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I am always Friendly

Any new players that need help out there?

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At the moment I am playing WarZ (I know everyone hates it and the company is extremely suspicious but the game is fun as long as you stay away from high pop-servers.) I have played the game with ''StreetRidaz'', check out his channel first team-play video pops up next Wednesday! :D

If there are any ''noobs'' still out there that need help in this game, or if know basics just needs a partner. I know how frustrating this game can be, so I do what I can to help others. I used to run around on the spawn points in Chenarus and team up with new-spawns, and many times they were very thankful. I once had a guy that thought me some pro stuff in DayZ when I didn't know shit, and now I wan't to do that to others. I have been playing this game for 3,5 months so I believe I am at least semi-talented so that I can teach something.

Add me on Skype: Markus-1997

Or on Steam: Markus-1997 EDIT: My Steam is at the moment unusable and will stay that way for I don't know how long. Please add me on Skype, if you can't find me give me your Skype name. PS: I am from Finland if there are many hits for my Skype-name. EDIT: MY STEAM IS BACK TO NORMAL AND NOW YOU CAN ALSO ADD ME ON STEAM. Took 9 hours straight to fix it. XD LOL

This is not some pathetic DayZ trap by a bandit, this is a legit offer and I do this cause I kinda miss the first weeks of playing DayZ. When everything was still challenging and creepy...

My best ever DayZ adventure: I spawned in Cherno and looted what I could. Then I left and went north to a farm that had a well, a outdoors-toilet and a small barn. When I entered the barn I saw that there were 3 zombies in it. One of them turned and looked straight at me. I got scared and shot him with a revolver. The others heard it, and turn towards me. I shot them quickly and went to loot the bodies. One of them had Winchester ammo and there was an empty Winchester on the floor so I took it. Then I left and went north. There was a small ''electric-station'' looking place that was surrounded with a wall. I went past and continued north. I walked along a road until I got to a small town, which I looted quickly. Then when I went downhill I saw an airfield. I AM AT NW-Airfield! That's what I thought, and I looted it happily finding a Remington in the two hangars and an AK in the control-tower. Only after like a month I realized that I was actually at BALOTA and I had just kinda lost my sense of direction... XD

PS: If interested please check out my video as a tribute to the DayZ map Chernarus:

Edited by I am always Friendly

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I just downloaded dayz last night. Only got to play it for a short period of time, but at least discovered some of the basics of the game. Had a difficult time figuring out how to equip things and switch between my flashlight and a gun I found quickly (Is there a way to keep the flashlight on and use the gun?). I'm confident I can figure out the rest of the controls of the game with more time on my own. It would be nice to play with someone though. What I would really like to know is how to get into a private server so I can save my progress and play with some of the same players on a regular basis.

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I know all the basics and everything, just need a partner or a few guys to play with. Sick to death of players ignoring my help calls when i need blood or something and shooting on sight. Is there any friendly players on this game at all now? I have met one in my first few weeks of playing this game. I have sent you a request on steam and i also have Skype. :beans:

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How much has dayz improved over the last 3 months? Is it still just insanely slow paced death match with useless zombies? Or have game dynamics changed into something interesting yet?

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I just downloaded dayz last night. Only got to play it for a short period of time, but at least discovered some of the basics of the game. Had a difficult time figuring out how to equip things and switch between my flashlight and a gun I found quickly (Is there a way to keep the flashlight on and use the gun?). I'm confident I can figure out the rest of the controls of the game with more time on my own. It would be nice to play with someone though. What I would really like to know is how to get into a private server so I can save my progress and play with some of the same players on a regular basis.

I can play with you, but please give me your Skype-name so that I can add you on Skype. My Steam is ''broken'' at the moment, can't use it at all. :I

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I know all the basics and everything, just need a partner or a few guys to play with. Sick to death of players ignoring my help calls when i need blood or something and shooting on sight. Is there any friendly players on this game at all now? I have met one in my first few weeks of playing this game. I have sent you a request on steam and i also have Skype. :beans:

Please send request via Skype because my Steam does not work.

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(Is there a way to keep the flashlight on and use the gun?)

Only if you find a weapon with integrated torch eg g17 or Remington 870

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Is there a way to keep the flashlight on and use the gun?

You can change quickly between your flashlight and gun if you only have primary weapon. You cannot use the flashlight if you have a secondary weapon because the flashlight takes it's slot.

