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Nerf, Delete or Swap Optics weapons.

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as the title says, I think there should be less weapons with optics x10,000 zoom, where you get killed from million miles away. its unrealistic. from my experience its quite easy to find DMR. and by 9th or 10th day of survival almost every player got a 50cal sniper rifle. which is to me a seems a bit poo when it comes to PvP and realism.

if you look at it in terms of realism. in Cherno (for example) you had post soviet state. so where all these NATO guns coming from? if all these guys use are AK's? that's 1! 2... in a squad you have 6 guys with Rifles and 2 with MG's very rear where in the normal rifle team you will have sniper. those guys usually work on their own (team of 2). So the question is... where are all RPK's RPD's PK, PKMs... etc? and why is there a sniper rifle on every corner (so to say)

ok, PVP benefits. these benefits would be purely atmospheric. imagine... you walking on the Airfield, minding your own business... and then *crack* and your dead... you just think "What the $%£ was that?" and with sadness restart the game. Imagine the game where there Rearity of MG's and snipers have reversed. same scenario, you walking on the Airfield, and you hear *crack* *crack* *crack*, one round hits you, you are bleeding... you in panic running away, zombies after you... your (real) heart is pounding, you nearly spat out the coffee you were drinking at the time..

Now i am not saying get rid of the optics completely. but it should be nerfed.. big time. for example i think that on every AS50/DMR the scope should be damaged. so when you look at it, the scope got a crack on it. so you still see where you shooting, but you cant see left side of the screen for example, its just a cracked blur.

Ammo for MG's could be made up from other mags, like for example 3 AK74 mags to create 2 long RPK mags, or 6 AKM mags to make up 1 PKM box mag. or 3 AK74 to create 1 drum mag for RPK.. etc. all the scripts are currently available in game, we already can split and combine mags.. so why not with this.

I think that every optics weapon also should be nerfed. it should either be very slow firing, the Ammo type got to be insanely rear. or there should be some other issues.

and if to go to extremes, I think there should only be a few optics weapons, like:

AK47 + PSOP high rate of fire, but cant hit anything at the long range

CZ, M24, - slow rates of fire.

SVD - very rear, very rear ammo.

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Well, don't walk out on the airfield.

Weapons are going to be modular in the SA. Which might mean more accessibility as far as optics. Just get over it. Nothing unrealistic about having certain guns. A once populated area with potentionally hundreds of thousands of residents, police, military, etc... And you're crying over 20 people walking around with scoped weapons? Seriously?

I already don't like how some of the guns cannot be fired quickly. Winchester, Enfield, etc. Should certain weapons be ineffective at long range when fired quickly? Of course, but in close quarters in a sticky situation I want to be able to fire as fast as my finger can allow.

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On the contrary, if Cherarus is a post-Soviet state who's military followed the War Pact model, you wouldn't be able to piss against a tree without splashing an SVD as they get issued 1 per 8 man infantry section.

As the SVD uses the same 7.62x54R round as the PKM, ammo would be very common indeed.

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well, but then it becomes question of balance... you can have gun that fires quickly but at med, range... or fired slowly at the long range. the idea is to make the game more balanced. and narrow the gap between the noobs and vets.

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Terminal Boy, ok agreed. but you still have 2 Gunners in the section. and also since when the AS50/DMR/M24 was more common than SVD.

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The gap between noobs and vets is knowing not to walk around NWAF alone and in the open. Once you learn that, acquiring gear is simple and you can even find yourself a nice AS50 of your own.

The optics aren't unrealistic, you really can see 800m away with the right scope.

As to switching out the NATO weapons for soviet weapons I concur. Seems strange finding 5.56 everywhere, but I have to beg for 7.62 rounds.

Also, in your scenario. You do realize that currently if you are hit with any 7.62 round in the chest you are knocked unconscious? There is no running away. They just shoot you again when you wake up.

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lol ok ok guys, the scenario isnt very well thought thou, but the point is still valid. i rather have a chance to run away in panic than just be shot, thats does not scare me, it just makes me sad and angry. which is the wrong type of emotion for any game.

And yes, may be the optics isnt unrealistic, what is unrealistic is that its as common as it is now. also with MG vs Optics Balance shifted if gives you a fighting chance.. rather than just bang - dead!

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I already don't like how some of the guns cannot be fired quickly. Winchester, Enfield, etc. Should certain weapons be ineffective at long range when fired quickly? Of course, but in close quarters in a sticky situation I want to be able to fire as fast as my finger can allow.

