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Mr. Charles (DayZ)

What i've experianced in Day Z so far

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I started playing exactly a week ago. In that time I have died to murder squads with military gear something like ten times.

Does literally everyone with half-way decent gear just murder people? On youtube there are all these lets-plays where people call friendly and tell you to drop your gun, but everyone just shoots me! I dont want to just bandit people, but its the only way to play the game!

The game is way to friendly to people who move in squads. I have managed-in three seperate occasions-to fire back with various weapons and score a kill, but the murder squad simply squats on him until he can pick his gear back up and moves on like nothing happened. A lone player simply cant defend himself from these assoles with any of the easily spawned weapons, and he has no way to get the military grade weaponry without going into a murder zone. Even if he can make a situation where they have to get within kill range of any of the non-sniper guns, he cant realistically win a firefight with more than two or three players even if they simply rush him from even two directions.

TL:DR I'd seriously pissed at how assholish all of the clans are.

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DayZ is hard, you will get killed by almost every highly geared player, since theres nothing to do anymore after you are geared up..

Edited by Termin@tor

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I still dont kill people and I have decent gear, Problem is if you dont kill people and they kill you.. eventually you get tired of it and start killing people too.

Its kinda like a snowball effect.

I try and stay clear from people I dont know.

Edited by SiiriXX
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DayZ is hard, you will get killed by almost every highly geared player, since theres nothing to do anymore after you are geared up..

yea that's true, it is the only thing that feels exciting when you are all geared up, the hunt of man >:)

(or being a medic if you like)

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As I said in a recent post, this is a great social experiment to show the world what people would really do for survival. In this case it seems like they do it because they can, it's a rush to them, it makes them feel good. At the moment it's a very big part of the game. People like to eliminate competition, even if the competition has no defense or chance to survive a gunshot to the head. People classify this as no honor, but it cannot be stopped and there is nothing wrong with it according to 90% of the DayZ community, including me.

DayZ is hard, you will get killed by almost every highly geared player, since there's nothing to do anymore after you are geared up..

This is a good observation, the fact that people who are fully geared have nothing to do can dictate whether or not they go and kill people merely because they're bored. It makes you think, would this REALLY happen in a real zombie apocalypse, or in this case... any sort of apocalypse. Will boredom ultimately cause us to kill if we're allowed to?

My suggestion is to just meet some people on a community, like the one I am in, and team up with other people to give yourself a fighting chance... however, you might end up like them and start killing people with no gear simply because you're bored or want to eliminate easy competition.

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If your choice is to play as a lone wolf, people shouldn't be spotting you. maybe something in your playstyle needs to change if you are going to remain a lone wolf. My advice is (as above) join a community and make friends. Many eyes makes it easier to survive!

Edited by bigdogsco
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Disagree. In a "real" apocalypse (zombie or otherwise) there is no respawning. I do not believe the mod in its present form tells us anything about how a real apocalypse would go down. In real life the douchebaggery would be stomped down rapidly as society worked to restore order.

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Hi Mr.Charles. I know how you feel, it can be so frustrating and exasperating to keep being killed. It's true there are lots of people who kill on sight but where do you play? When you join the server are there five or six people on it or 10 or 20 or 30? If you join high population servers then you're an easy target if you don't yet know how to avoid heavy traffic areas like Cherno, Elektro, and the airfields.

Try low pop servers and making a friend or a few via these forums first and join a server together. Also, watch people over a few days and see what they say/do. You can often predict who is friendly and who isn't by what they do and don't say. :thumbsup:

Good luck! :)

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I am trying hard to stay the lone wolf out there... so I avoid other players as good as I can (being cautious to the sidechat, to gunshot sounds, footsteps, avoid the bigger cities when the server gets populated more and more). Yeah, sounds paranoid, but I like that playstyle and it keeps me quite safe from people with an itchy trigger finger.

If you get too frustrated being killed over and over again on public servers, why don't you try a private hive? (which in most cases also keeps you safe from hacker attacks)

My opinion about game apocalypse, real life apocalypse and comparing both:

In a game, decisions like murdering someone are so easily made, because you won't be blamed (apart from getting flamed in chat or the forums) or having to deal with any serious consequences, you dont have to take on the responsibility to have actually taken somebody's life.

Comparing that to a real life situation is kind of difficult, at least when it comes to carelessness. BUT: extreme situations sure will force us to extreme actions. I wouldn't say some of us wouldn't be able to murder in such an extreme environment... the question is WHEN we tread over this line and become that reckless and kill someone (for food? being afraid the other guy would kill us, so be quick or be dead? for fun?) and if we do, how we manage to live with the burden of being a murderer.

After all... it's a game (or an anti-game, right rocket? ;) ), it sure might bring up thoughts and questions to the minds of some of us (which means rocket did a great job with DayZ), but to others DayZ will just stay a game, a shooter, a sandbox to run wild and act like we would never ever dare to in real life (which sure is also ok). Or would we? ;)

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As I said in a recent post, this is a great social experiment to show the world what people would really do for survival.

If you're using dayz to draw conclusions about a real life apocalyptic scenario then you're doing it wrong...

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Hi Mr.Charles. I know how you feel, it can be so frustrating and exasperating to keep being killed. It's true there are lots of people who kill on sight but where do you play? When you join the server are there five or six people on it or 10 or 20 or 30? If you join high population servers then you're an easy target if you don't yet know how to avoid heavy traffic areas like Cherno, Elektro, and the airfields.

Try low pop servers and making a friend or a few via these forums first and join a server together. Also, watch people over a few days and see what they say/do. You can often predict who is friendly and who isn't by what they do and don't say. :thumbsup:

Good luck! :)

will you be my dayz buddy??? :D

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Bro here's the trick. Grab any gun then head north about half way. You'd be suprised about the number of people who are willing to leave themselves open when they are off the coast. Use it to your advantage

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I beg to differ on that, one night we had one guy kill nine of us with an L85A and a Ghillie. The only reason we got him was because one guy had logged for his supper and came back as the dude was looting our truck and got shot in the back :)

Edited by DazTroyer

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Look for servers with team speak. In most cases the server admins will have hellis and help you gear up. But IMO that is the best part of the game. I like to play lone wolf and after a while the zombies are really not a threat once you figure them out. If it wasn't for the bandits, I would lose interest.

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Mr. Charles. When you are a fresh spawn, there's 2 basic strategy IMHO:

Fast and dangerous: Gearing up at Cherno and Elektro, especially on a populated server.

Slow and safer: Moving north via forests and gearing up in the smaller towns with supermarkets while looting deer stands along the way.

Also, avoid looting Stary Sobor and the North West Airfield unless you are sure that nobody is around. If zombies spawn at your arrival, it means you are the only player nearby, if zombie are already walking around, someone else is there.

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