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hello all,

i have a question about installing the mod. i bought a retail copy of combined ops a long time ago. i still have both disks but i could only find the manual and there for the CD key for operation arrowhead. i don't remember where the key for the original arma 2 was even printed it has been so long. i don'y understand why both need to be installed since arrowhead is a stand-alone. either way, if i have arrowhead installed and then buy the original arma 2 again from steam, will the mod work? because for now when i run dayz commander i get the message saying that combined ops is not installed and i don't want to buy the whole pack over again if i don't need to.

thanks for any help

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Is there somewhere to go to download the game, sorry I do not have alot of time to read up on forums at work and using my 10 minute break to check in here, game looks really good.

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hello all,

i have a question about installing the mod. i bought a retail copy of combined ops a long time ago. i still have both disks but i could only find the manual and there for the CD key for operation arrowhead. i don't remember where the key for the original arma 2 was even printed it has been so long. i don'y understand why both need to be installed since arrowhead is a stand-alone. either way, if i have arrowhead installed and then buy the original arma 2 again from steam, will the mod work? because for now when i run dayz commander i get the message saying that combined ops is not installed and i don't want to buy the whole pack over again if i don't need to.

thanks for any help

Now have you registered your Arma 2 on Steam? If you go to your games, does it show ''install'' instead of the normal ''play''? If so, just download it and you will be fine.

But ill assume that you don't have it in your Steam collection and therefore do not ''own'' the game because you don't have the CD-Key. Why you need Arma 2 base-game is because DayZ uses the Chernarus map from Arma 2 and the Operation Arrowhead doesn't have it.

You can survive without paying extra by doing this: Go to Arma 2's webpage and download Arma 2 Free. It is a semi-mod but has all the things needed for DayZ. Download it.

Now assuming you have both Arma 2 Free and Operation Arrowhead installed, follow the steps on this page: http://kodabar.blogs...rma-2-free.html

This is completely legal but a bit complicated. I personally run DayZ with Arma 2 Free and OA because I was short on money when I bought it, so I assure you it works just as well, and you can use all the installers the same way as when using base-Arma 2.

So how is this possible? The part 4. in the link tells you to move the ''Addons'' files from Arma 2 folder to OA, but that is done automatically if you use the full-Arma 2. So that is the difference, have fun!

PS: You can add me on Steam if you have further questions or need a partner. :)

Edited by I am always Friendly

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Is there somewhere to go to download the game, sorry I do not have alot of time to read up on forums at work and using my 10 minute break to check in here, game looks really good.

Now this is a mod, and it is complicated to download, but here is the easiest way:

1. Buy and download Arma 2 Combined Operations pack from Steam which gives you both Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. IMPORTANT= Before moving on start the games at the same time and wait till they are both in the main menu, then you can quit them both and continue. (This sounds weird but it creates few extra files that you will need for DayZ.)

2. Download ''Dayz Commander'' (Because it is the easiest to use.) And install both Arma 2 Beta patch and the DayZ mod from the right-hand corner options.

3. Profit AKA Play the game, unless you are someone who plays the game just to kill other players, then turn around and understand this is not CoD. It's a survival game.

Hope this helped. :D

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Ive played for a few hours now. I have all my controls down but yeah figuring out how to use inventory and switch between weapons is still a bit dodgy for me. I thought we would be able to hold an axe or something and a firearm at the same time but apparently not. I did figure out I could put stuff in bags but it's still a bit tricky. Does the flash light even work? I mean I can do everything but get it to work even after 2 hours of keybinding. So for now its like my don't shoot me weapon of choice. I do usually have my gun lowered also. Very cool game. Took me a while to get the headset setup correctly and figure out channel systems. Still much to learn. Going into or near large towns is very dangerous. I have no idea where I am on the map and I love it lol. It's so realistic. The map size allows me to learn how to play the game to some degree before going into tougher locations etc. Still so much to learn. I can't wait for the standalone. Building the game from the ground up for this type of mod should allow it to be much easier to use and more optimized. So many Arma 2 keybinds I dont think I need making it alot more confusing but I'm making progress. Love how you can sling a rifle over your shoulder. I just wish I could hold an axe while the rifle is on my back. Maybe I already can and just don't know how :) I've almost been eaten a few times trying to fiddle with stuff heh. Zombies sure do run fast and chase far. Wish they would tone that down a bit so I can at least run away a bit easier. Love how they hear though and come a running. Just a bit much benny hill when they are full aggro lol. Imagine Dead Island zombies in DayZ and that would be hella cool.

