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Rick the Survivor

Custom Skin Option in SA

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In Arma 2 you spawn with a random character and all you can really change is your face. I think it would be cool if you can change some features of yourself aside from the hero bandit and clothing system. You would be able to change color of skin, face, gender and what clothes you start with. obviously you could not start with a ghillie suit of something like that. I think this would add some personality to your charater and so you could distinguish between different members of a group more easliy becuase in a real survival situaton you would not everyone would look the exact same in a ghillie suit.

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I approve of this, but it would require slight restrictions as not to make fresh spawns too unfair.

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It's already in. There will be custom clothes designed just for DayZ and you'll be able to change hats, shoes, trousers and coats.

However, most of it you'll have to find in-game.

Edited by Fraggle

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It's already in. There will be custom clothes designed just for DayZ and you'll be able to change hats, shoes, trousers and coats.

However, most of it you'll have to find in-game.

As long as I can find a purple fur coat and a fur trimmed fedora, we tight... Otherwise I will be holding you personally responsible Frags.

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