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v1.7.5 zombies attack vehicles: choppers?

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They break the glass in vehicles now.

Does anyone know how this impacts re-fuelling a chopper? Do the choppers still leak fuel when the glass is broken?

If so, that totally sucks.

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Why don't Chopper have fuel tanks? Glass should be meant to keep out the weather and damage from zombies

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So I tried re-fuelling. At the end, some zombies were standing around the chopper as usual - aggro'd, but they don't enter the rotor area. But when I got in to take off, one zombie attacked the chopper. Four glass are now yellow.

That's ridiculous.

I must assume that the devs are so bad at the game that they never manage to get themselves a chopper!

Edited by Anti

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This thread is full of derp. Once a helicopter has been fully repaired it will not leak, even if it gets damaged again. The only time it leaks is before it is completely repaired.

And don't be a dickhead and say that about the devs, I have personally spoken to two of them and they're great people who put a lot of time and effort in to this mod without being paid

Edited by jdz
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So I tried re-fuelling. At the end, some zombies were standing around the chopper as usual - aggro'd, but they don't enter the rotor area. But when I got in to take off, one zombie attacked the chopper. Four glass are now yellow.

What a scandalous act on the part of those pesky devs, making landing a helicopter to refuel a risky thing!

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Once a helicopter has been fully repaired it will not leak, even if it gets damaged again. The only time it leaks is before it is completely repaired.

That might be true for the choppers you've had, the server you play on, and/or the version you play on. But it isn't universally true for v1.7.4.4 and before. The server I play on has always been bang up-to-date with all versions of Arma and DayZ, and as far as I know all choppers leak due to broken glass, no matter how many times they've been repaired already.

I don't know if windscreen leaking has been changed for v1.7.5 - it isn't in the changelog.

And don't be a dickhead and say that about the devs

My comment was somewhat tongue-in-cheek. But I do feel that it was hard enough and dangerous enough to refuel a chopper already, considering you have to make yourself very vulnerable for twenty minutes, and that one shot from another player during refuelling or flight meant you had to go on a precarious mission to replace a windscreen before you could log off without losing all your fuel overnight.

If the windscreen leaking is the same in v1.7.5, then having a zombie cause untold damage to half your windscreens in the space of ten seconds is a bit much in my opinion, especially when it takes a couple of dangerous hours to obtain replacements from a factory hotspot, and considering none of the other vehicles have the same problem.

lolwut? When did 1.7.5 come out?

The server files:


I don't know where you get the client files from - our admin uploads them to his own server for us to download.

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58P_EP1. (Military)

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_EP1. (Military)

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_RCO_EP1. (MilitaryS)

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_CCO_EP1. (MilitaryS)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36C. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36C_camo. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36A_camo. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36K_camo. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - M40A3 (MilitaryS)

* [NEW] - Ability to flip ATV's.

* [NEW] - Zeds spawn while in vehicles.

* [NEW] - Zeds mow have the ability to damage vehicles. This is limited to glass only once glass is destoryed players within will be damage.

* [NEW] - Zeds now have the ability to pull you from open vehicles.

* [NEW] - In combat bot added if your in combat and logoff your player will be replaced with a bot that can still be looted and killed.

* [NEW] - New Load screens added to show timeleft for combat logging.

* [NEW] - Revamped blood icon to now empty as you loose blood Thanks Des

* [uPDATED] - BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS replaced with BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo. (HeliCrash)

* [uPDATED] - Publish Object will now only publish items allowed. (tents, other deployables)

* [uPDATED] - Added a much faster login process.

* [uPDATED] - Limted amount of ammo found with weapons.

* [uPDATED] - Gender selection images updated thanks Des.

* [uPDATED] - Updated infection chance during zed attacks from 1/1000 to 1/50.

* [uPDATED] - Changed Loot tables to increase the supply of Antibiotic drops.

* [Fixed] - Zeds hearing should now be fixed.

* [Fixed] - Temperature icon color now ranges from iceblue (cold) to red (hot)

* [Fixed] - German Tranlations updated.

* [Fixed] - mi17 gunner seat is now fixed (you no longer stand outside)

* [REMOVED] - BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS (Based on poll)

* [REMOVED] - Banned m136 as it never really worked

Edited by Anti

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It will consolidate choppers as an absolute group effort. No going rambo, and if you want to refuel, you better lay down a defence perimeter. Better yet, make sure that you have a ground crew ready, with vehicles to supply the jerrycans. We need more incentives to form communities anyway.

On a side note, I hope this means 1.7.5 is stable enough to be released 'soonish'

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The glass issue is being looked into.

Group Play:

What we do is repair any damaged glass before the server restart or group and stop the zeds damaging the chopper before hand.

Single Play:

Jump into the chopper start engine use eject as soon as you have started the engine and defend while you wait for the engine to be fully running.

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This thread is full of derp. Once a helicopter has been fully repaired it will not leak, even if it gets damaged again. The only time it leaks is before it is completely repaired.

And don't be a dickhead and say that about the devs, I have personally spoken to two of them and they're great people who put a lot of time and effort in to this mod without being paid

Really? It was only 15 hours ago I had a fully green huey get shot at and have one of the windows damaged start leaking fuel. I landed the helicopter and turned the engine off to check.

Edited by Castle

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