The Winchester's lever-action and the Enfield's bolt-action. It's reasonable to say that they wouldn't be fired quickly, especially in close-ranges.

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well for the 50 cal stuff you can only find them in crashed helicopter so i think its safe to presume its maybe a british helicopter sent from there military? and then its not odd to find an LMG in a military strong point :P

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lol ok ok guys, the scenario isnt very well thought thou, but the point is still valid. i rather have a chance to run away in panic than just be shot, thats does not scare me, it just makes me sad and angry. which is the wrong type of emotion for any game.

And yes, may be the optics isnt unrealistic, what is unrealistic is that its as common as it is now. also with MG vs Optics Balance shifted if gives you a fighting chance.. rather than just bang - dead!

Have a chance to run away? In real life you get show by anything larger than a 9mm you probably aren't walking away anytime soon. This game isn't supposed to be balanced, that's the whole premise of DayZ.

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Shouldn't there be less NATO weapons?




CZ 550

It'd be nice if you could find only those sniper rifles, but with different default customization. For example-- I could find a scoped Mosin-Nagant or a camouflaged SVD.

Edited by Very Ape
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I think that every optics weapon also should be nerfed. it should either be very slow firing, the Ammo type got to be insanely rear. or there should be some other issues.

No, optics weapons should not be "nerfed". Every scope should not be broken.That's stupid. People should stop complaining and realize some weapons are better than others.

Upset your Winchester doesn't compare to an M14 DMR? Sorry, can't be helped.

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From my standpoint, it's your fault if you get sniped nowadays. If you still haven't learned to avoid after playing for a month or so, then it's definitely your fault. Stick to the woods, stay away from big towns, and scope out areas.

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Terminal Boy, ok agreed. but you still have 2 Gunners in the section. and also since when the AS50/DMR/M24 was more common than SVD.

They never have been and never will due to the Soviets (and all client states) churning these out by the thousands every year since 1963.

DMRs are becoming common in US forces since adopting the Designated Marksman concept during GW2. Given the small size of the US forces active in Chernarus throughout the ARMA2 backstory, these would be very rare. M24 would be rarer still as only sniper units get them.

AS50 wouldn't be seen in Chernarus. Ever.

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Like another poster on here pointed out, scoped guns should actually be more common. Look at your average hunting rifle.

And in Russia, a common hunting rifle is the Tigr. Does it remind you of something? B)


Edited by Gews

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The Winchester's lever-action and the Enfield's bolt-action. It's reasonable to say that they wouldn't be fired quickly, especially in close-ranges.

I'm well aware that they aren't semi-automatic weapons, but it is not unrealistic to fire those weapons quite rapidly.

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I'm well aware that they aren't semi-automatic weapons, but it is not unrealistic to fire those weapons quite rapidly.




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ok, almost all of your points are good. but tell me, in which universe any shooter can pick up a sniper rifle and hit a bulls-eye on target at even 100m? every rifle needs to be zeroed. maintained, cleaned and kept dry. here (in DayZ) we have scenario where almost every rifle had been laying on the floor, in mud, in water, dirt... etc. and chances are it was dropped to start with... if not dragged around by a zombie for a month before it finally dropped off some place.

look at cars in DayZ... all wrecks. why not guns? expecting a perfect scope on a rifle in that scenario would be insanity!!! So my point about nerfed optics still stands think that the optics should be cracked, dirty, blury... etc.because tough shit, but its reality. you leave any gun on the floor for long enough and it will rust and decay!

MG's are a lot more durable than sniper rifles. MG's are designed to go though a lot of wear and tear... they are made to last though a lot more rounds, they are designed to have low(er) accuracy for higher rate of fire. where is snipers aren't. and yes DMR's are may be part of the new tactics adopted by US in GW2, but I also hear that to start with they were not issued with correct type of specialized oil, which made all American rifles jam like crazy. and here we talking about well maintained rifles. imagine neglected DMR with no special oil to lub it... it wouldn't work! pure and simple. and if you dont agree with this... then you know NOTHING about real guns!

So yes, out with NATO Optics and probably guns in general, bring in things like SIGA, more AK variants... with PSOP and KOBRAs. I agree on SVD. Mosin, CZ... have more things like RPK, PK, PKM etc. that would be cool.

