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wo0kie (DayZ)

Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

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Thanks for your reply - Although I appreciate your suggestion that the 'answer' is in the sticky at the top of the forum, it is labelled 'Regarding Genders, Skins & Teleportation.'

This is a term I do not associate with my problem or issue, so did made the assumption it was unrelated, or related to another issue.

Thanks for your reply - I will check all relative information this evening, and will attempt to join once more.


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Just a recap. If you're in the winderness (NO TREES) and have a life/kit you want to keep read on...

The previous fix for this was to join a 1.7.0 server (there are about 15 running at time of post). This specifically worked with canada 2 which has upgraded (apart from "canada 2 GMT+4" which is down at present). NB. You may get client errors when you do this (because of version differences) but if you see trees then you are in the debug forest which is GOOD. Give the game a chance to save your new location then try a pukka server.

My suggestion is to try one of these servers. Please report back any successes. Otherwise as has repeatedly been said make sure you have the latest Arma2 Beta Client (MORE IMPORTANTLY YOU KNOW HOW TO RUN THE AMRA2 BETA CLIENT).

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I appreciate that you didn't associate the term but it is fairly regularly thrown around.

i.e. "I was near Stary Sobor before and after this update I've been teleported to the debug area!"


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yea im having the same issue as well. last i saw I was on top of a guard tower at the airstrip and now im stuck in this area.....

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Spawned in the wasteland... got shot immediately. Lost all my gear it took me 8 days to collect after I died from another glitch.

The lack of proper coded and rushed updates has put me off this game til beta or some of this shit gets addressed. We are all trying to play this game according to Rocket's grand vision, however until it some of the game breaking mechanics get fixed it's completely pointless.

The only time I have died in this game is from glitches... I really don't want to invest more time into another character knowing I'll die from another damn glitch.

Why not make this game a tad more PLAYABLE while you debug the game? Turn up the difficulty as you iron out the bugs.

You'll have a MUCH HAPPIER fan base.

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this just happen to my character.

Can update be only one time per week instead of everyday? Take a few days to work out the bugs...

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I was kicked by BattleEye restriction #49 and then when I logged back in I was in this area without anything in my character, there was 2 of us there. This happened after a server reset.

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same problem than GKhan

battleye restriction #49 then spawned in the debug area

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In the end I ran for 50 mins East as suggested and still couldn't find anything.

I re-spawned, and the game worked for circa 10 mins - I was shut in a room and couldn't open the door. Logged out, logged back in and hey presto back in the wasteland again.

Every-time I attempted a re-spawn I get no 'You are dead' screen - Just re-spawn exactly where I was before....

I am more than grateful for the support that Rocket and his team has devoted to this mod, but it is now getting annoying that there is no 'Offical' fix - Yes granted, respawning fixed the issue temporarily, but id like to play for a little longer than 10 minutes.

Ideally, this needs to be looked into by the mods and the reason for it happening needs to be addressed. Until then, I wont attempt to join again, its just too damn annoying !!!!


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Did that fix just now. Still stuck in the wasteland. Health down to 1300 and I pass out every minute or so and can't run east to get out. I guess I'm stuck until it's fixed. Too bad I can't at least kill myself and respawn. Or have different characters to spawn in with.

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From Rocket: Found the issue causing the debug forest spawn. Fixed in the next hotfix (, eta 8 hours.

We'll see if that sorts the wasteland out too.

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Remember if you're at the wastelend, you have to run south east, not just east.

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Hi Guys' date='

Whilst I really appreciate the input from some of the community members on 'work arounds' for this bug, I must admit I am a little disappointed that we have had absolutely no feedback at all from the Dev's.

Granted, the game is at Alpha stage and bugs are to be expected but I cant help but feel that this issue specifically is being ignored or not looked into - I have no doubt in my mind that the Dev team are excruciatingly busy with hotfixes, server stability and the like and thus far I feel the game has had more than enough support. The recent developments of the game itself have impressed many of the community and I'd like to be part of it, but without an 'official fix' for this problem many of the community are being left out of the excitement !!!!

I have heard that the 'running East fix' can take anywhere between 5 mins and 4 hours depending on where you spawn - I would simply rather wait for an official fix before potentially getting killed when I re-enter the map.

Rocket and Team - Please can you give us some feedback on this issue, is it being looked into ?

Thanks !



The reason no one has answered is because the answer is in a sticky at the top of the forum.

People are only teleported off map and stay there when (98% of the time) they either run the incorrect files/join a incompatible server or (2% of the time) there is an issue related directly to a server crashing.

In any case, the fix is to always run the latest files and to always be aware of what server version you are joining.

Once that's sorted you have to either re-spawn or run back to the map.


I'm currently running back.. another 1 or 2 hours to go! Luckily I had lots of food and water.. and there's a ton of farm animals out here! lol

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Having the same problem. using with the 93965 beta patch, around 7pm i logged onto a server to find myself in the barren wasteland, left the game instantly cause there were players killing each other. I then went to 3-4 servers with the same problem. I finally took 2 hours to run SE to barely survive getting water from a pool with the thirst ui blinking red. I was able to play on multiple servers after returning to the main land. Then just a little bit ago join another server to find myself back in the barren wasteland.

During all these times i did keep my gear, but the 2nd time i don't have the food/water stacked up as i did the first time so I am pretty much stuck...

I have tried joining different servers with the correct version of day z and beta patch version after this last problem but i am still stuck :(

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A "debug forest" fix is coming on Monday. Wonder if this also fixes the wilderness?

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Well i mite of found a temp fix, revert your game back to by getting the torrent. Then filter the servers to Canada 2, which should send you to the debug forest area, then head 2km east and you'll hit Pavlovo. Log out and filter the servers to and see if you are out of the debug area. ATM kind of uneasy to go back to .5 just to respawn back into the barren wasteland..


Found the info there..

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Well i mite of found a temp fix' date=' revert your game back to by getting the torrent. Then filter the servers to Canada 2, which should send you to the debug forest area, then head 2km east and you'll hit Pavlovo. Log out and filter the servers to and see if you are out of the debug area. ATM kind of uneasy to go back to .5 just to respawn back into the barren wasteland..


Found the info there..


This is what I did, back version, Canada 2, run in to Pavlovo, despawn, upversion.

Be super careful on Canada 2, theres plenty of assholes waiting in that area to kill you.

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i just started spawning in the wasteland, what ever server i join i still spawn there

update: i started running east and i ended up on the map again

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Just dropped the beta patch back to 93825 from the current 93965, i've had 2 problems since going to 93965, i either get instantly transported to the barren wilderness or i get booted by the #16 battleye restriction. I've been doing this back and forth for the last few hours on different servers and having to drop back to to get back to civilization easier using the Canada 2 server. It seems staying at with 93825 seems the most stable for me at the moment...

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well fuck. Just got this bug, Lost all my gear was in the wilderness, only thing that was the same was my blood level and food / water and zombie kills thanks crappy server hosts died at 550 zombie kills, plenty of gear, blood, decent ammo, good bandages to. Fuck

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Thanks Canada 2 worked for me. If you have no compus just walk left or right if get a glimpse of willderness turn arround and go in the oposite direction.

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