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ArmA II Free no longer on Steam?

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So, a while ago, when I first got ArmA II, I got the Reinforcements edition (which came with Operation Arrowhead as a bonus.) I would then download ARMA II Free on Steam, and drag the required files to play DayZ (Chernarus map file and a couple more) into my Reinforcements folder. I recently got a new computer to run games better and had to do this all over again. However, ARMA II Free is not on Steam anymore? I searched it, and it wouldn't come up. Is there another way I can get these files, or am I just going to have to wait for standalone? (Which isn't far away...)

Edited by killerdude765

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No need to insult folk.

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maybe stop being a cheapass and buy the game

funny cuz i own combined ops on steam but opt to use Arma Free because Arma Free is 1.75 GB while Arma 2 full is 6.5GB..just saying not everyone is a cheapass..some of us just don't want to uninstall our bigger games for Arma 2+OA

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