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wo0kie (DayZ)

Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

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I've also spawned in this wasteland. My name ingame is C and I have been running east for hours and no luck. Any solution yet?

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mr.c open a server called canada 2 in you siux launcher. You will find your self in a forest not in the wilderness fallow my advice in last post it works.

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Thank you BMARTINS - it worked! I can play again!

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It seems fairly rare to encounter this bug but when you do you just gotta deal with it by joining Canada 2. It's the only way.

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Had this happen to me with the new patch update. The first time I ran out and noticed I was invisible and when I logged out and came back in guess what! Yup straight back in it. I hesitate a couple of times but eventually I go back because I'm no longer invisible, take damage, and lose water and food. I finally get out and meet up with two friends... we abort a couple of times (Bathroom, snacks, and other sorts of breaks) the server resets and guess what!!!!! Straight back to the debug forest with nothing in my inventory. I uninstalled the game because I'm tired of and before I get the whole "It is in Alpha!!!!" Yeah I know and I'm still playing the game, killing zombies, and scavenging for material. This time I only had an M16 with 5 clips, a CZ550, and most of the tools. I don't want to waste the time to get all this and more with this as a possibility considering it has happened to me twice... so nty.

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Just happened to me - even though I haven't changed a single thing since logging out last night. 23km's to the nearest tree. Going to be a long walk.

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i had the same problem...but then i installed the arma 2 beta patch and downloaded the arma 2 launcher ....and now its working :)

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I made it out! after spending hrs looting and collecting equipment ( cobra ak, winchester, mak, tool box, knife, matches, hatchet, military flashlight, 3 steaks from goat, 2 cans of food, 5 drinks which included 2 water cans to refill ) I spawned in barren wasteland! after looking around for a fix someone said to just hop on to texas6 (tx6) server and head east. but when looking for that server it wasn't there. there was however tx9! I thought I would give it a go. and what do you know, I spawned in the woods! no longer in barren wasteland. but still lost and with no compass I can still run in the wrong direction. I heard someone say that clouds always flow east? not sure if that's true, but people said when in forest run east. so I followed clouds! and bam! 5 min later I'm in Kamenka! now Im back in business.

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I also just spawned in the barren wasteland. All of my equipment gone, my inventory completely empty. It was the longest I've lived yet and with awesome gear too :(

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Does anybody know that if you go in the canada 2, tx6 or tx9 servers, you will just automatically spawn in the wilderness debug?

I had a friend spawn in the barren wasteland in, it's like 25kms to get back to the map and he doesn't have enough food or drink to sustain him. Essentially, we need to get specific gear off him that he was carrying, but we're afraid that A. He'll get back to civilisation after spawning in the wilderness on one of those servers, log out and log into a server where we can meeet him, only to spawn in the wasteland again, or B. We spawn into one of those wilderness servers and all spawn in the wilderness.

Anybody confirm any of this?

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It happened to me yesterday... but I looked it up at youtube and found out, that you can manage it, by just running south east !

I had a GPS so it was no Problem to navigate.

Only Problem was, that I was hungry and had no food.

But I just ran sw and started near the coordinates 999|000...

I ran and ran and nothing changed on the GPS monitor.

After the first hour, I died because of no food :(

I disconnectec with 150 blood, hoping to join another server on the regular map.

So I connected to several servers, but they just answered:

"waiting for player to create..."

I tried to respawn and saw, how my char died in wasteland, but I still could not spawn...

So I tried more servers until I found one, in which I started in wasteland again, but with 12k blood ^^

Now I had new hope again...

I opened the map and saw, that I am on the coordinates ~ 968|008.

So I just started to run east !

After another hour I reached the forest in 001|008.

Very happy, I made some wood and cooked meat, so I got back to 10k blood and ran to the lake in the top left corner of the map to refill my bottles.

Now I am just fine again and lost nothing ! :)

If there were trees in wasteland, I would have had no problems to survive there again :)


When I spawned there, I saw a big group of players, all alive, without backpacks... but they did not answer me...

Before I spawned there, there was a battleeye failure, which disconnected me and the other players (before the disconnect, there were 40 players on the server, seconds later only 20) than we spawned in wilderness...

- perhaps this will help u guys fixing the problem (not sure what I read there on the screen when battleeye failure disconnected me...)

I think you are doing great work with dayz and I just love this mod, even the alpha !!!


Snak3 !

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I made it out! after spending hrs looting and collecting equipment ( cobra ak' date=' winchester, mak, tool box, knife, matches, hatchet, military flashlight, 3 steaks from goat, 2 cans of food, 5 drinks which included 2 water cans to refill ) I spawned in barren wasteland! after looking around for a fix someone said to just hop on to texas6 (tx6) server and head east. but when looking for that server it wasn't there. there was however tx9! I thought I would give it a go. and what do you know, I spawned in the woods! no longer in barren wasteland. but still lost and with no compass I can still run in the wrong direction. I heard someone say that clouds always flow east? not sure if that's true, but people said when in forest run east. so I followed clouds! and bam! 5 min later I'm in Kamenka! now Im back in business.




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Thank you sire for telling me that tx9 sent me to the closest forest! Sir I made this forum account to say thank you.

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Same thing just happened to me today. I spawned in the middle of no where with ALL of my gear gone! Only thing still there is the ghille suit I was already wearing. I will try the tx9 server trick.

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