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It's Impossible to See at Night! - Other threads will be locked/deleted!

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the new patch's are ruining any enjoyment people have playing this game (its a ARMA 2 PATCH that caused nighttime to be pitchblack)

it is now impossible to see at night time its not "hard to see" its "impossible to see" you cant even tell if your in 3rd or 1st person mode that's how hard it is to see

this is a video game for people to enjoy not real life there is no reason you should not be allowed to see at night

you cant use the flashlight and run at the same time no new players are going to enjoy that DayZ is going to die off why make changes that hurt the popularity of the game

if some people do enjoy not being able to see at all make it so only Vet servers are like this

Zombies spawning inside buildings is going to ruin alot of the enjoyment of the game as well running into other players in half the enjoyment of this game not just the zombies

players may be inside buildings all the time so your already careful you do not need zombies to spawn inside buildings

LOOK HERE BEFORE YOU POST ANYTHING video uploaded in HD Quality this is with Brightness and Gamma both set to around 70% and HDR set on "VERY HIGH"

Daish added another video longer and 100% Brightness 100% Gamma no clouds in the sky its unplayable at night and nobody will enjoy playing like this

small changes can destory games Daish has seen it happen many times

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We at the Hardcore servers completely disagree with you. I believe the flares still work just fine for night time also.

or do you just miss being able to do the gamma hack?

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the new patch's are ruining any enjoyment people have playing this game

it is now impossible to see at night time its not "hard to see" its "impossible to see" you cant even tell if your in 3rd or 1st person mode that's how hard it is to see

this is a video game for people to enjoy not real life there is no reason you should not be allowed to see at night

you cant use the flashlight and run at the same time no new players are going to enjoy that DayZ is going to die off why make changes that hurt the popularity of the game

if some people do enjoy not being able to see at all make it so only Vet servers are like this

Zombies spawning inside buildings is going to ruin alot of the enjoyment of the game as well running into other players in half the enjoyment of this game not just the zombies

players may be inside buildings all the time so your already careful you do not need zombies to spawn inside buildings

small changes can destory games Daish has seen it happen many times

Ok! If people don't like it, they don't have to play. Have you seen Rocket's response to these posts? He doesn't really care much, as it's his mod and he's doing with it as he pleases. Even if half the people currently playing drop, this game would still have more players then some real MMOs. I'm sorry you find it hard, but deal with it if you want to keep playing. DayZ isn't Hello Kitty Island Adventure, it's a Oh Fucking Shit, Run! kind of game, and it's finally taking shape.

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Jesus Christ! Stop complaining! You don't have to play DayZ, you didn't have to buy ArmA II, It's BETA so just wait.

They'll fix the bugs if they're needed to be fixed. If they're not needed to be fixed, they won't be fixed. I do want to play but I can't cause I spawn in the wilderness (never ending) but, I have to wait.

Please stop complaining.

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I gear up on night time servers, can practically tap dance through elektro gear up and head up to stary this patch rocks, anything that keeps out kids and action gamers gets a thumbs up.

An example of this is EvE online has a learning curve so hard the average player age is 27. Brilliant.

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I just move to another server until i find one in daylight. More often than not the servers with few players is in night time and ones with lots is in day time.

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or do you just miss being able to do the gamma hack?

Could you please stop parroting that mistake. It was not a hack, nor was it a glitch even. It was an unbalanced feature of the game that could be abused, you could argue it was an 'exploit' but I would personally not agree with that term either.

Calling people who changed their gamma hackers is just as stupid as people who respond to every complaint with "go back to CoD" as if they improve anything ever by saying it.

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It's not going to die. It's only going to get better. It's only in Alpha, and for that stage, it's great! Yeah there are some annoying bugs, but give show me one game that was made that didn't have horrible bugs in the alpha stage. I'm pretty sure that it's not going to lose popularity any time soon.

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OP, just because you are having a hardtime right now doesn't mean it will always be like this...seriously people who are raging and want to quit because of this update need to wake the fuck up...its a test...they see whats good...then they fix it....havent you noticed it changing since 1.5.7 (when i started) it changes...you adapt and go from there.

"small changes can destory games Daish has seen it happen many times" what are you gollum?

my god its really not that hard to understand, if you want to help post in the correct places...zombies spawing to quickly at deer stands = bug. pretty obvious so treat it as a bug and wait for the fix dont go all WoW like QQ'ing and wasting more of the Devs time...you didnt pay for this MOD...even if you(like me) bought armaII just for the mod...

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Agree that its Alpha. Rocket has implemented a lot of NEW zed features and is testing them (albiet very sadistically lol). Im sure if the zed strength is too high, and spawning without weapons too harsh.... these will be adjusted up or down.

I assume Rocket implemented these at the high end of the scale to see/observe the effect (and to satisfy his need for tears). Im sure these will all be adjusted for balancing as Alpha progresses.

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  'Cavan said:

or do you just miss being able to do the gamma hack?

Could you please stop parroting that mistake. It was not a hack' date=' nor was it a glitch even. It was an unbalanced feature of the game that could be abused, you could argue it was an 'exploit' but I would personally not agree with that term either.

Calling people who changed their gamma hackers is just as stupid as people who respond to every complaint with "go back to CoD" as if they improve anything ever by saying it.


Let us define exploit : to take advantage of (a person, situation, etc), especially unethically or unjustly for one's own ends. Yes, the Gamma Hackers were exploiting the game in a way that wasn't intended. If they wanted people to crank Gamma all the way up to basically have daytime there would be no night cycle. And yes, the people who changed their Gamma should go back to CoD. This is DayZ, not CoD, the night is part of the game, and as such NVGs should run the night, not who can turn their gamma up the highest and snipe Cherno, now the Kiddies can't sit on the hill outside Elektro and snipe until they get NVGs and a DMR, otherwise they are limited to engagements within aggro range. This patch + the beta patch were exactly what DayZ needed.

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I love the new patch!

It's hardcore and when you die- you start with basically nothing. Death means something and there is little chance of you getting back to your old body.

Everyone knows about the Spawn clock with the Zeds and they and the attack through walls will get hot fixed- from what I'm hearing but the ability to aggro a Zed and then hide and break aggro is amazing.

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Welcome to Alpha. A place where you test changes that the creator/dev team implement and give feedback. However, to give feedback you actually have to test for more than 5 minutes. If you do not like such conditions it is encouraged for you to stop playing the Alpha version and await for the beta or full release.

Thank you for reading.

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I love it when people think everyone shares their thoughts. It is not completely black at night, its just that the sun comes late. And start using chemlights and flares/flashlights already like its part of the game. Fucking crybabies ;/

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most of you seem to have no idea about this darkness patch check this video before you keep making fools of yourself

Arma 2 staff patched this into the game not the DayZ mod guy

it compleatly destorys the DayZ game play any new player will quit without giving the game a chance all the night time servers will become compleatly empty the game is going to die off because of it

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Adapt or die. Easy choice to make.

thats right

DayZ/Arma 2 need to get rid of this update or die

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