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How to remove map notes?

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As you know, you can create notes by double-clicking on an area. However, I often times use them temporarily to find someplace. So... how do I get rid of some of this clutter on my map?

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Hello there

Hover over them with cursor and hit DEL.



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Thank you! Oh, and apparently these map notes show for everyone? Is there any way to make it show for just me?

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Hello there

The notes appear on the communication channel you use. So in Side/Global (most servers have side and direct enabled) everyone on that "side" can see. As all players are considered by the game to be on the "survivor side" then everyone can read em.

It's a legacy thing left over from Arma.



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Can't use the double-click feature for your eyes only. You can, however, shift-click anywhere on the map to make a waypoint that only you can see. It also gives you a distance to the target.

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after years of being an OFP/VBS/A1/A2 player I've learned something new!

Have my beans.


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after years of being an OFP/VBS/A1/A2 player I've learned something new!

Have my beans.


Fuck, I'm pumped too cause I finally got to use the only trick I know.

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