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specterm street lights, but what about

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I noticed change logs for say street lights working, but on our server they are not. Can anyone explain why?

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oops sorry for double post. this site is so active its loading slowly for me.. I double clicked.

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Streetlights weren't ever added, they were listed in the notes for but removed by Rocket as they didn't fit with the authenticity of the situation.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Ah ha !

smasht they were actualy working in, when the next (public) build went live they were disactivated.

Rocket gave his reasons and further to that the lighting had no effect on Z awareness, so the only people that benefited from them were the snipers.

Tried and tested.

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IMHO It should be up to the server admins whether or not the lights work, just sayin'.

Edited by BioHazard050
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thanks for the info. In all honesty. I agree with biohazard. we run our private server on 24/7 day because night is too daunting. No one wants to play like that so they never join your server. Who wants to pay to host an empty server?

And who says in the zombie appocolypse the lights will be out? Zombies are too dumb to hit the off switch arnt they?

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I also agree with BioHazard. The more options you leave up to the server admins the better.

I really like the streetlight effects I've seen in some Arma youtube videos and think it would be great. However, I also play on servers with less than 10 people where sniping is extremely rare.

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And who says in the zombie appocolypse the lights will be out? Zombies are too dumb to hit the off switch arnt they?

I'll let Rocket explain it.

I did a massive amount of research into power generation during natural disasters. There is a great thread on straight dope about the subject, actually.

It would appear, that under most circumstances unless authorities made a very concerted effort and had plenty of time to prepare, prior to abandoning a power station, that it would trip within hours (maximum days) of being unmanned.

The problem is the inter-connectivity of the power grid. Unless an area is deliberately disconnected to become an island in the power supply, even if you try and restart the power station it is going to trip. This issue was covered in Stephen King's "The Stand" quite well. Starting up a power station from having tripped is an extremely complex task, and very daunting, even for professionals.

It would take only a few problems in a country before, left unmanned, the power stations would turn themselves off and when one starts doing it, the cascading effect happens very fast. This has already been seen from recent disasters. Luckily, most natural disasters are reasonably localized so personnel are available and online to assist with prevent a serious power issue from becoming catastrophic across a nation.

Generation isn't the major key, it is the complexity of the system. Powering a few lamps is one thing, powering a town or a city is another.

Certainly, we do need some more work on lights to bring up the atmosphere, but I'm a total geek when it comes to the reality behind the situation. It is also terrifying to me, and important, to demonstrate to people just how fragile our system is when you take personnel out of a system. If the workers go home from the power-station, most will trip within hours.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Perhaps this country/town/suburb/city were trying out a new initiative of cleaner power and replaced all their street lights with solar power that are set to power up when an insufficient amount of light is detected.

These new street lights are individual and not on a grid so if one is broken the next one down the line could still be operational. This would allow some with broken components or globes to not work while others to continue working.

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