" really works is on a clear night with lots of moon light shining through and even then you can't see much other than outlines.

Is that not exactly how it works in the real world? I don't understand the change at all, the current system is perfect but because people label adjusting your settings an "exploit" now we're having something even less realistic implemented. Our eye's naturally adjust to low light situations. If you walked out into pitch black in the middle of the night and waited for 5-10 minutes you would eventually be able to see, unless something was blocking the moon.

This is a needless change that totally ruins night farming, something I personally enjoy. Oh well, we'll just have to throw more chem lights/flares I guess... thanks for ruining a great mechanic whiners!

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The night is too dark at the moment, true. It should be adjusted some more brighter. But people would still use the gamma/brightness trick. Here's my solution for that:

While making a profile / character in the main screen, you need to adjust your brightness and gamma there. Once adjusted, you cannot adjust these settings ever again unless you create a new profile / character. So if you wanna play both day and night, you can't keep the gamma and brightness at max because the day would look too bright and ridicculous.

Of course there might be people who are fine playing with really bright day or people who stick to playing only at nights (just to get an edge to other players because they see better...), but this would some what fix the gamma/brightness abusing at the moment.

I'd like to play with these really dark nights but it's useless knowing that every player has gamma and brightness up so they can very easily spot you while you don't see shit.

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I don't understand understand why you are complaining about night time when chemsticks and flashlights exists. Use them?

Me and 2 friends made our way from zelengorsk to the airfield west of grishno last night.

Sure it took a lot longer then normal but It was an intense and wonderful expirience.

We had to actually think and plan ahead. Using flashlights and chemsticks when it was needed. We got attacked by zombies several times on the way and we had one players aim at them with flashlight while the others were shooting.

I haven't had so much fun in a long time.

Stop being scared of the dark.... MAN UP guys.

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I don't understand understand why you are complaining about night time when chemsticks and flashlights exists. Use them?

Me and 2 friends made our way from zelengorsk to the airfield west of grishno last night.

Sure it took a lot longer then normal but It was an intense and wonderful expirience.

We had to actually think and plan ahead. Using flashlights and chemsticks when it was needed. We got attacked by zombies several times on the way and we had one players aim at them with flashlight while the others were shooting.

I haven't had so much fun in a long time.

Stop being scared of the dark.... MAN UP guys.

You are right sir, but people will still bitch about it.

They don't want to use any kind source of light because it reveals their position and since DayZ is in 95% about a deathmatch PvP, not a survival game, they worry about their precious equipment.

I hope Rocket ignores those whines and focus on murderers problems. For me night is easy mode:

- less PK'ers on a server

- zombies are totally blind and deaf at night

- you have tons of flares or chemlights to take with you on night trip

Besides people do not understand how dark is night in RL, outside cities, far away from any source of light, with moonless night. Also in ArmA 2 you can easily see during full moonlight nights:





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Here is an idea - stop bitching and enjoy the game.

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To be honest I don't give a crap if they leave the darkness the way it is. Just fix it so that a survivor is able to run and shine a light. Not being able to keep a flashlight steady while running is something you only see in horror movies.

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arma 2 is not a real sim. if it was the night would be realistic, i live on the countryside and even on a cloudy night is it never this dark.

I see no reason why this should be as is??

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We spawn with a flashlight, yes, but the zombies are extremely easily aggroed when you use it. Starting with a couple of chemlights might help grease the experience of starting out with a new character at night.

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Fuck the zed, I don't want to use my flashlight because every bandit in within miles with know where I am.

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personally, I think you complain to much and if you dont like it play a different day server, get NVG or a damn FLASHLIGHT and just go from there. This is a realism Zombie Apocalypse game and its really acts like one. If you dont like it thats your problem

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Lol, I dont have a problem playing at night!

Zombies are completely blind and they grunt erotically telling you they're close, I just stop every now and then and take a sneaky peak with my flashlight.

If I dont want to play at night I just find a Yank or Russkie server = Solved!

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I dont really think it's that unrealistic. Keep in mind' date=' after a real apocalypse there wouldnt be any light reflecting off the moon. The moon is the only reason we can see at night in reality.. if, we were out in the middle of no where


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I dont really think it's that unrealistic. Keep in mind' date=' after a real apocalypse there wouldnt be any light reflecting off the moon. The moon is the only reason we can see at night in reality.. if, we were out in the middle of no where


you know the moon reflects light from the sun not our artificial light?

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