Edited by Malicar

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Ive played for a few hours now. I have all my controls down but yeah figuring out how to use inventory and switch between weapons is still a bit dodgy for me. I thought we would be able to hold an axe or something and a firearm at the same time but apparently not. I did figure out I could put stuff in bags but it's still a bit tricky. Does the flash light even work? I mean I can do everything but get it to work even after 2 hours of keybinding. So for now its like my don't shoot me weapon of choice. I do usually have my gun lowered also. Very cool game. Took me a while to get the headset setup correctly and figure out channel systems. Still much to learn. Going into or near large towns is very dangerous. I have no idea where I am on the map and I love it lol. It's so realistic. The map size allows me to learn how to play the game to some degree before going into tougher locations etc. Still so much to learn. I can't wait for the standalone. Building the game from the ground up for this type of mod should allow it to be much easier to use and more optimized. So many Arma 2 keybinds I dont think I need making it alot more confusing but I'm making progress. Love how you can sling a rifle over your shoulder. I just wish I could hold an axe while the rifle is on my back. Maybe I already can and just don't know how :) I've almost been eaten a few times trying to fiddle with stuff heh. Zombies sure do run fast and chase far. Wish they would tone that down a bit so I can at least run away a bit easier. Love how they hear though and come a running. Just a bit much benny hill when they are full aggro lol. Imagine Dead Island zombies in DayZ and that would be hella cool.

Lol, if you ever need a friend or a partner let me know! ;D

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I am pretty much a noob, Im intrested :) I'll add you when Im near my pc and we can arrange a game or something

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Now this is a mod, and it is complicated to download, but here is the easiest way:

1. Buy and download Arma 2 Combined Operations pack from Steam which gives you both Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. IMPORTANT= Before moving on start the games at the same time and wait till they are both in the main menu, then you can quit them both and continue. (This sounds weird but it creates few extra files that you will need for DayZ.)

2. Download ''Dayz Commander'' (Because it is the easiest to use.) And install both Arma 2 Beta patch and the DayZ mod from the right-hand corner options.

3. Profit AKA Play the game, unless you are someone who plays the game just to kill other players, then turn around and understand this is not CoD. It's a survival game.

Hope this helped. :D

Thanks alot for the info, maybe see you in game, and I agree if I want to RA TA TA TA people I ll play Black Ops II.

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How common are hunting knives? So many times im starving and cant do anything but drool.. :)

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I'll add you as well :D I'm new to the game but I know the basics, just need a partner! If anyone else wants to add me my Skype is: dan.hearn3

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How many rounds does it normally take to kill someone with a pistol? =) Some sniper out of no where finds me in the middle of the map and I shot him a good 3 or 4 times at least but he just 1 shot me from the hip. Then the admin kicked me like wtf. LOL Oh well I had a good run that time. I just think he should have dropped considering it was veteren and all that heh.

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Just got Arma 2: Combined Operations & Steam yesterday (I'm a console guy, but willing to try PC!) and yeah, I honestly could use with a bit of help :P Died within first 5 minutes I played on my first go by derping across a field at full pelt, then BAM! 4 Zombies catch up and whack me to death :( ... But I'm more stealthy now on my second go and equipped myself with a shotgun an 4 slugs and iced a zombie on the way but i did see a dead fellow n00b on the floor but overall I'm doing well but don't get me wrong I still have got a lot to learn... But all within good time :thumbsup: :lol: and I'll send a request to you now.

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@always friendly

i followed your advice and now the mod runs great, thanks so much for your help.

happy holidays!

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How many rounds does it normally take to kill someone with a pistol? =) Some sniper out of no where finds me in the middle of the map and I shot him a good 3 or 4 times at least but he just 1 shot me from the hip. Then the admin kicked me like wtf. LOL Oh well I had a good run that time. I just think he should have dropped considering it was veteren and all that heh.

We all have 12000 ''health'' and every pistol except Revolver and M1911 take 900 damage. The Rev. and M1911 take 1400, so the best damage you made if you hit to the body was maybe half of his health. Try to hit the head next time, good luck! :)

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I am literally downloading Combined Ops as I type. Ive been playing WarZ, but too many cheaters and hackers, so thought Id try the real game, and bought the Arma pack soley for DayZ useage.

Im very new,

Im basically looking for a friendly rpg style private server , where there is a rule about PK'ing, as Ive had my fill of wall hackers,aimbots,injectors etc. I just want to survive and live, without idiots. If Im fighting a Zombie and dying, I have the choice to pull out and run, with PK'rs I dont have that chance, and it ruins my game experience. I may sound very unworldly, but heck, thats what some PServers are for.

Also will be hoping for any tips etc, will probably meet a lot of you helpful guys now Ive decided to try and join a community.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Christmas


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