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Ping kicked when trying to join.

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**Ok. before i say anything. once i am able to join my ping is always stable and my game works perfectly fine!!!***

When I try to join any servers with a decent amount of players (About 20+) i am given a ping kick while trying to join the server. I usually have to retry about 20 times, also waiting like 2 full minutes to see if the server will kick me or not.(if you thought the loading/joining screen was horrible as it is, try my situation) This is REALLY starting to annoy me due to the fact that once im in game I NEVER get ping kicked. it only happens while trying to join. WHY? Is there a possible fix.

P.S- While playing at my brothers, which is extremely fast internet,(25mbps, usually 60 ping) i never get this. MY internet usually has around 100 ping but why would it jump extremely high while joining a server?

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If you are using DayZ Commander and/or SixLauncher(or whatever it's called now), make sure you stop refreshing for servers before joining one.

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I use play with six and lately it's been F'ing everything up, I close it as it's loading up the server and starting the game before the game fully launches, I've had play with six crash in the background while in game and I was piloting a chopper, needless to say I was hunting for scrap and windshield glass for hours after that... totally awesome.

Your problems sounds unique to mine though. What's your setup? should it be screaming fast or is it like mine and issues should be expected lol.

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I use dayz commander. and usually have all the servers loaded before hand. Whenever it fails to connect I then retry using the orignal arma ii OA multiplayer list, and just filter by the server name.

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