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First real bandit encounter: What could I have done differently?

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All right, like the title said, I want to know what could (or should) I have done differently?

I'm on a fairly empty server, ~10 people. 2 people are bragging about the kills they're getting in Cherno, which I am just outside, wanting to enter. Now, I wait roughly half an hour, and then decide to enter, and search, Cherno. (Note, at this point, all I really have is a CZ and a makarov - hardly going to last me in a firefight).

I take a quick search of a hospital, and then make my way to the fire station. When I reach the top, I hear footsteps below me. I turn around, makarov drawn, and see someone with a rifle sitting right below me.

Now, let it be said, I am friendly. I don't like killing people, and I've never actually done so before. The problem is, I knew there had been bandits here recently. I pumped a whole clip into him, and he dropped like a rock. Then I saw his friend unconscious on the floor. Upon realizing neither of them were bandits, I bandaged him and gave him a blood transfusion, to say "Sorry for killing your friend, but what was I supposed to do?"

He seemed to accept my apology, and didn't shoot me. We both kind of stayed up there, not sure what was next, when a person spawned in front of us. He was unarmed, and so neither of us shot him, but less than 5 seconds later, I heard gunshots. These gunshots were close, and I wasn't sure if the newcomer had just drawn a weapon, if the person I just revived turned bandit, or what was happening, and I wasn't sticking around to find out. I booked it out of the fire station, and used alt to look around and find that one of the bragging bandits was up there. I drew my CZ, and tried to hit him, but completely missed.

At this point, I was really annoyed with this guy. He was taunting in voice chat, shooting, doing all kinds of obnoxious things. I sat there with my sniper for a minute, seeing if I could get another shot and considering just charging him with my makarov, using the element of surprise. I decided that was absolutely moronic, and it occurred to me that I could climb the fire station's ladders and kill him with my sniper when he left.

So, I snuck around the building, climbed the ladder, and started searching. Unfortunately, I couldn't find him, and after a few minutes, I gave it up and left the area.

I realize this was long, but I just have one thing to say: I know I did the right thing in shooting the first person. I had no way of knowing he was friendly, and just a moment to decide. I want to know what could I have done that may have killed the bandit, or if I did everything OK?

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Like I said, I had no problem shooting the guy.

Perhaps I should be more clear. What could I have done to kill the bandit?

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All you could have done was to wait him out and hope he poked his head up so you could take the shot. Charging him would have just got you killed.

Unless you had a grenade....

Edited by DemonGroover

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