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Andrew C

Andrew and Friends looking for more Friends

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Name: Webster

Age: 21

In-Game Name: DimSum

Location: NYC, USA

Kind of player: Survivor

Experience: 1 week

Job: 25S-7D for the US Army

Interests: Beautiful women

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Dimsum618 Welcome to Andrew and Friends! and thank you so much for your service! Check you inbox. Hope to see you on!

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Name:Kasparas Age:17

In-Game Name:Kaspa

Location: State/Providence, Country Vilnius Lithuania

Kind of player: Survivor, Bandit or Hero. Survivor, more of a hero

Experience: (how long you have been playing) For about 2 weeks

Job: if applicable No job :D

Interests: What you like to do in your free time other then playing Dayz.Riding motorcycles, Hanging out with friends

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Welcome kaspa. I was in vilinus 2 years ago in the old city. Its beautiful there. Check your pm friend.

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Name: Rasmus Age: 17

In-Game Name: Mupplo.

Location: Sweden.

Kind of player: Mainly survivor.

Experience: about a week.

Job: No job.

Interests: Scuba diving and gaming.

Would be fun to join a server with less hackers and a bit less hostile players.

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Name: Chris Age: 27

In-Game Name: Sidewinder91

Location: England

Kind of player: Survivor

Experience: 5 months

Job: Military

Interests: MOH-W on Xbox360

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Sidewinder91 Thank you for what you do for your Country, I'm sure they appreciate it as we do our own. Welcome to Andrew and Friends, check your Pm.

Edited by Davirusdb99

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Wish i could right now but I am at work. later today i might be.

please like us on facebook and post messages there. this is more of a recruiting area.

Edited by Davirusdb99

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Name: Jarred Age: 22

In-Game Name: Talent Show

Location: State/Providence, Country Ontario CA

Kind of player: Survivor, Bandit or Hero. All - Depending how im feeling

Experience: (how long you have been playing) Since release

Job: if applicable - Direct Energy

Interests: What you like to do in your free time other then playing Dayz. - Gym Volleyball Beer

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lxTalentShow Welcome to Andrew and friends. Check your PM for my message. See you soon!

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Name: Glen

Age: 20

In-Game Name: Bernard Black

Location: Ireland

Kind Of Player: Aggressive Assault and Spotter

Experience: Playing DayZ since June and have been in several clans

Job: Student.

Interests: Gaming, Youtube, Jogging, Cycling, Drama

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Welcome to Andrew and Friends Hysteria. Check your PM, Hope to see you on!

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I'm up for joining a decent mature team of uk players,

User name in game is





Playing for about three months so I can get by pretty well

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Bobc, We do have some eu players as well as usa players. Welcome to andrew and friends check your pm.

Edited by Andrew C

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Name: Dan

Age: 14

In-Game Name: Dan

Location: USA NJ

Kind of player: I want to be a hero and help people, but i currently have a bandit skin for shooting wild axemen coming at me

Experience: 6 months

Interests: I like skateboarding, playing the sax and trumpet. I like having a fun time and a laugh once in a while

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Dan the man welcome. Your humanity will start at 2500. Chech you pm and welcome.

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Divine Knights gaming clan has started a DayZ division in anticipation of the DayZ standalone.

We are a group of players of different play styles come together not just to survive but thrive.

Sometimes we hunt other players, sometimes we scavenge, sometimes we build. Hell,

sometimes we kill each other. But above all, we work as a team to ensure group survival. And

when push comes to shove, we back each other and fight together as a dominating force.

We are looking for mature players at least 18 years of age, with good communication skills,

plays the game as it's meant to be played, no combat logging, no cheating / hacking, team

player, not afraid to sacrifice for the good of the team, similar interests / play styles.

Check out some of our random DayZ clips by our member Jean13ob at http://www.youtube.c...ean13o13/videos

Contact Us:

Play with us on our server:

DKGC Private Hive - DayZ Celle

Check out the Divine Knights main site at http://divineknightsclan.com

And register in our forums and meet the Knights at http://divineknights...forum/forum.php

Add the leaders on steam as well.

Master General: Radica - Terra_Nova_11

Lt. General: Strigoi - Strigoi357

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