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Make zombies a little more slower and allow grouping.

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Topics like this are rather pointless, no?

You don't explain your suggestions in any other way besides: "Add this."

Zombies are actually going to be made FASTER(in the sense of them NOT walking in-doors anymore) in the standalone.

Read the two links in my signature. You'll find that this mod/upcoming game isn't going to cater to the weaker minds.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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Don't give reasons or elaborate, we don't want to take you seriously anyway.

Hey man, you need to chill. This guy may not have the best suggestions, but there's no need to be a jerk about it. Why not give him some advice so he can become a productive member of the forums instead of insulting him?

Edited by colekern
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I like how this guy's posted multiple, short threads, and the same 3 people come on and argue. 2 of 'em ridicule him, and then colekern backs up the OP. lol.

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I am not really sure that I want to be groped by a zombie. That just screams post-apocalyptic sexual harassment.

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I think I like the idea [...]

me thinks so, too

I would like to see slow(er) "Zombies" but like 10 - 20 times as many.

I also think the "Zombies" should not do more damage, it is fine as it is now, because of the bleeding mechanic.

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Hey man, you need to chill. This guy may not have the best suggestions, but there's no need to be a jerk about it. Why not give him some advice so he can become a productive member of the forums instead of insulting him?

He doesn't need us to make him a productive member because we already have a hundred stickies which will do that exact thing.

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Part of the attraction for so many players was faster zeds (Tell me you were not terrified when you looked behind and they are within grabbing distance) rocket listened and gave us ideas about zombie states and longevity and due to heavy modifications to the engine more zombies on screen at one time (Planned for SA) having slower and more zeds on screen now will slow servers and cause lag making it unplayable for those with a less than beast status computer system.

Add the numerous types of injuries and weight limits I'm hoping some players will get faster zombies. Slowing the zombies down will offer very much the lower threat level we have come to expect from the MOD. There is a version of Taviana where there are more zeds spawning, this has made it a hell of a lot more harder and IMO better than just being able to run around without a decent threat.

I honestly don't think DayZ would benefit from slower type of Zeds it would offer a totally different game play (Are you an ex WarZ player just out of interest?)

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He doesn't need us to make him a productive member because we already have a hundred stickies which will do that exact thing.

But it can't hurt. The only thing insulting the guy will do is make the OP feel like an idiot and the insulter look like a massive jerk.

Why direct him to the stickies?

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Why direct him to the stickies?

Because the stickies are made to be read.

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Because the stickies are made to be read.

My bad, that was supposed to why not direct him to the stickies. My typing skills are worse than I thought.

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