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I've seen a few other posts like this, but all of them got flamed because the suggestion wasn't clear. So I'm gonna make it clear.

Basically, I want raw input mouse movement. The current system arma uses is mouse-acceleration.

If you don't know what I mean, let me explain: Most shooters use raw mouse input, which basically means reading the mouse's movement directly without smoothing it out out or changing it in any way. Arma 2 is different. Basically, it uses what's called mouse acceleration. What that means is that the faster you move your mouse, the farther it moves, regardless of har far your mouse actually traveled. Let me give an example.

Let's say I'm playing counter-strike. I move my mouse to the left 2 inches. My character then looks to the left a certain distance, at the enemy. But then the enemy moves to the right.

Now let's say I move my mouse inches to the right, but I move my mouse at a greater speed. My character looks back to the original position where the enemy is, regardless of how fast my mouse moved.

Now let's say I'm playing Arma 2. I move my mouse 2 inches to left. My character looks to left a certain distance.

Now the enemy moved to the right like last time. To counteract that, I need to look back to my original position. I move my mouse 2 inches to the right, but much faster because I need to get back on that guy fast. Unfortunately, because I moved my mouse so fast, I turn completely around, getting myself killed.

I've learned to aim with mouse acceleration, but it'd still be nice to have the option of raw input.

So yeah, that's my suggestion. Tell me what you think!

Edited by colekern

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I just tried it in-game, and it seemed the faster I moved the mouse, the slower my rifle went... Maybe I'm just mentally challenged, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened.

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Well an option to use either would be nice. Then we can try both and use the one we think works best.

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Just to clarify, are you still getting uncomfortable mouse acceleration even after turn smoothing off? You can get rid of head bobbing and smoothing in the "controls" section of the menu.

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Just to clarify, are you still getting uncomfortable mouse acceleration even after turn smoothing off? You can get rid of head bobbing and smoothing in the "controls" section of the menu.

That's probably the problem, your smoothing may be on.

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Just to clarify, are you still getting uncomfortable mouse acceleration even after turn smoothing off? You can get rid of head bobbing and smoothing in the "controls" section of the menu.

It's not exactly uncomfortable, just noticeable. It's not as accurate as raw-input. And yes, I've turned off smoothing, head bobbing, and gone the extra mile and tweaked my config.

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