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Invisible character on login new patch 1.7.1

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Date/Time: 6/17/2012 ~ 2:22 EST GMT -5

What happened: I logged in and was invisible to my self and my friend but could shoot and be heard /felt and could do normal actions

Where you were: irelevent

What you were doing: logging in

*Current installed version: 1.7.1

*Server(s) you were on: Atlanta 18

*Your system specs: Windows 7 Ultimate - i7 3.24 12GB RAM - Video Card Radeon 6870HD

*Timeline of events before/after error: i logged in i was not visible to myself or friends but my actions were available like get on vehicle shoot etc..

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I had a similar issue, except I also tried to get in a vehicle and it ejected me and caused me to start bleeding. And then I was unable to bandage.

Where you were: NW airfield

What you were doing: logging in, entering a vehicle

*Current installed version: 1.7.1, arma beta 87580 (EDIT: Apparently the launcher didn't actually launch the version of the beta I have installed which may have caused the issue.)

*Server(s) you were on: US2

*Your system specs: Windows 7 Home Premium - Q9450 3.2 8GB RAM - Video Card Radeon 6870HD

*Timeline of events before/after error: When I spawned I was invisible, and I happened to notice a white civilian UAZ near where I was. I entered the UAZ, and then was immediately ejected, bleeding (There was no gunshot, and no zombie nearby). I then tried to bandage myself, but no menu appeared when I right-clicked on a bandage in my inventory, so I disconnected.

I'm currently installing the latest arma beta; will update when I try again.

EDIT: Now it's giving me the "you cannot play/edit this mission because it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted etc..." error; reinstalling dayz and trying again...

EDIT: After following the instructions to install the arma 2 beta again and starting it through steam everything works properly.

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Apparently you're also invisible to other players...

Just got killed by an invisible one, i know he was there because when i ran, i was blocked by his invisible body and i could see the open-backpack option.

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Same thing yesterday at NY8. I have found myself in camo on first view and invisible on 3rd person view and for others. Zombies don't see me and nobody hear my shooting (but weapon is lethal). I don't need eating and drinking and had problem with "pistol" slots: if I try to take some ammo fo pistol - half of active inventory is dropping on a ground. Also my invisible body doesn't start spawn. I can be visible only for a second during re-loading weapon.

It was funny bug then I protected other survivors by killing angry zombies in Chernogorsk like a ghost. :)

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i logged in saw i was invisible figured others were invisible too logged off untill new patch LOL

seems to be my new thing with DayZ

wait for patch see errors log out

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I have this aswell. I spawned with a bandit skin... and also when you have the "Poltergeist" glitch you can jump off a two story building without dieing and cannot be killed zombies. The only thing that kills the "Poltergeist" is a CZ550 and thermal vision :/

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I will be teleported in another location (I dont know where, but where I see nothing).I only install patch on DayZ.And I see 3 peoples near me , 1 will be dead.What I need to do with that.I goes on many servers and I again will be where (where nothing , with some peoples).I need hotfix with that.Or what I need to do?

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This is happenning to me too, but i just logged "Invisible" behind a dude and he called me cheater -.-

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having the exact same thing, really pissing me off now with all the problems with this game. wish the update and download system was like Minecraft's

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It happened to me also. Last time I logged off I was being attacked in a barn by a bunch of zombies and suddenly got very dark and I couldn't see a thing so I used all my ammo trying to shoot them. The zombies could barely touch me either but one successfully made me bleed. I bandaged myself up, my blood went down below 6000 and I couldn't see anything so I stayed on prone. I think only one zombie was left on me after this, but I couldn't see anything (even with the gamma and brightness to the max), had no ammo, my items weren't working (chem light, flares, flash light...), it was really buggy, so I just logged off and came back later.

Also before I continue I would like to specify that I had found and talked to some people earlier on the same game, so everything was fine, but once i tried to bandages myself and didn't seem to work, so I tried again and again and again... I had 5 bandages in total and at some point I successfully bandaged myself up, but all 5 of my bandages disappeared... it seemed really buggy and/or laggy at the time.

