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randomize.. everything

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1: Military loot:

Why don't we take away every possibility to get military gear from a predefinied loot spawn. What do i mean with this? Well it's very simple:

-no more Baracks

-no more Hangars

-no more military tents



Because it could be a solution to counter power-looting by rejoining new servers and raiding those lootspawns several times in a row. Military loot should only be found on heli crashes and probabely destroyed military convois and roadblocks or even stranded military boads which randomly spawn on the map. This would increase the vale of military loot.

2: Start gear

At the moment every player has the same starter gear:

-1 coyote patrol pack

-1 painkillers

-1 flashlight

-1 bandage

but would this be the case in an apocalypse? in my opinion, there should could be a random selection of items and equipment when you respawn, for example a percentage of chance that you spawn without any backpack or with an alicepack or even a coyote backpack. it could be possible to spawn with a watch equipped and with a compass or a gun but without any flashlight or bandages. there are infinite possibilities of how you respawn. why don't we randomize everything about it? the only selectable thing should be your gender. even a random skin would be amazing, so not every player looks the same anymore...

3: cars

at the moment cars only spawn at certain places (if i see this right)

why is there norandom spawnplace for vehicles? it would be much more luck to get one instead of just checking every carspawn after a server restart.

4: player spawnlocations:

at the moment every new player spawns on the beach, which makes it very easy for campers to shoot them, as it is a respectively small and overwatchable area. also, there are just a few places where they can go to get better gear, which are Electro and Cherno. if there was a random player spawn anhywhere on the map, noone would be able to spawnkill them and they could easily reach every possible looting area without having to fear a sniper shooting them when they enter a small town. this would decentralize the pvp on the map and cherno and electro wouldn't be as dangerous anymore as they are now (this is of course an example for the actualy DayZ map Chernarus)

i hope my english wasn't too bad and you understand what i actually want to say :P

i appreaciate every comment and critics :)

Edited by battle-snail

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I think the point of the coast-start is so new players have a point of reference (especially if they miss their corner-text) rather than spawning in and being overwhelmed with being in the middle of backwoods-nowhere. Car spawns I believe are randomized (to an extent) they may or may not spawn in certain areas.

The item-based randomization has two flaws. For fresh-spawning? People will suicide until they have their ideal set-up. As for the military weapons? It doesn't make sense for military bases to not have military weapons on them. Though it could and would make sense for the "higher-tier" military weapons to only spawn in the aforementioned randomized locations. Perhaps relegating bases and such to be "ammo spawns" or something along those lines.

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1: Military loot:

Why don't we take away every possibility to get military gear from a predefinied loot spawn.

I agree and disagree with you at the same time. Let's start with why I don't agree.

-- Considering the amount of spawn locations currently in, say, Chernogorsk, the chances of there being several high-end military weapons is rather high, no matter how small you make the percentages. People used to keep complaining A LOT about being shot by a sniper in the shore. That would only become more common, along with people with M16s, M4s, AKs and other high-power weapons running around. It would make a permanent turn towards becoming a deathmatch, because people wouldn't need to move up north to get better weapons.

Then how do I agree?

-- If you ADDED a very, very small (0.0001%) chance of SOME fully automatic weapons spawning in SOME types of buildings/areas, it would be somewhat realistic. The military isn't the only force with high-power weapons. And who is to say that someone didn't pick up an M16 or a grenade from a fallen soldier? But having every kind of weapon with a chance to spawn literally anywhere, it's no longer realistic.

At the moment every player has the same starter gear.

But would this be the case in an apocalypse? in my opinion, there could be a random selection of items and equipment when you respawn, for example a percentage of chance that you spawn without any backpack or with an alicepack or even a coyote backpack. Again, with the percentages. What if someone spawned with an AS50/DMR, GPS, Coyote Backpack, and NVG? Because that would be possible. A little variation would be nice, yeah. Not every person has the same backstory/luck to end up with the exact same items by the time the player starts controlling him in the shore. Anywhere from having nothing to having 1-3 bandages/food/drink, some tools, etc would be fine, but there should always be a cap as to how many items a player can have, and what is even possible to obtain. it could be possible to spawn with a watch equipped and with a compass or a gun but without any flashlight or bandages. there are infinite possibilities of how you respawn. why don't we randomize everything about it? the only selectable thing should be your gender. even a random skin would be amazing, so not every player looks the same anymore...

3: cars

at the moment cars only spawn at certain places (if i see this right)

why is there norandom spawnplace for vehicles? it would be much more luck to get one instead of just checking every carspawn after a server restart.

This I agree with. I mean, helicopter crash-sites are randomized within a vast amount of possible locations, so why not vehicles?

4: player spawnlocations:

At the moment every new player spawns on the beach, which makes it very easy for campers to shoot them,(Semi-true, as you can spawn anywhere between the South-West and North-East corner. Spawn camping isn't that easy. It's the people who run back to where they were killed.) as it is a respectively small and overwatchable area. also, there are just a few places where they can go to get better gear, which are Electro and Cherno.(Again, you can run about half-way to North-West Airfield without food or drinks. It's only the people who willingly go to these hot-spots and complain about being killed.) if there was a random player spawn anhywhere on the map, noone would be able to spawnkill them and they could easily reach every possible looting area without having to fear a sniper shooting them when they enter a small town.(This is starting to sound a lot like easy-mode. And, much like with the server-hopping ability on the DayZ Hive servers, you could literally spawn right next to a guy with an automated weapon, who would simply proceed to burn a dozen bloody holes to your face. And with the random starting gear, they would only profit from it.) this would decentralize the pvp on the map and cherno and electro wouldn't be as dangerous anymore as they are now (this is of course an example for the actually DayZ map Chernarus)

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I like most of it. I know that the spawn system has been rewritten (or will be) for the SA but I'd like to see it more random too. I hate all of the loot tables and people that farm gear using them. It takes away for the exploration and mystery, especially for new players. However they deal with it, I'd like it so that loot tables aren't possible or at least pretty pointless.

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randomize.. everything


The airport tells a story, it's dangerous .... ohuu you was airfield...

everything is random = places without stories, anonymous places.

Power looting, I prefer the solution that every server have to play a different character. Solved.

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Lol, not solved. How does restraining a character to one server stop someone farming a military spawn to death, it doesn't. Although that is more regarding the mod. As I said it's going to be different in the SA so hopefully there's something to mix things up a bit and make it harder to just farm one spot or use loot tables to figure out the key points without exploration and/or luck.

Edited by Fraggle

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Because it could be a solution to counter power-looting by rejoining new servers and raiding those lootspawns several times in a row.

Only this solved I mean. Farming a military spawn to death... lol

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