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What are the three things you want to be in Standalone?

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3 Feral animals. Why do the cattle stay tame? I want to hunt animals that try to get away! Muahaha!

I'd love the idead that you would actually need to use the Hunting Rifle to hunt animals...

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1. Random scripted events (Goverment interaction, cleansing/blowing up infected cites, supply drops, families runnning in fear from a house being taken over, seeing shit in the woods)

2. Seizable towns with repairable electric grid.

3. Definately Manbearpig

Edited by opethZ

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A Large Group of zombies which roam in a large group, walking across a map or set route, Following roads, ext....

Zombies found in forests and fields

Zombies can hear Snipers from further away

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This would discourage lone wolfing

As someone who quite often likes playing solo, why do you want to discourage lone wolfing? The implication is that lone wolves are playing it wrong.

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1. HUGE hordes of zombies roaming the woods, like 2 random hordes of 200+ zombies spawn on every server restart.

2. Less/rarer military grade gear, and have authenticity on the gear, I don't think it should be easier to find an m16 than an ak on freaking russia.

3. More realistic spots for loot, not like you're going to walk in a warehouse and find an axe and a tire in the floor, maybe have like closets or desks with things on/in them and have like a pile of tires in the back, maybe like you open a closet and you find a suitcase with things inside, and also be able to keep your loot that way, sorta like you put like a pile of tires in your front porch (When base building is introduced) and then you save the loot you dropped in the desk or in whatever place you did, and it won't despawn.

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I haven't been playing long so some of these things may already be in the game, but the things I'd like are

1 - Focus on the survival side of the game.

2 - Temporary camps

3 - More and better wild life to hunt

forgot to add...

4 - Being able to log in with a friend, not so you're next to each other but so you are fairly close. Got a friend about to join, and it'd be cool if when he did we could team up without travelling for ages. Especialy as neither one of us will know the map.

Edited by Kinjin

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This is really interesting, but, when is DayZ Beta going out?

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1- I want it where shooting a gun anywhere on the map has a risk of aggro Zeds because Zeds are in forest as well as cities/towns

2- When finding a gun- they are in so so condition or bad condition - this means they need cleaning from a Gun Cleaning kit- if not cleaned they are known to Jam (but they are usable) (Guns must be upkeep with cleaning kits)

3- I want it where Infected will change movement animations when attacking or running/searching (this means you see a crawler or hopper on the ground and you think your safe but then they suddenly get up and run for a period of time and go back to original animations- The idea that you can't predict the Infected's behavior--And more and more Infected =)

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1. SMK integration. A range of additional movements like rolling,blindfiring, urban proning and back to wall would enhance the gameplay considerably. As long as people can ignore it and play normally but advanced players can use the full range of movements.

2. Make everything harder from zombies being a genuine threat, making hunting an art in itself and making the healing/survival mechanics more complex. I want to weigh up my options continually, fighting exposure and infection as much as I fight bandits now.

3. A genuine sense of being able to leave your impression on the map/server. From building bases to leaving clues, securing areas to reaching places that are otherwise impassable without a skilled squad or special training.

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In no particular order:

1. More stores with more items. Specifically more clothes and variety of weapons. Getting my hands on my favourite weapon is easy right now, if there were more weapons there would be less chance of finding your favourite weapon and you'd be forced to make do for longer. Same goes for clothing.

2. I want zombies to be the BIGGEST threat in the game. I want to be as scared as I was before I worked out that I could just run constantly, run through a building, enter a vehicle or step into a bush. I never want to feel totally safe running through a city.

3. Zombies of all ages, races and sexes. Chernarus is an equality-loving communist state afterall. Plus I'm tired of shooting that dude in the yellow-shirt.

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All would be nothing without security

if the new mmo system works out, stopping the hacks then just that alone would make me play this game everyday.

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The one thing I want is a more psychological warfare aspect between survivors, bandits, etc. It's nice to know that your next step could easily be your last

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- A reworking of the communication system. For example, there could be 5 types:

  1. Whisper - only one targeted player within 10 meters can read/hear
  2. Talk - Anyone within 50 meters can read/hear
  3. Shout - Anyone within 500 meters can read/hear
  4. Scream - All that shows up is "Ahhh" but anyone within 1000 meters can read/hear.
  5. Walkie-Talkie - This is an item that must be found. Has a maximum range (~5 KM) unless the sender is at a high enough elevation, then anyone on the same frequency anywhere on the map can hear.

- A reworking of the inventory system.

  • Inventory should be based partially on inventory space (bags) and on total weight. Let's say your bag is full and you happen to find 2 jerrycans and rope. You would be able to attach the jerrycans to yourself at the expense of weighing a little more, which would slow your movement speed. You can keep tying on more stuff, but eventually you'll move at a snail's pace. It'd also be great if this were visible, so you'll eventually look like a giant walking garage sale. This gives you a very important decision - if you want to carry around several nice guns, you can, but everyone who sees you will notice that you have several nice guns that maybe they want to kill you for. And you'll probably move a little bit slower with these nice guns, so you're more vulnerable (and you can't hide a nice rifle in a backpack).

- Tracking

  • It could be something simple - depending on shoe type and how you're moving, a certain number of footprints are left. If you're walking in sneakers, nothing shows up. If you're jogging, maybe 1 out of 10 steps leave a print, and if you're running, then half of your steps leaves a print. Once a player has discovered a certain number of footprints, they can figure out if they are fresh (left within the last 10 minutes) or old. Moving through bushes should cause leaves to drop on the ground surrounding it.

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