So I logged off and logged back in later, but I suddenly got invisible to zombies and players. I could take items, but strangely enough, my back pack was fine but what was in my inventory otherwise was disappearing. I could kill zombies and player, could steal from their back packs... My top right UI where you can see all the kills and your blood lost disappeared, I could see clearly in day light (even though I had less than 6000 blood). Local chat didn't seem to work for me, but the side chat did. And after all this shit, I tried to log off and logged back in, had the same problem multiple times, tried on different servers, most of them were telling me I had a bad version and it was barely functional so I went to bed and came back this morning everything was back to normal, and I finally died because I had no ammo and no blood left. When I respawned the game asked me again if I wanted to be a male or a female...

Other than all that the game seems fine now... except that I died again from zombies hitting and going through walls. -_-

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It hapeens to me too!

I was trying to play 1 hour ago, but couldn't. I'm near Polana, in the forest, and I like to play in 3rd view, but i couldn't see my character in this view, only in first view, but I think that nobody can see me, I can walk, shoot, prone, etc. But my friends can't see me! And I can't listen shoots from others players too.

Somebody can help?

My friend got shooted and killed in the market of Elektro, and he is sure that was a invisible guy that kill's him.

I'll not play again until this bug got a solution, I'm not alive for six days to someone how are with this problem shoot and kill me.


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It's still not fixed. I'm invisible. I can't use my inventory. Players can't see me but when I shoot they can hear me. What do I need to do to fix it?

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Are you guys using sixUpdater?

I believe this is entirely a data issue.

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Are you guys using sixUpdater?

I believe this is entirely a data issue.

I use 6 updater to update, have both @DayZ and expansion beta in the preset. My last two updates have been done using the 6 Launcher however. I launch my game via Steam using the Operation Arrowhead shortcut.

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if you want more info or would like me to test anything add me on steam (Sgt.Trojan) or join our teamspeak ts3.britishsergeantsmess.com

I think I have found the issue. I launched the game via 6 updater and I can now see myself. It appears to be Steam related.

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I got killed for an invisible guy today. He even commented after that, and seemed like more people on the server were getting the issue.

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This is happening because you are joining the game without using ArmA 2 Beta patch! Beta patch is mandatory since 1.7.0, but for some reason some servers are still letting non-beta clients in.

All servers should restrict joiners to beta patch users only: Important: Server admins - Restrict your server to beta users.

Don't play on servers which do not restrict. You can see the required version on lower right corner of the server browser. It should say 1.60.93825 (or newer build). If it says 1.60 then do not join that server.

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This is a non beta patch, 1.6.0 versions will spawn as an invisible person in a functional game. Did some testing with a friend and you can kill other players. Also character doesn´t save nor you don´t get select male/female character.

Zombies don´t react you, can´t get hungry or thirsty, survivors can hear you gun shots.

Invisible fully on 3rd person mode, 1st person can see hands, cloves on.

it´s starting to get boring to run around in cherno and closing the doors.

.....too drunk....must pass out.

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I've also had problems with the new patch..

1. I cannot see my character

2. I cannot find any loot

3. Diamonds appear on screen revealing locations of all other players

4. The sheet that shows the stats is gone

5. My life, food, thirst meters don't appear to be working

6. I moved one town over and logged out and then when i logged onto a different server i spawned back to the other town...

7. No zombies spawned in either of the two towns i searched

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I had test this, and the reason it seems to happen is if you run non-beta version of Arma, with 1.7 (or above) patch, you will have this.

You cannot use items (right click disabled), you will be ejected out of the vehicles, all of your actions will be erased when you log off, you will be invisible to others, and have no hud.

Easiest way to check, log in the way you do now, run somewhere+change up items, log out, and log back in, you will spawn in same place with original items.

Easiest fix - install six updater and use it to launch the game.

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Then i guess the six updater is broken. That's all ive used for the update and it hasn't taken me above 1.60

I guess i need to uninstall reinstall the game and start from scratch?

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Then i guess the six updater is broken. That's all ive used for the update and it hasn't taken me above 1.60

I guess i need to uninstall reinstall the game and start from scratch?

Make sure that:

A. You're using six launcher, not update, one has all arms mods, second only DayZ

B. In settings for SU, you have option for beta selected

Also, keep in mind that it updates to the server you have selected, so select a server with latest patches to.have it work.

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