Edited by FBI

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Actually you have things half right in Reality the guns even if dumped would have the equipment in huge amounts in Air Drops Stock piles all that kind of thing also NATO Optics AK Sights all Scopes are made to resist as much damage as possible a drop from a helicopter will crack the 1500M Scope for example where as the rest of the gun is toast (Unless its an AK They go through swamps and fire on the other side). Then you have the unstable reality that most guns are a one hit kill 7.26 for example leaves an Exit wound the size of a mans Fist THROUGH Kevlar the Main Common weapons would have been sent back and the Remaining Chernarussian, American and British Soldiers attempting to take back Chernarus would make their Guns common. Also the MG's are actually Issued Less than most weapons due to the Inability to use most other equipment due to the sheer Size and weight of them rendering most Sling carrying methods Inefficient (Including ones like the Backpack Carry) and the fact unless you use a Bipod they are less accurate than a 13 year old with a L98A2 rifle aiming down a range with all he needs to hit the target just a note the .22 Single Shot Bolt action rifle close relative of the Enfield isnt Accurate in itself and the gun has virtually no recoil

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If you just walk around on the airfield, it's your own damn fault if you get shot. Just saying.

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Dylanco1.. well, ok, the scope may live... but the nuts and bolts that attach it to the gun, i know its quite common for a sight to come off due to vibration of the gun. for example ACOG on L85's they aren't designed for each other so it doesnt quite fit, hence they had to come up with transition rail.

Anyways... I still think that current ratio of the MG to Sniper is WAY off... yes they may be used less... but think of it this way. MG's were mounted on cars, APC's etc etc. there still some in squads... the MG's would have been used in FOB's, Check points.. etc. I mean currently the chance of finding an MG is slim to none. I have been playing since May. and i had found AS50 5-6 times (may be more) but i had never found, nor picked up off someone else a SAW for example... or any other LMG

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As far as rarity of certain guns goes, yeah it something that needs to be worked on. In a soviet state like Chernarus AK variants of weapons would certainly be more popular. If we get more maps in the western part of the world then NATO weapons would certainly become way more common than say Chernarus. Honestly if they make a map in Canada I will be happy (as long as that map is cold as hell all the time and everyone gets around on dogsleds. Also everyone ends their sentences with "eh" on these servers. Ehl Oh Ehl.) with the game.

I agree with the AS50, an anti material rifle that to my knowledge is only used by the U.S Navy S.E.A.Ls, though coming across one shouldn't be impossible (maybe a unit got wiped out by zombies or bandits caught on the unawares, who knows? They are deployed all over the world if American braggotry is to be believed)

That being said, I really do find it a bit annoying that you're complaining about balance of guns in a game in terms of their stopping power and ability to kill accurately. No offense dude but it's folks like you complaining about imbalance of weapons that ruin a lot of games by complaining to devs en masse that one gun is OP and needs to be nerfed.

Putting that aside though, I will respectfuly say: Guns are not designed to be balanced or fair, they are designed to give the one holding them an upper hand over the other party that means to kill them. When you go to war you go home sitting in a plane/ship or you go home in a box. There is no middle ground. Survival in this game is a war in of itself that you're not only fighting other people who mean you harm but also your own bodily needs and invisible killers (ie: disease) as well as zombies in this particular case.

Nobody ever went in to a design facility for Colt, Smith and Wesson or Kalashnikov (or whatever company makes AKs) and thought "Hey, I wonder if this is too powerful... unfair to the other side, ya know?". The only questions that I believe come up in such designs are "Will it kill a person better?" and "How else is it better than what we already have?"

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Zoey, you compleatly missed the point.

At the moment the chances to find AS50 are million times greater than finding an LMG of any kind. And thats wrong imho. As on the ground there would be more RPK, PK, Pecheneg SAW, LSW... etc, than Snipers. In a Zombie apocalipse MG woud be tne choice gun for military... as it can be used agains masses! I mean fantastic if you got DMR and can hit a fly from a mile... but when you have 1000 zombitches walking towards you... dont know how about you but i rather have PKM.

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Most MG's that would fine heavy-use in a zombie apocalypse likely wouldn't be man-portable. And if MG's were the "go-to" gun then there'd be far less MG ammo than sniper-rifle ammo. Making Snipers the defacto choice for post-apocalypse survivors anyway.

Also, the individual MG's have a higher drop rate than the AS50 if I recall. So yeah, there's that.

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